The troop members gathered around him, with firm eyes flashing in everyone's eyes.

Lin Xiu discusses with them how to deal with the upcoming more brutal battles and challenges.

Silent Hill at dawn was filled with the tense and focused atmosphere of the troop members.

With the breeze blowing in their faces, Lin Xiu and his troops discussed every possible problem and response methods in detail.

"The enemy Combat Power is strong, we must be fully prepared."

Lin Xiu said in a deep voice, "I heard that there is a mysterious mountain range in the distance, which hides more treasures and opportunities. I plan to lead us to continue the expedition to find that mountain range.

After hearing what Lin Xiu said, everyone nodded in support.

They know that Lin Xiu is a leader who can give them confidence to win and lead them to the road to victory.

God's Dew Seven stood up and said: "Master, please rest assured that we will fully cooperate with your decision-making and ensure that our actions will not expose our goals."п


God's Mist Negative also stood up, "We will give full play to our advantages and provide you with stable and reliable logistical support.

Lin Xiu smiled slightly, feeling deeply that he was lucky to have such a powerful and loyal subordinate.

"Thank you, God's Mist Seven and God's Mist Negative. I believe that as long as we always unite and work together, victory will definitely belong to us.'"

At that moment, Lin Xiu and the team members had firm eyes flashing in their eyes.

They understand that the battles and challenges they are about to face are far more brutal than anything they have ever experienced.

But it was this cruelty that strengthened their determination.

Lin Xiu stood up, smiled in front of everyone and said: "The dawn is coming. Before this long night ends, let us unite and work together."

Everyone immediately responded in unison: "Yes!"

During the formulation of the battle plan, Lin Xiu worked closely with the troop members, and everyone expressed their opinions dutifully.

Time passed quickly, and before dawn arrived, Lin Xiu and his troops were still discussing how to deal with the upcoming brutal battle.

They used pen and paper to draw out a battle plan, detailing every step and contingency plan.

As the morning sun rose, Lin Xiu and the troops rested for a while and began to prepare for action.

Lin Xiu led the troops to the bank of Jinghu Lake, a place with crystal clear water, beautiful environment and solemnity.

The sparkling waves of Jinghu Lake reflect Lin Xiu’s confident and determined figure.

This is a special gathering place where lords from all walks of life gather together, waiting for Lin Xiu to show his strength and smart strategies.

Lin Xiu walked straight to the center of the party venue, followed closely behind him were Shen Zhi Lu Qi and Shen Zhi Lu Fu.

Everyone turned their attention to him, looking forward to what he was about to show.

Standing on the stage in front of the crowd, Lin Xiu took a deep breath, confidently showing the temperament of a true leader.

He understands that only by uniting (Qian Li Zhao) can we face the coming disaster.

'々Dear lords, I know that you are all very concerned about the upcoming demonic disaster.

Lin Xiu said, I have come up with a wonderful strategic plan. "

Everyone came in droves and gathered together under the stage.

"First, I plan to form a unified action plan.

Lin Xiu spoke firmly, "Only if we unite as one can we deal with this demonic garrison.

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