Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1723 Successfully Escaped The Pursuit Of The Fireworks Unicorn

"Firework Kirin! Why are you chasing us?"

Su Bai asked tentatively.

The fireworks unicorn stopped and stared at Su Bai like flames.

"You are mortals, but you possess such great power! I must destroy you to maintain my rule!"

Su Bai's heart trembled. He did not expect that the other party would have such strong killing intent.

He explained: "We are not here to challenge your rule, we just broke in here accidentally. We will leave. Please stop chasing us."

The fireworks unicorn was obviously impatient with Su Bai's explanation. It roared, "Do you think you can get rid of me like this? You can't escape!"

Su Bai's heart tightened, and he knew that there was no point in explaining any more.

He resolutely chose 000 to escape.

Su Bai mobilized the power of the green dragon to control the surrounding trees and create a green corridor leading out of the valley.

Liang Yue and Su Bai quickly walked through the corridor, while the fireworks unicorn angrily tore apart the trees in an attempt to catch up with them. Su Bai and Liang Yue came to a huge valley and finally managed to escape the pursuit of the fireworks unicorn. A towering and magnificent city gate appeared in front of them.

The raised golden bell above the city gate is particularly dazzling, emitting golden light, as if indicating the endless wealth in the city.

There are two huge golden characters engraved on the top of the city gate: "Golden City".

This name made Su Bai look at it with anticipation, hoping to find more powerful power in this city.

Liang Yue walked to Su Bai and looked down at the entrance of Golden City.

She smiled and asked: "Su Bai, have you mastered any new skills?"

Su Bai thought for a moment and then replied: "Although I do feel a little different when practicing recently, I haven't fully mastered it yet."

"Maybe I can get some hints in the Golden City."

Liang Yue took a deep breath.

She led Su Bai through the huge foyer and into the Golden City.

It is like a dreamlike paradise, with bright gold everywhere.

There are gorgeous shops on both sides of the street, and the entrances are filled with various high-end magic tools.

The tempting aroma emanates from the food stalls, attracting people to stop and taste.

(cbce) There is a majestic palace in the center of the city, and its splendid outer walls are dazzling.

In front of the palace is a wide red carpet, with neatly arranged ornate sculptures erected on both sides.

Seeing that Su Bai was lost in reverie, Liang Yue patted his shoulder gently and said with a smile: "Don't be in a daze, let's find a place to live first.

Su Bai came to his senses and nodded.

The two began to look for a suitable place to live in the city.

After some inquiring and searching, they found an inn with elegant environment and complete facilities. Su Bai and Liang Yue shuttled around the Golden City, and they felt the endless luxury and power exuded by the city.

This kind of luxury makes Su Bai excited and full of desire for adventure.

"Liang Yue, have you ever heard of the legend about the Golden City? Is there really a powerful Emperor here?"

Su Bai asked Liang Yue.

Liang Yue smiled slightly. She only knew a little about the legend about the Golden City: "It's unheard of. It is said that entering the Golden City requires passing a series of tests in order to gain the real power here."

Su Bai nodded, and he decided to find secrets as soon as possible that could help him master new skills.

The two found out that there was a secret room in the highest tower of the Golden City, which was said to contain extremely precious books. .

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