Unconventional screenwriter

Chapter 319: The Coming Love Triangle

Sika felt that her response was not strong enough, so she sent another message.

[That is, she used to appear in front of me often and repeatedly emphasized to me that she is my fan and she likes me very much.But recently when she appeared in front of me again, she was no longer enthusiastic, and she would not even take the initiative to call my name. It seems that her attention has shifted to other people]

Cheng Ze contemplated Sika's description of this'she', and the image of a scum girl immediately appeared in his mind.This scum girl initially showed great love for Sika. She shouted Sika's name loudly and unabashedly confessed her support. It seemed that she wanted to appeal to Sika with all her love in her heart. Card listen, let her know her importance to her.

Only later, when the enthusiasm dissipated, she became obsessed with the beauty of Taeyeon or other girls, and she no longer paid so much attention to Sika, even indifferent.

This scum girl really hates it!Cheng Ze couldn't help but feel worthless for Sika.

[Sika Nuna, don't be uncomfortable for this kind of person.Some people are born to be big carrots, their love comes swiftly and passionately, and goes swiftly and unsentimentally.And this kind of "love" is not true love, just inferior possessiveness and desire, because true love will never fade]

Seeing this paragraph of his own analysis of the scumbag, he nodded in satisfaction.

Sika glanced at Cheng Ze secretly. She saw the serious and focused expression on his face, feeling inexplicably happy, and she moved her fingers lightly.

[My fans are not so good if you say that]

[Why it's not good, angry that, you must not be soft-hearted to such an insignificant girl or guy.For us, what we should pursue is high-quality love.And those who easily shake their hearts and leave us so easily must establish psychological defenses.For this kind of person, you should not have any softheartedness or concern, but should continue to shine and become the most dazzling self, to attract fans who will truly find you and love you]

Cheng Ze is more satisfied with this passage of his advice. He very much hopes that Sika Anuna will no longer be caught in the emotions of such fanciful fans, because they are not worthy.

Sika glanced at Cheng Ze again and found that his brows wrinkled anxiously, as if worried for her.Thinking of this, she wanted to laugh even more.

[Nene, I won’t pay attention to fans like this anymore]

[Yes, that's it.I definitely don’t care, but the courtesy on the face must be maintained]

[Inside, I will maintain the politeness on Ming's face] Sika glanced at Cheng Ze again, and smiled sideways. Maybe she could do as Cheng Ze said.

[Thank you Chengze]

[No thanks, it should be] Cheng Ze turned his head to find Sika's happy smile reflected on the car glass. Seeing this, he was also happy.

It's great to be able to help the female idol I once liked!!

Choi Jae-hoon glanced at the two people in the back row playing with mobile phones, feeling a little worried.

How do young people now know that it’s not good to use mobile phones?

After a while, the two arrived at the hotel.

Sika walked briskly and went back to the room after saying goodnight to Cheng Ze. When Cheng Ze saw this, he also said good night with a smile.

After returning to the room, Cheng Ze took out his cell phone, thought about it, or sent a message to Taeyeon.

He just wanted to talk to her, even if she didn't necessarily see it, he didn't necessarily reply to her.

[I'm back to the hotel, very happy tonight]

After waiting for a while, Cheng Ze found that Taeyeon still hadn't returned to him and fell asleep.

In Tokyo, the petite girl on the bed is sleeping with a white dog doll in her arms.

She is so tired~

The next day, Cheng Ze and the others worked all day, but only a quarter of the group scenes gathered on the street were filmed. Although the progress was unprecedentedly slow, everyone was exhausted.

Because there are too many people to be mobilized in the two scenes, and anyone who makes a mistake is merciless, because Director Kim's fault-finding is not fake.

Among them, Director Kim is the hardest.

For Cheng Ze, the director skills that need to be tested in these scenes are too high. He strives to dominate the crew, to maximize the transfer of personnel, and the arrangement of instruments and equipment is as perfect as possible. He still seemed reluctant to deal with some places.

Maybe he should study hard.

At night, by the small lake.

Cheng Ze sat on the ground, there were a few green trees by the lake, and a bright moon was reflected on the shimmering lake. He took a puff of cigarette, and the orange cigarette butts were a bit obvious in the night.

As he slowly exhaled, the green smoke curled up and then drifted into the wind.

A few days ago, he started to learn to smoke, not to learn badly, but to smoke in a scene.

And most of the time, he just learned to take cigarettes. He didn't deliberately learn anything that he breathed into his lungs and vomited slowly, because he didn't think Taeyeon would like it.

A young girl hides behind a tree. Yoori's dress tonight is very cute and ladylike. She looked at the teenager in the distance with a shy expression. Her dark and bright eyes were shining with a light of expectation. She still held a picture in her arms. In the painting, the only protagonist in the painting is the boy by the lake.

Bai Zhenna was holding the camera, she looked at the full appearance of Yoori's little daughter in the camera, and nodded in satisfaction.Just thinking of the next scene Yoori will face, she can't help but wonder if Yoori can act well, because Director Jin Xiao didn't show her the following scripts, but just said to let her play freely.

Jeonyul looked at Seongtaek who hadn't learned well in the distance, and wondered what Seongtaek said to her about free play. Maybe it was just watching him and Son Yejin's opponent play react to her!?

Thinking of her role, she made an eager move to go out.

Only at this moment, a young girl walked slowly towards Chengze along the lake. The girl's steps were small but leisurely.

Sun Yezhen is wearing a pale yellow striped sweater and blue jeans, with long hair and a shawl. Her body is slender, and her beautiful face is an expression of alienation that is thousands of miles away.

At this time, Cheng Ze's gaze also turned to Son Ye Jin who was approaching him.

Because Han Junhao was attracted by such a girl.

According to the last scene in the script that Cheng Ze gave her, Yoori paused preparations for going out. The smile on her face was still so sweet, and she still looked forward to it.

After Zheng Xiuzhi goes out, she can give him the painting, and he will understand his intentions at that time.

Son Yejin picked up the cigarette skillfully, with a cold expression.

Jin Chengze told her that her role was to smoke. At that time, she was a little resisted on the face, but in fact she didn't resist it in her heart, because she also smokes.However, she would only smoke in her own home. To be on the safe side, she also flushed the ashes directly into the toilet after all the cigarette butts were burned.

Cheng Ze picked up the lighter and lit a cigarette for Son Yezhen, and the small half of the faces of the two men overlapped under the faint flame of the lighter.

Although it was far away, Yoori could still see the doting smile on Cheng Ze's face, which he showed when he looked at Son Yejin.

Not knowing why, the smile on her face disappeared, and she unconsciously took a step back.

She had a hunch that her performance was what Cheng Ze wanted to see, but it was her subconscious behavior.

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