Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1682 Asking How To Liberate World Spirits

This powerful being is the protector of the Suzaku Sect and the master of the world spirits.

Su Bai knows that only by liberating world spirits and establishing contact with them can he better develop his potential and master greater power.

"Is there any way for me to free world spirits and establish contact with them?"

Su Bai humbly asked the heroine Fenying Youlong for advice.

The heroine looked at Su Bai with a smile, with expectation and curiosity in her eyes.

She slowly said: "Liberating world spirits requires you to establish resonance with them and release them from the seal through your power. In this process, you need to use constant and pure thoughts to inspire them. As long as If you call the world spirits firmly and persistently and convey your innermost beliefs and desires to them, they will be awakened and respond to you accordingly."

Hearing the heroine's detailed answer, Yinbai felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to give it his all.

"Then I would like to ask the heroine, how should I start calling the world spirit"~?"

Su Bai stared into the heroine's eyes, looking forward to her further guidance.

The heroine smiled slightly, took a transparent crystal bead from her bun, and held it in her palm.

She handed it to Su Bai and said: "This is a world spirit crystal bead that can help you establish resonance with the world spirit. When you look at it with all your concentration, close your eyes and take a deep breath, and silently say what you want deep in your heart. Whichever spirit you are connecting with, try to stay focused and determined, and convey to them your sincere wishes and beliefs."

Su Bai took the crystal bead and felt the energy flow and warmth in it.

He closed his eyes, held the crystal bead, and silently recited his desire for the world spirit in his heart.

He realized that what he wanted most was to establish a connection with the power of Xuanwu and master the ability of water flow.

Time passed quietly, and Su Bai concentrated on communicating with the world spirits, trying to establish resonance.

His heart is full of hope and determination, and he believes that as long as he works hard, everything is possible.

The heroine Fenying Youlong looked at the silent Su Bai, her eyes gradually showing her trust and expectation for him.

She knew that Su Bai had great potential and believed that he could become an outstanding world spiritist.

Slowly, Su Bai felt a weak but familiar power pouring out of the crystal beads.

He opened his eyes and saw a water dragon emerging in front of him, shining with soft blue light in the sunlight.

".々It really worked! I established a connection with the power of Xuanwu!"

Su Bai said happily, her heart filled with hope of gaining more power in the future.

The heroine of Burning Shadow Dragon smiled and nodded. She looked at Su Bai and began to gradually teach him the knowledge about liberating world spirits and establishing connections with them.

Under her meticulous guidance, Su Bai gradually learned how to resonate and connect with other world spirits. After Su Bai and the heroine Fenying Youlong established a connection with the Xuanwu spirit (hao nuo hao), they began to work hard to establish resonance and connections with other spirits.

After a period of hard work, Su Bai successfully liberated several world spirits sealed by the Suzaku Sect.

Standing in the inner square of Suzaku City, Su Bai felt the power of life burning in his body. He confidently looked at the world spirits such as Mo Huang, Qilin, and Lan Shui gathered around him.

These powerful and mysterious existences will bring endless possibilities to his adventure. .

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