Ultraman Senki

Chapter 939 Alarm from Pluto

On the fourth floor of the ice city, in several passages leading to the command room and the central computer, the gunshots of Boom! Boom! Boom! were constantly echoing, and laser beams hit the body of the half murloc monster Digong, splashing There was a violent spark, and all the murlocs who were shot fell down immediately, turning into a large pile of water and splashing on the ground.

But the ice layer is just a scientific research base, and there are only more than 20 armed personnel in total, and they are basically light weapons such as laser guns, and there are not many ammunition. The armed personnel have to give up after fighting for ten minutes. The other channels were reduced from ten channels to two.

Command room, this is channel A1, our ammunition is about to run out, we can't stop the monster, please give us instructions on the next step! A squad leader roared loudly amid the deafening gunshots.

Xingye stared at the picture on the screen. The battle has been pushed from the corridor side to the middle. Even so, the armed personnel are still retreating, and a large number of strange fish Digong are moving towards this side quickly. come.

How many of these things are there? The administrator of Ice City looked at them in horror. At least one hundred strange fish had been killed since the beginning of the battle, but the number of strange fish had not decreased at all.

I don't know, but we definitely won't be able to consume each other's money. Xingye said, and began to operate on the keyboard, and at the same time said in the microphone: Everyone retreat to the A1 channel, give up other channels, and hold on a little longer.


Xingye took out a communicator from his coat and said softly, Xiao Zuo, immediately connect to the cosmic network and monitor the situation of all satellites in the solar system.

I understand. Xiaozao's cold voice came from the communicator.

Xingye put down the communicator and turned his attention to the N fish monsters in the monitor. On the other side of the screen, it showed the only exit of the ice city that was still under control. Fallen fortress.

The purpose of this guy who calls himself Schum hijacking the ice city is still unclear, but it is absolutely impossible to stop the seawater circulation system. I am afraid that this is just to attract human attention here. This guy definitely has other purposes.

I'd like to see what you want to do! Xingye sat on the chair thinking in his heart and waited until this Schum revealed his real purpose or Xiaozao discovered something strange in other places.

The commander of the armed guard troop hurried over and said to Xingye and the others anxiously: Sir, please leave here quickly.

Xingye raised his head and looked at the monitoring screen. The guards had already retreated into the last passage, and this was the last hundred meters leading here, and the lasers were also in twos and threes. Everyone's bullets were almost exhausted. .

Xingye shook his head slightly. Up to now, he has not found out where these strange fish entered the ice city. In addition, there is a serious shortage of armed personnel in the ice city. Even if the system is taken back, it will not help. It is better to evacuate the technicians here, or lose these people. , Even if the second ice city is built, no one will operate it.

Let's evacuate first. Xingye said and stood up and pulled Mayumi to the emergency escape channel. The staff of Bingcheng were entering the submarine one by one to leave here.

Just give up like that? The administrator of Bingcheng looked at the empty Bingcheng, feeling very uncomfortable. This place is the crystallization of his hard work, but now he wants to throw it to the enemy.

Xingye patted the sad middle-aged man on the shoulder: Talent is the most important thing. As long as there are people around, we can build a second or third ice city.

The multi-functional airship slowly sailed out of the ice city, surrounded by more than a dozen submarines full of ice city technicians rising towards the sea, the communication personnel kept reporting the current coordinates, pointing them to the super victorious team who came to the rescue direction and position.

An unidentified life form was found behind the hull, the radar soldier turned his head anxiously and reported, It is approaching here, and it will catch up with us in a minute.

What? A red dot kept flashing on the radar screen, and the feedback from the radar waves showed that the opponent's body was fifty or sixty meters in size.

Behind the escaping submarine, the two red lantern-like eyes are very conspicuous in the dark water. The fins on both sides of the body of the huge lobster-like monster flick quickly, making the monster fly in the sea. Shuttle, heading straight for the fleet above.

Xingye looked at the distance between the monster and the fleet, pondered for a moment and said, Launch three shock bombs, which explode 800 meters behind the fleet to stop the monster from pursuing.

Yes! Shock missile, launch!

Boom! Boom! Boom! The launch port at the rear of the multifunctional airship opened, and three underwater missiles roared towards the monster behind, and then exploded about 100 meters in front of the monster.

The turbulent shock wave was confined to a small area under the huge pressure of the sea water, which multiplied its power. The monster affected by the power of the explosion roared in pain, and the body that was advancing at high speed couldn't help but stagnate.

Success! Cheers erupted in the airship's operating room, and then concussion bombs were fired continuously, hindering the monster's footsteps.

And here the Super Victory Team has also driven the Victory Submarine into the sea to meet them. The original plan was to enter the ice city to clear the intruders there, but now the task has become to destroy the sea monster.

At the same time, in the orbit of Pluto in the outer solar system, an apparently man-made detection satellite hangs alone in an orbit far away from the earth. When looking at the sun here, you can only see a relatively bright spot of light.

But at this moment, on the outer orbit of the solar system, which has been seldom visited since its birth, there is a large space fleet passing here quickly.

Buzz! The detection satellite immediately lit up an alarm signal, but the signal only lasted less than a second before it was hit by a laser beam from the fleet, which immediately exploded into a ball of flames and was blown up into a sky full of clouds. debris.

The KJ456147 exploration satellite in the orbit of Pluto issued an alarm signal, Xiao Zuo's voice sounded in Xingye's left earphone: The alarm lasted for 0.74 seconds, and contact with the exploration satellite KJ456147 in the orbit of Pluto has been lost.

What? Xingye frowned, looked outside, and saw that the multifunctional airship had already surfaced, spread its wings on both sides and began to glide across the sea, preparing to fly into the sky.

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