Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1717 The Golden Body Realm Of The Dragon Clan

Ling Yun nodded, "Yes, although I have never seen such a person, I have heard elders talk about it during my practice.

"It is said that people who master the power of the five elements have extremely powerful power and can control various elements in nature."

Su Bai asked excitedly: "Then do you know how to have the power of the five elements?"

Ling Yun shook his head, "I know very little, I just heard this legend, it is said that you have five elemental power zones.

"And to reach the realm of the dragon's golden body, one needs to go through several tribulations and hardships before one can truly touch the magical realm.

Su Bai thought for a while, and a fire ignited in his heart, "I decided to pursue this legendary power, Ling Yun, I hope you can help me."

Ling Yun smiled and nodded, "Su Bai, I am willing to go hand in hand with you.

"Although the legend about the power of the five elements and the realm of the dragon's golden body is not accurate, perhaps we can explore the truth through mutual efforts."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had already established a tacit understanding with each other.

"So how do we start from now on?" Su Bai asked expectantly.

Ling Yun thought for a moment, "First, we need to find a suitable place for practice."

"Although this is a forest, we need a more private and safe place.

Su Bai nodded in agreement, "Okay, I know there is a hidden cave near here, we can go there to explore.

The two of them walked towards the cave in tacit agreement, and under the moonlight, their figures gradually disappeared into the night. Su Bai and Ling Yun arrived at the entrance of the cave, and the faint moonlight shone on them, making their figures gradually clearer.

There was a chill coming from the depths of the cave, as if there was some unknown force waiting for them there.

"This is the cave."

Su Bai looked around and felt a mysterious and ancient atmosphere filling the air.

Ling Yun looked at Su Bai and nodded: "Yes, according to legend, practitioners need to go through several tribulations and hardships before they can touch the power of the five elements and the realm of the dragon's golden body. This cave seems to be very suitable for our practice."

Su Bai looked into the deep and dark cave, and an extremely urgent impulse arose in his heart.

"I decided to go in and practice. No matter what difficulties and dangers there are ahead, I will persevere."

Ling Yun patted Su Bai's shoulder lightly: "What a determination! The road to practice will not be smooth sailing, but as long as you take every step unswervingly, you will definitely get the power you want."

Su Bai nodded slightly, his eyes shining with determination.

'.||I believe that as long as we work hard, everything is possible, Ling Yun, let's work hard together.

Ling Yun smiled and took a step deeper into the cave: "Of course! We will support each other and face the difficulties and challenges of practice together."

Su Bai followed Ling Yun and stepped into the cave king.

Darkness surrounded them, but Su Bai felt that the five elemental powers in his body seemed to be a little restless.

"Ling Yun, during the process of practice, how can I better master the power of the five elements?"

Su Bai asked eagerly.

Ling Yun stopped and stared ahead: "According to the elders, the most important thing in the process of practice is inner peace and concentration. Only when our hearts are completely calm can we better touch the power of the five elements. "

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