Ultraman Senki

Chapter 932 Breakthrough, Meteorite Circle

The Super Victory Team is holding a battle meeting. This battle is different from the past. It needs to enter the mysterious asteroid belt to attack a well-equipped human base.

This is different from previous battles with monsters. Once Yamazaki in the base notices it, it may turn things into the worst possible situation, that is, the opponent launches missiles first.

This battle must be concealed, enter the interior of the Rockland base, and terminate the rocket launch. Captain Xibi arranged the battle plan with a serious face: In case of emergency, the other two fighter jets stay outside, so that if they cannot These two fighter jets are responsible for destroying the launched missiles if they prevent the missiles from being launched.


Asuka and Liang drove the Alpha plane into the Rockland base, and the others separated to prevent the rocket from launching. Captain Xibi arranged the personnel.

Asuka, you heard clearly, this mission must not be careless, if it fails, many people will lose their lives, do you understand? Captain Xibi looked at Asuka with a serious face.

Understood! Asuka stood at attention and said very seriously: I will definitely prevent the rocket from launching.

Super Victory Team, let's go! Captain Xibi nodded and gave the order to go.

Understood! All the team members raised their thumbs up to represent understanding, and then spread out to make preparations before departure.

The asteroid that built the Rockland base has been moved by Yamazaki to a place with hundreds of meteorites around it, so if an aircraft wants to approach here, it must slow down or it will definitely hit the meteorite, and if If the speed is reduced, it will be impossible to evade the defense system carried by the Rockland base itself, providing the base with natural protection.

However, now there is a ghostly aircraft flying among hundreds of meteorites. This fighter is very fast, and it is still flying in a curve. Its posture is as graceful as a surfer surfing.

The fighter jet was painted in dark gray, and the radar waves detected by the Rockland base were all absorbed by the coating on it, like a ghost shuttled through the dark void of the universe and quickly approached the Rockland base.

At this time, the Super Victory Team also came to the rare meteorite gathering place in this asteroid belt. Liang was surprised to see the dense light spots displayed on the radar: How is it possible to fly at such a high speed in such a place?

Asuka, is it okay? Captain Xibi was also stunned. He didn't expect there to be so many meteorites here, but there are nearly thousands of meteorites scattered in the area of ​​millions of meters. This kind of terrain is slightly different. Be careful and you will die.

Just let you see how powerful I am, Asuka. Asuka pulled the headset over confidently: Liang, you and the captain stay outside, I am enough by myself.

Speaking of Asuka, he pushed the joystick, and the Alpha machine separated from the Victory Condor and rushed directly into the meteorite area.

Wait a minute, Asuka... Before Captain Xibi could say anything, the Alpha machine driven by Asuka rushed into the meteorite area without any intention of slowing down. Under the control of Asuka, the Alpha machine was like a graceful dancer Quickly avoiding meteorites. You must know that the speed of the Alpha machine is as high as several thousand meters per second, even if the reaction is slow, it will hit the meteorite head-on.

However, under the control of Asuka, the Alpha machine made a quick turn and moved forward at a distance of less than 100 meters from the meteorite every time. I am afraid that if this distance is slowed down by 0.1 seconds, it will hit it.

This guy... Although Captain Xibi wanted to reprimand Asuka for acting without authorization, he had to admit that only Asuka of the Super Victory Team had this technology to break through the meteorite layer outside the Rockland base.

Even the former ace pilot Liang dare not say that he can do this. Asuka's technology has reached the limit of what humans can do. This kind of driving technology is already perfect, and it is completely a combination of man and machine.

See? This is my real skill. Asuka shuttled among the meteorites with a full face of complacency. Although he knew that he was stronger than Liang before, it was unknown how much stronger he was. There is no harm if there is no comparison, and now the gap has come out all at once, I can enter the meteorite area, but Liang can't.

Soon the asteroid where the Rockland base is located appeared in front of Asuka. Asuka gradually slowed down and reported: Rockland base was found, ready to enter the base.

Received by the headquarters, Lu Chuanwu in the command room said into the headset: Asuka team, the hatch at point 3352 has been opened, and you can enter the Rockland Base from there.

Understood! Asuka said, he flew to the indicated location, and the rusty hatch slowly opened, allowing the Alpha machine to enter the base.

It's really broken here! Asuka jumped out of the cockpit, looking at the dust and some rusty pillars accumulated around him, he couldn't help complaining, although there is no air in the universe that makes steel corrode slowly, but since the corrosion here It's so fast, which means that there is air here again, which means that the base has been reactivated for a while.

Da! Da! Wearing night vision goggles and respirators, Asuka Asuka walked in the empty and quiet corridor with a Brest pistol in both hands. The surrounding lights have long been broken due to disrepair, and Yamazaki settled here. In the end, he didn't repair this area that was useless to him, and it was also because of this that the birds could enter here quietly.

Squeak! Asuka gently pushed open a rusty iron door. From here, it was already the core area of ​​the base, which meant that it was not far from the laboratory area where Yamazaki was staying.

Asuka, passing through this corridor is the experimental area, but the access control there is not controlled by a computer, so Xiaozao can't help. Lu Chuanwu's apologetic voice sounded from the helmet.

Don't worry, I will definitely take that doctor back. Asuka said, hung up the communication, and strode towards the corridor leading to the core area.

Just as Asuka walked through this corridor and was about to turn a corner, there was a slight sound of footsteps from the opposite side. Asuka immediately stopped and hid sideways in a recess beside it. His right index finger was already on the trigger. Listen carefully to the sound of footsteps slowly approaching here.

Shua! Just as the footsteps reached Asuka's place, Asuka suddenly rushed out the Brest pistol in his right hand and instantly hit the head of the person who came, but at this time the other party had only just drawn out the gun.

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