Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 184: General tears!

Thinking of going to work, but Qin Feng just planned to enter the brewery, Su Xiaoli over there walked out of the kitchen. The girl had already prepared the meal, but she just watched the two of them happily drinking, so she didn't call.

When the meal is ready, we will eat first. After finishing the meal, I didn’t taste any good taste. I told Su Xiaoli to look after the tavern. Qin Feng went straight into the brewery. He was like an author. The inspiration in his stomach was already If you don’t make it, you can’t help it!

The brewery has sufficient materials, and if there is none, you can directly exchange it with the system. Qin Feng completely abandoned the interference from the outside world and concentrated all his strength to start brewing this suddenly remembered wine!

There is no systematic self-brewing task, and there is no other urging. This is the first time that Qin Feng can't wait to brew a kind of wine!

Dark clouds filled the vast battlefield. Soldiers from both sides rushed like a tide, colliding, tearing, and flying. At that time, everything is imaginary, and only surviving is the most real!

Fighting with desperate beliefs is just to survive for yourself. This sounds very contradictory, but the fact is.

The generals of the two sides came to the front and commanded. When fighting, their hearts were the coldest. At this time, in their hearts, the lives on the battlefield were no longer lives, but numbers, the coldest numbers. !

Finally, the dark clouds dispersed, and the center of the battlefield was full of corpses. The surviving soldiers stood there blankly, looking at the dead comrades around, and their generals...

After the battle was over, and finally won, the general let go of his cold heart, looked at the only remaining soldiers, and sighed to the sky. It was I who brought you here...

No one saw that under the red clouds on the horizon, the general secretly wiped off a tear...the general also had tears!

Qin Feng's heart was already occupied by this kind of feeling. He kept imagining the tragic scenes that the veteran had just told, thinking about the soldiers who buried the frontier, and devoted all his feelings to the brewing of this fine wine!

The poet is impressed with emotion, and when he feels it he will write poetry, the painter will paint, and Qin Feng, as a winemaker, just wants to use this emotion to brew new wine at this time!

The winemaking technique has reached his current stage. Although it cannot be said that he can put his emotions into the brewed wine, it is enough to have a mysterious influence. Although this influence is still very weak, at least it will not be completely until he is promoted to master brewer. grasp.

The staff is fast, all kinds of materials are readily available, and the state is random, but it contains a certain mysterious beauty.

The last material was processed and put into the wine fairy gourd, Qin Feng stopped then, his eyes closed slightly, half resting and half experiencing the inexplicable feeling just now.

The state just now is very strange. If you really use a word to describe it, it is a good idea!

Before I started painting, the bamboo was already formed in my mind, and it was used for wine making, that is, before starting wine making, what materials this new wine needs and how to make it are already in my mind.

What Qin Feng needs to do is to put it into practice according to the idea in his mind!

Jiu Xian Gourd was thrown into the wine jar. Qin Feng stepped aside and started to wash his hands. He couldn't help but look forward to the new wine he brewed this time. There was no systematic guidance at all. This feeling was very wonderful.

But what is this new wine called? Qin Feng took out the towel and dried his hands. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately thought of the tears that the incomparably cruel general had quietly shed after seeing the tragedy of the battlefield...

Thinking of this, Qin Fengzhuang seemed to mutter to himself: "In this case, then this new wine is called-General's Tears!"

When the voice fell, the entire tavern seemed to be shocked inexplicably...

Boss Qin is happy to make brews inside, but he suffers from Su Xiaoli outside.

"Sister Yin, I don't know either. You don't know what boss Qin makes this wine. Just go if you think about it. You won't think about other things at all. You'd better wait..." Su Xiaoli looked at the beautiful Yin woman on the opposite side. Said with a wry smile.

After all, it’s just a lunch break. In the afternoon, it’s still open. But the door opened and boss Qin couldn’t get out of the brewery. Su Xiaoli is not Miss Xue, so he can sell wine instead, so he came to the pub under heavy rain. A group of drunks were dumbfounded.

Yin Xueqing nodded helplessly. She also knew that Su Xiaoli on the opposite side was telling the truth. Looking at Su Xiaoli's pretty face, Yin Xueqing sighed. She didn't know what kind of **** luck the boss Qin had gone. The good-looking girl actually works as a waiter here!

The drinkers who came to Jiuxianju each cleaned up the rain on their bodies. Although they rushed towards the tavern when they got out of the car, the rain outside was so heavy that they inevitably got wet.

At this time, I should have a bowl of wine. When I think of this, everyone will look at the door of the brewery, **** it, is Boss Qin dead inside!

Finally, just when everyone's resentment was about to be heavier than the rain outside, Boss Qin rubbed his hands and walked out humming a little song.

"I stood on the tower and watched the scenery, and I heard that there was chaos outside the city...Huh?" Boss Qin saw the group of drunks full of resentment in front of him, and immediately frightened the last minor tune away.

"I warn you, this is my site..." a certain boss said with a guilty conscience.


Time is like flowing water, a day's time passes quickly, and the night is already dark.

"Ha..." In the hotel room, Wang Guoping yawned and rubbed his eyes. He was already very sleepy, but he still refused to go to bed. He had to wait for his wife to wake up.

This was an appointment made by the couple. After all, yesterday, when their daughter woke up, she seemed to have a nightmare. She was awakened from fear. So today, the couple had an appointment to look at their daughter in turn.

Although I don’t know if this is useful, as parents, they can only do this~www.readwn.com~ Just as Wang Guoping was thinking about whether he needed another cup of coffee, his wife came to him. Voice: "Pharaoh, go to sleep, and then I will guard."

Um? Wang Guoping turned his head to see, but his wife had already woke up.

Nodded, I was really sleepy. I only hope that my daughter will get better when she wakes up. It really confirms their conjecture!

"Huh..." This time she didn't have a nightmare, Yu Simei slowly opened her eyes, stretched her waist, and faintly revealed a beautiful curve. Although she has been in bed for more than half a year, her figure is still lacking. Change.

Just like when she was in school in the past, Yu Simei directly sat up, still a little confused. In a blink of an eye, her mother Zhang Fei was beside her, greeted casually: "Hey mom, why are you here? You didn't sleep..."

But she was interrupted by Zhang Fei before she finished speaking. Zhang Fei, whose eyes were red all night, looked at Wang Yusi who was sitting up, and involuntarily covered her mouth with her hand in surprise and said: "Sisi, you can sit up by yourself! "

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