Unrivaled Miracle Doctor and the God-Defying Demonic Consort

Chapter 891: The mystery of the tomb of Shizun (3 more)

At this time, the old man Long Sheng pestered the dragon head stick, took a step forward, sighed, and said to Mu Qing: "You really are a person with great luck, five kinds of spirits. Root, it’s hard to find one out of tens of thousands of people, something that hasn’t been heard for tens of thousands of years, but it appears to you."

His words confirmed Ji Yaohua's speculations.

The pattern on Mu Qingge's eyebrows is indeed the mark of the five spirit roots. The person who shocked the world with five spirit roots is really her Mu Qingge!

They could hardly imagine how much sensation it would cause in the Middle Ages once the news spreads.

Even this kind of enchanting talent will cause much trouble to Mu Qingge.

"The spiritual root mark on the eyebrows can only be hidden with the heart after the second thunder tribulation." Xi Qianxue said worriedly.

In other words, after Mu Qingge leaves here, he will become a hot one.

Those old monsters who don't have spiritual roots during the robbery period will want to hit her and **** her spiritual roots. Especially, she has five different types of spiritual roots!

Mu Qingge also took a step forward. She looked at Elder Long Sheng and asked, "What the seniors promised me before can be fulfilled now?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xuxu walked forward and said gratefully: "Sister Mu, thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you, Xuxu would be dead."

Mu Qingge turned her eyes and glanced at her, shook her head and said, "You don't have to thank me, this is just a deal between me and your grandfather." After that, she looked at Elder Long Sheng again, waiting for his answer.

Elder Long Sheng's eyes fell on the hundreds of demons behind Mu Qingge, and asked: "Are you related to the demons?"

"Hmph, old man Long Sheng, why don't you look down on our magic repair? Do you want to compete with me?" An old monster who was also a thunder robbery walked out.

His tone seemed to know Old Man Long Sheng.

Elder Long Sheng looked at him without showing a surprised expression, but said slowly: "Yuansu, I'm talking to girl Mu, nothing is wrong with you."

really! They know!

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed.

"Bold!" Yuansu shouted sharply. Raise your hand to make a move.

However, Mu Qingge raised his hand and stopped him. "Get down."

Mu Qingge coldly ordered.

Yuansu had no choice but to withdraw, still unwilling to Old Man Long Sheng on his face.

With an order from Mu Qingge, he could even order the old monster who had crossed the robbery three times! This scene surprised Ji Yaohua and others, and also caused a gloomy light in the eyes of Old Man Long Sheng.

But Mu Qingge knew it in his heart now. ‘It seems that magic cultivation is the same as **** cultivation, both on the same plane. Just like in Linchuan, Huang Fuhuan and Shen Bicheng finally walked on the path of magic repair. It must be the same in the Middle Ages. Those who cultivate gods will naturally cultivate demons. It's just that she hadn't met before. And most of these people in the same period also had some friendship, but they didn't know whether it was kind or grievance. The tomb of the gods and the tomb of the devil were opened at the same time, and everyone went to where they should go. ’

Mu Qingge walked to the old man Long Sheng and said, "What is my relationship with the demons? It has nothing to do with what I want."

Old Long Sheng's eyes flickered slightly, concentrating on Mu Qingge, as if thinking about something.

Mu Qingge raised her lips, "Could it be that in the hearts of seniors, the separation between gods and demons is really so clear?" Her words were full of jokes and playfulness.

Elder Long Sheng's eyelids twitched and sighed: "It's fine. You don't want to say what you have to do with the demons, and I won't be nosy. You are right, it is difficult to distinguish between gods and demons. I just don't I hope my actions today will bring disasters in the future. However, I see that you are not a wicked person, and I will do what I promised you."

"Thank you predecessor." Mu Qingge gently jawed.

At this time, Ji Yaohua spoke to Mu Qingge and said: "Qingge, this old man has a map of the tomb of God. Tian Luojun and Lin Xuanfeng attacked him for the map on him."

Mu Qingge moved his ears, smiled, and said to the old man Long Sheng: "I heard that there is a map of the tomb of the gods on Senior?"

Elder Long Sheng didn't show a surprised expression, as if he had known Mu Qingge would ask this question.

At this time, Yao Xinghai also opened his mouth and said, "Senior seems to have quite some insights on Dragon Blood."

The smile on Mu Qingge's mouth was deeper.

Old man Long Sheng coughed awkwardly and glared at Yao Xinghai.

At this time, Xu Xu also spoke: "Grandpa, your map has been researched for hundreds of years. Anyway, you can't see any flowers coming, so just show it to Sister Mu. They are my savior!"

"You girl with elbows turned out!" Old Long Sheng gestured to fight Xuxu, but the latter put his tongue out playfully with his hands behind his head.

Elder Long Sheng put down his hands helplessly, and sighed: "You don't have to push me one by one. I will not regret what I promised. If I refuse, no matter how many of you push me, it will be useless. ."

"Then please seniors to solve our doubts." Mu Qingge said.

Elder Long Sheng cleared his throat and said to Mu Qingge: "Actually, even if I take out the map, it's of no use. It doesn't take a hundred years of work, don't even think about seeing a famous person."

He shook his hands and shook his head, explaining to Mu Qingge and the others, "I got this map by accident. At first, I didn't know that this was the map of the tomb of the gods. Later I learned that the seemingly chaotic lines were actually The map of the tomb of the gods. Inside, only two places are marked."

Elder Long Sheng stretched out **** and looked at Mu Qingge. Asked: "Guess which two places?"

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed, and he replied directly: "There are tombs of the Godhead of Chaos and the Godhead of Colorful Colors."

"Not bad!" Old Long Sheng nodded.

"What Chaos Godhead and Colorful Godhead?" Ji Yaohua asked confused.

The old man Long Sheng looked at him, blowing his beard and staring: "The old man speaks, the young man don't interrupt!"

Ji Yaohua's mouth twitched and closed his mouth.

Elder Long Sheng said with satisfaction: "The Chaos Godhead and the Colorful Godhead are both extremely special godheads. Simply put, they are prepared for people with multiple spiritual roots. Even if they get them, they are useless. Among them, the chaotic godhead is the godhead of Shizun at the beginning of the world. At that time, regardless of the two families of gods and demons, Shizun was the ancestor of gods and demons. How could his godhead be simple?"

Mu Qingge said at this moment: "I am discussing with my senior that he wants the Godhead of Colorful Chaos, and I want the Godhead of Chaos. And he will help me get the Godhead of Chaos first."

She spoke, mainly because she was worried that Elder Long Sheng would gossip and waste time. Simply, let her clarify the cause and effect in one sentence, saving him any more words.

Mu Qingge's words made Ji Yaohua and others understand.

Not only did they understand, Huang Fuhuan, Shen Bicheng and other demons also understood this truth.

Elder Long Sheng curled his lips and said, "Well, that's what it means."

"So, should you tell me now, where is the tomb of Shizun? How do I get the chaos godhead? There is not much time left now. If I delay it any longer, I may turn to the second place and fight with you. Fight for the colorful godhead. At that time, I can't guarantee who the godhead chooses." Mu Qingge said.

Old man Long Sheng said: "I'm just about to say this? You don't have to threaten me, girl, old man, I'm just getting old, and I will speak slowly."

"Senior." Mu Qingge said solemnly. Her patience has been exhausted.

Elder Long Sheng waved his hand and said, "I'm going to talk about it. This chaotic **** is naturally in Shizun's tomb. And Shizun's tomb... Female doll, I have to say that your luck is really good. Do you know that the tomb of the first deity cannot be found at any time. You must wait until this time and place is right and friendly."

Mu Qingge frowned, "What is the right time and place?"

The old man Long Sheng pointed at the sky and then at the ground, "This **** tomb and the devil tomb overlap every thousand years. Why do you think it is?"

There was a flash of luster in Mu Qingge's eyes, and a light of understanding quickly flashed through his mind. She almost blurted out: "The tomb of Shizun is where the overlap!"

"Not bad!" The old man Long Sheng showed an expression of'a child can be taught'.

"Huangfu!" Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes.

Huang Fuhuan immediately moved forward and took out the three-dimensional map before.

The tomb of the gods and the tombs of the devil, like shrunken models, appeared in front of everyone in illusory forms. Suddenly, Elder Long Sheng's eyes lit up, and he murmured: "Mo Xiu still has such a good baby!"

However, he ignored him.

Mu Qingge fixed his eyes on the point where the **** tomb and the devil tomb overlap, and said in a positive tone: "The tomb of Shizun is here!"

"You are still very smart and agile." Old Long Sheng nodded in praise.

However, Mu Qingge was not in the mood to pay attention to these compliments at the moment. She raised her eyes to look at the old man Long Sheng, and asked, "How to find the entrance to the tomb?"

"Do you think this dragon is bleeding to protect whose tomb?" Old man Long Sheng suddenly smiled.

Mu Qingge took a deep breath, and the muddy air flowed out from between her teeth.

Understand, she understands everything!

"These dragons are bleeding to protect Shizun's tomb?" Yao Xinghai blurted out.

Elder Long Sheng smiled and said: "Otherwise, do you think anyone in this God and Demon Continent is qualified? If you kill so many dragons, aren't you afraid that the Dragon Clan will come to you? Only Shizun, even if the Dragon Clan is dead, would not dare Say something."

"But..." Mu Qingge frowned, there were some things she didn't fully understand. She understood the meaning of Dragon Blood, understood the location of Shizun's tomb, and understood what the old man Long Sheng said about the right time and place.

But what she can't figure out is--

"Dragon Blood is a killing formation. As long as there is dragon blood, it will be dead within ten miles around. However, as long as the dragon blood is bypassed, it will not be affected. How does the dragon blood protect the tomb of the first zun?" Mu Qingge Throw the problem to the old man Long Sheng.

At this moment, not only Mu Qingge and the others, but hundreds of demons were curiously waiting for Old Man Long Sheng's answer.

The old man Long Sheng sighed and said: "Dragon Blood is dead, this is only one of its functions. Have you ever noticed where these dragon blood are located?"

As he said, he stretched out his hand and clicked on Huangfuhuan's map with his fingertips.

Several red dots appeared in the place he had clicked.

People who don't understand the formation method, even if they stare at the red dots to give birth to flowers, it is useless. Only Mu Qingge and Yao Xinghai can see a clue.

However, Yao Xinghai had only a little knowledge of the formation. Although he saw that there was a certain connection in the arrangement of these red dots, he did not know what connection there was.

Mu Qingge pressed her lips tightly, staring at the few red dots with faint eyesight.

Those red dots seemed to jump out of the map.

The old man Long Sheng ordered not only the dragon blood in the tomb of the gods, but also the one in the devil tomb. Why does he know the location of the Dragon Blood in the Demon Tomb? Perhaps it was indicated in the map he got.

Gradually, those red dots appeared in her mind.

Connect them with a line, and a shape appears!

‘Star! Mu Qingge's eyes shrank, marveling in his heart.

The dragon blood is connected, and it is actually a star. She blinked and looked at Huangfuhuan's map again. She found that the point where the **** tomb and the magic tomb meet was at the center of the star.

Is everything a coincidence?

Obviously impossible!

"What do you see?" Old Long Sheng looked at Mu Qingge and squinted with a smile.

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and looked at the old man Long Sheng and said, "The center of the star formation formed by the blood of the dragon is the location of the tomb of Shizun. They... are they to hide the tomb of Shizun?"

Mu Qingge said his guess.

The old man Long Sheng smiled and nodded, "Yes! In addition to being a dead place, if Dragon Blood is formed, it will have the effect of changing heaven and earth. I guess that the **** tomb and the devil tomb were on the same plane. Because of this formation, It is divided into two. Every thousand years, when the formation is at its weakest, can it meet and reveal the exact location of the tomb of the first zun."

His words caused everyone to take a breath, showing shock!

"Furthermore, if you want to enter the tomb of Shizun, you must pass through the area of ​​the dragon's blood and pass through the dead place!" Old Long Sheng said again.

Mu Qingge was silent.

The motto of dragon **** death and lifelessness made her taboo. She is taboo because she is not sure to get rid of such a dead end. If you forcibly break in, I'm afraid it will hurt others to die.

She raised her head and asked Elder Xiang Longsheng: "Do seniors have a way to break the formation?"

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang Academy, please do not reprint!

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