Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1677 Heading To The Phantom Maze

Queen Feng Wu slowly explained: "Thousands of years ago, the war between me and the Dragon Clan broke out. In order to protect the peace of the Dragon Clan and the human world, I voluntarily sealed myself in this depth, and you have the blood of the Dragon Clan flowing in your body. It has a blood connection with me, so it can sense the existence of Zijin City and me."

Queen Feng Wu smiled and continued: "The Dragon Vein Spirit Realm can allow you to further unlock the power hidden in your blood. When you enter the Dragon Vein Spirit Realm through the Purple Gold City with firm will, it will become a place for us to communicate and explore. There. , I can teach you more secrets about blood and power."

Su Bai is distracted and full of curiosity and desire for the unknown world.

"Please tell me how to enter the Dragon Vein Spirit Realm."

A mysterious smile appeared on Queen Fengwu's lips, and she slowly stretched out her finger and pointed forward.

Su Bai's eyes turned white at this moment, and all the illusions disappeared.

When he woke up, he seemed to have forgotten something. He only remembered that he seemed to have communicated with someone. Two days later, Su Bai led Su Ye and Liang Yong to the entrance of the Phantom Mask in Suzaku City.

They stood in front of the huge door and felt the mysterious energy emanating from the maze.

Su Bai turned around, faced Su Mei and Liang Yue, smiled at them and said: "This is the Phantom Maze, a place where the Star Jade Key is hidden. Only through this maze can we find the Feng Wu Queen." What is needed `||.”

There was desire and determination in his eyes.

Su Mei stared at Su Bai and said encouragingly: "No matter how difficult it is, I believe we can succeed. We have gone through so many dangers, why should this time be different?"

Liang Yue said firmly: "That's right! I also believe that we can definitely unlock the seal on Queen Feng Wu. We are a team! For the common goal, we must work together."

Hearing the encouragement and support from the two people, Yinri felt the fire ignited in his heart.

“I will not let down everyone’s expectations.

His voice was strong and firm.

Then, Bai introduced the characteristics and challenges of the fantasy maze in detail.

"The Phantom Maze is a place full of illusions and traps. We need to be careful about all kinds of disguises and deceptions. The structure of the maze will constantly change. We must always be vigilant when traveling."

Su Mei nodded and said: "This place is indeed full of strange power, but I trust you, Su Bai, and I believe you will be able to lead us through the maze smoothly.

Liang Yue also smiled and said: "That's right! This time we have to face all difficulties together and work together to overcome them."

Su Bai felt the trust and determination from Su Mei and Liang Yue, and he firmly believed that he would be able to succeed.

"We must be prepared to enter the maze and find the Star Jade Key."

The three clenched their fists and exchanged firm determination in each other's eyes.

They walked towards the huge portal and decided to start their adventure. (Wang Wang's) When they stepped into the phantom maze, an illusory scene appeared in front of them.

The maze seems to have a unique life of its own, constantly changing shape and structure.

Walls, roads, and even light are constantly changing, as if trying to confuse their sense of direction.

Su Bai led Su Mei and Liang Yue to march carefully, keeping vigilance at all times.

They remind each other of the changes around them and try to find clues in the maze.

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