The next morning, Cheng Ze hesitated in the room after getting up, and finally decided to go to the gym.

Regardless of whether Yuri xi comes or not, he has no reason to shrink.

After all, nothing happened between them.

It's just that when he was standing in the gym, he still couldn't help playing drums.

"What are you nervous about, don't persuade. Otherwise, it hurts another beautiful anger. It's nothing, it's okay to be a man."

Waiting for Cheng Ze to complete the psychological construction and go in, a clear female voice came from behind him, not Yuri's voice.

"Director Kim Nim, is that you?"

Cheng Ze turned his head when he saw Xian Enjing—and Yoori beside her, he was a little unnatural, and regretted that he hadn’t rested today.

"Inside, it's me. Xian Enjingxi...Yorrin, good morning." Cheng Ze worked hard and smiled as usual.

Yoori could see that Cheng Ze was unnatural, she cast her lips to show her disdain, and then her smile brightened.

Cheng Ze: "..." Seems to be laughed at.

Xian Enjing didn't notice the weirdness between the two. She looked at the sportswear that Cheng Ze was wearing, as well as the water bottle and towel he was holding, and asked, "Director Nim, are you here to work out too?"

"I'm here to exercise, Xian Enjingxi, so are you." Cheng Ze looked at the proud figures of the two women outlined in sportswear, and meditated on New Century Fude in his heart.

Xian Enjing smiled shyly: "Yes, I don't feel very good lately, so I want to come over and sweat."

"This is good. It's best to practice taekwondo. In a few days, we will have a few very important large-scale group shows. Then you will need to show your fists." Cheng Ze closed his fists.

For Kim Sung Taek's joking remarks, Xian Eun Jing was very happy, and Director Kim was also very concerned about her role.

It's just that there is still pressure that comes with expectation, but for Xian Enjing, not only does she not reject pressure at all, but she is very excited.

"I will, director Kim Nim."

Cheng Ze looked at Xian Enjing's fighting spirit, feeling relieved.

"Privately, just call me Kim Sung Taek, without calling the director."

Yuri sneered.

Cheng Ze: "..." How did the aggressiveness increase.

All three of them entered the gym while talking.

Cheng Zebi gestured, "Stop disturbing you, I'm going to work out there."

Xian Enjing heard what Jin Sungze meant, that was, he didn't plan to work out with them.

It’s just that.

The male director and actress co-existing in the same gym is a confusing thing, especially the important thing is that she and Yuri did not bring assistants this morning.

"Nei, director n..." Xian Enjing noticed Jin Chengze's blinking expression and immediately changed her mouth, "Nei, thank Cheng Zexi."

Jeonyul left a sentence of "Let's practice hard" and left, her back is free and easy, at least that's what Xian Enjing sees. She left with a smile, thinking to herself, is there a conflict between the two brothers?

Cheng Ze was stunned, and then walked to the treadmill at the far end. Yuri was on the treadmill at the innermost, so the distance between the two was the farthest, and there was a Xian Enjing.

Jeonyul put on the earphones with the most explosive music in them. After the warm-up jogging, she drove the treadmill to a speed that made Xian Eun quietly slap her tongue, and then shook her arms and arms and ran smoothly. Up.

Here, Cheng Ze also put on the headphones. Two songs "Sunny" and "Spin" are playing in the headphones. The melody of the songs is very beautiful, and the singing of the girl is also very pleasant.

This was sent to him by Kenzie yesterday, saying that it was completely done, and asked if he had any suggestions for revision.

He listened to it for almost half an hour last night, except that he thought Taeyeon sang really nicely and Sika Nuna was also good, he didn't have any thoughts.

Xian Enjing looked at the two people running simultaneously wearing headphones, thinking that she would also wear a headset tomorrow, otherwise she looked so gregarious.

After running, Cheng Ze began to stretch, and when it was almost time he walked to the butterfly machine.

He didn't get on the equipment right away, but according to...Yorri's teaching, he started to do bird clamps after choosing the weight and adjusting the chair.

From his hips, back to his head, he was tightly pressed against the chair. He held the bar and pushed the bar forward with his arms.

One, two, three...

His movements are relatively slow, but he tries his best to make every movement the most standard in order to achieve the best results, that is, to grow the pectoralis major and biceps.

While Cheng Ze was working out according to the plan step by step, Xian Enjing also began to punch sandbags.

Bang bang bang.

Whether it was punching or kicking, Xian Enjing felt that her speed was slowing down, but fortunately, her movements were still in place and standard.

When she came, she was wearing a thin orange sports coat and a black sports vest, but now the coat is taken off.

Because cumbersome clothes will affect the speed of her punches.

Gradually, a layer of crystal clear and dense sweat appeared on her white and delicate arms and fragrant shoulders. Under the high black ponytail was her slender snow neck, and a few strands of blue silk were tightly attached to it with sweat.

Very sexy!

Cheng Ze looked back after taking a glance.

He scolded himself mercilessly from the bottom of his heart, "You have a family now! You must take care of your own eyes! But, don't..."

Suddenly a loud noise awakened the two.

Cheng Ze saw Quan Yuri who fell to the ground at a glance, and he got up and ran over.

The conveyor belt of the treadmill was still rolling there quickly, Yoori half fell aside, his expression pained.

Without thinking too much, Cheng Ze half hugged her carefully.

"Xian Enjingxi, you can go and call Yu Rinunna's assistant Xu Shien to come downstairs and I will wait for her in the car."

"Don't call Eunjeong, I'm fine." Yoori tried to smile at Xian Eunjeong, then turned his face and said coldly to Cheng Ze: "You let me down!"

"Please." Cheng Ze smiled at Xian Enjing, then lowered his head and drank the stubborn girl at the moment, "Shut up, be quiet."

He held her and walked to the elevator.

"Inside." Xian Enjing walked from another elevator, and Xu Shien and her assistant's room was upstairs.

"I don't want to go to the hospital. I will be filming later. You let me down." Yoori struggled to get down, but as soon as she struggled, the pain in her left shoulder, knee and ankle made her take a breath.

Upon seeing this, Cheng Ze said solemnly: "Stop making trouble."

When Yuri heard the three words "Stop making trouble," the nameless flame that was accumulated in her heart immediately ignited.

Is she making trouble?

Actually have the face to say that she is making trouble?

Who on earth brought up the pants and denied them?

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