Urban Brewmaster System

Vol 2 Chapter 315: Crazy parents in action

The "Buying" who was considered by many people to run away did not run away, but obediently paid the compensation. All of a sudden, the forum currency of the entire Zhongzhou Forum rose rapidly, giving the masses of people a fat year...

Similarly, in other forums, a large group of melon-eating people burst into tears, and all the forum coins that had been accumulated for an unknown period of time were lost. It is said that which **** said it must be impossible!

Because of that bastard, they are all stud...

Of course, this has nothing to do with Boss Qin. The gate of Jiuxianju is like a barrier, blocking all disturbances from the outside world, so that Boss Qin can be in his dream...boom!

Huh! Boss Qin sat up from the super invincible double bed, his face was full of stunnedness, what's the situation, now that some people dare to smash the door of the tavern? Is it true that boss Qin can't handle his knife anymore?

I just dreamt that I was lying in bed with Miss Xue and was about to take the next action, but I was woken up, so the current boss Qin is very irritable!

If it weren't for knowing that those guys outside are mortals, Boss Qin would want to wave his hand and shout "Sword Coming".

Looking at the time, it was less than eight o'clock. What kind of door did he knock on, so boss Qin would lie down again after thinking about it, hoping that the person outside would get acquainted with him, so that he could continue the good dream.

However, within two seconds of lying down, the door outside was knocked again, and it can be clearly heard that it was not the sound of knocking at all, but the sound of hitting the door!

"I*, when my boss Qin died!" A certain boss jumped up on the bed and shouted.

Outside of Jiuxianju, even on the original days, there will be drunks waiting in the morning. Those old men feel less and have free time, so they just come over and wait.

But today is a bit different. There are many middle-aged people at the entrance of Jiuxianju, one of them, and some of them. They are all surrounded by the door without queuing, and they are directly surrounded by a big circle.

On the contrary, all the old men who had been in line were squeezed out.

If it were left somewhere else, it might have caused a quarrel long ago, but at the entrance of Jiuxianju, the old men stood steadily in the back, and they almost had to move a chair to sit there and drink tea.

It's okay, we are older than you, let you... dare to knock on the door at this point, you are quite courageous, it seems that Boss Qin has not been stunned for so long, and many people have forgotten his rules.

That's right, these people were knocking on the door there. In fact, they were already knocking on the door. At first they were knocking on the door, but after knocking on the door for a long time, they found that there was no movement inside him.

This makes a group of people very upset. Those who can directly come to Zhongzhou in this short overnight are all capable people, or wealthy people.

We, a group of wealthy people, ran over to buy your wine in the morning, and you are still sleeping. This is absolutely unbearable!

Do you know what we do? It’s like millions of dollars every minute, everyone’s time is precious, don’t you know!

"Huh..." A middle-aged man with a short stature stopped smashing the door, gasping for breath and said, "Do you think the boss inside is dead? He won't come out if he knocks on the door."

Hearing this, the red-dressed woman in a couple next to her smiled and said: "People think they are sleepy, you say so, these days, any cat or dog can be called the boss, call him boss Qin, he is true. I thought I was the boss, and I haven't come out for a long time, so who would show it to me!"

Hearing the words of the woman in the red dress, some people frowned, but they still said, "I heard that boss Qin seems to have some rules. It seems inappropriate for us to knock on the door like this, in case the boss Qin will come out and get angry. ..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the woman in the red dress before, and she saw her mockingly said: "This kind of tavern, what can he be angry with, we are sending him business, he What is there to be angry about!"

There was nothing to say about this topic, and no one said immediately. Only the man who asked the question stepped back quietly and hid among the grandfather crowd on the side. He seemed to have also heard his daughter talk about it. To be on the safe side, he still didn’t. With these guys.

Another long time passed, but their knock on the door was still useless, and there was still no movement inside.

Came here this morning, and after waiting for so long there was no movement, finally someone got hairy.

The husband of a woman in red, a tall, thin, slender man who looks very gentle, he will directly step up and say: "This is sincerity, okay, we just smashed the door for him, I don’t think he can get out. !"

"It's interesting that a wine seller dared to talk about any rules!"

"But... what if you smashed people's door and lost money?" Someone asked from the side. This view is a step-by-step struggle from the bottom, so it is necessary to subconsciously distinguish this kind of problem.

Hearing this, the tall and thin man sneered, patted his chest and said, "If he is not satisfied, I will pay for it, okay? Everyone is so courageous, I don't know how he got here today!"

This is no problem. Since there are people who are responsible, they should go straight to work. These days, it is not the people who are not working, but the people who are not responsible.

The melon-eating old men around were originally just watching, but suddenly they were surprised to see that this group of people was about to smash the door!

Does Boss Qin dare to smash the door? Are these people really going to buy wine? Do they think that Boss Qin can settle it with money?

But why Miss Su Xiaoli hasn’t come yet~www.readwn.com~ As usual, she has already sent Boss Qin to come early at this time...

At this moment, within Jiuxianju.

Su Xiaolimeizhi sat opposite Boss Qin, and Boss Qin was there eating the breakfast that the other party brought, with a look of satisfaction.

As a fox demon, there are of course many ways for Xiaolimeizhi to enter the tavern. She originally planned to go to the door, but when she came over, she received news from Qin Feng and asked her to come in directly.

"Boss Qin, you see that the guys outside are ready to smash the door, don't you care?" Looking at the screen display in the sky, Xiao Li Meizhi asked worriedly.

This picture is a spell of hers, you can directly see the situation outside and hear the voice outside...Although Boss Qin can also know, Boss Qin can of course not do it without doing it.

Hearing what sister paper said, Qin Feng swallowed the millet porridge in his mouth, and said: "It's okay, let them smash it, don't worry, it doesn't matter, when did you see me suffer..."

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