After a few days, the incident slowly subsided. Of course, it does not mean that the two sides did not pursue the case. Instead, it has become rational from the initial fury.

When the storm is over, there may not be a rainbow. The darkness is still going on.

Ye Bufan is not always watching this. He is quietly preparing for the killer. After all, for him, the most important thing now is to raise money.

Twenty days after the robbery, on the killer website, a brand new killer organization suddenly appeared, "Tiandao"!

"Acting on behalf of heaven" is the purpose of this killer organization. This purpose is also on the front page of the organization, and it is noted below that all the orders must be confirmed. If they are bad people, they will be followed up; If they are good people, they will not take orders!

The emergence of this organization immediately caused a sensation. Few killer organizations will show their rules of conduct in this way, because fundamentally speaking, killers focus on making money. They will care whether you are a good person or a bad person, and they will carry out the task after taking the order!

Therefore, soon some people began to doubt the purpose of the way of heaven, saying that they were deliberately sensationalism, in order to make a name for themselves.

In addition, the charges of the newly established killer organization are also a bit confusing. It is reasonable to say that the price of a new killer organization is relatively low, which will easily make employers excited.

The toll standards announced by Tiandao are also far beyond many people's expectations. There are six kinds of toll standards of Tiandao, namely, C, B, a, s and SS levels, as well as a level with no standard. Level C is the worst, charging 5 million for a single mission, 10 million for level B, 15 million for level a, 30 million for level s, and 100 million for level SS, not to mention 200 million for the highest level without standard!

This charging standard is the focus of many discussions. Few people are optimistic about the future of the way of heaven. What's the difference between setting such an outrageous price and killing a killer organization that has no reputation at all?

Sure enough, almost a week has passed since the establishment of Tiandao. No one has paid any attention to this organization. It has been said that it is a joke in the industry.

And as the boss of the way of heaven, ye Bufan is not worried at all. Even though they are a little impatient, he is still very calm.

Opportunity. What he is waiting for now is an opportunity. He believes that someone will come soon.

On this day, ye Bufan went to school as usual, not in class, but to fulfill his promise with that Chris. That day, he agreed that he would have a competition with him this Sunday to see who was better.

So, he came to the appointed place, a grass behind the school, which usually allows students to carry out some private activities, such as this duel.

When ye Bufan came to the site, he found that it was already full of people. From the expression of those people, we can see that they came to see how he made a fool of himself!

Because no one believes that ye Bufan, who has always appeared as the sick man of East Asia, will be the opponent of Chris, the champion of school fighting.

Even, some people have started a bet on the sidelines, gambling on the outcome of the two.

Of course, the odds of buying Chris to win is very low, while the odds of buying ye Bufan to win is high, reaching 100 for one!

As soon as ye Bufan appeared, he caused a sensation, because everyone didn't believe that he would come, thinking that he didn't dare to fight at all.

"I didn't expect that the sick man of East Asia still has some backbone. He really dares to come. I have to admire him. It's really good!"

"Yes, although he is sure to lose, he has great courage to come here."

"Well, maybe he's dreaming that Chris has a bad stomach today and doesn't have the strength to fight him. Ha ha!"

"That's right. This guy is probably daydreaming. Ha ha!"

Brake time, all kinds of voices, the scene a lively.

"Ye Bufan, I support you!" In almost one side of the scene, came a crisp female voice.

They turned to look for the man, and then they saw a beautiful woman quietly appeared on the scene. It was sendale!

"Thank you, teacher. I will try my best to defeat this self righteous man!" Ye Bufan's face was as usual. He was not frightened by the voices at the scene at all. He said to sendale in a calm voice.

"I can't hear you wrong. Does the goddess care about the sick man in East Asia?" A voice of surprise came from the crowd.

"Yes, it's strange that there are still people who don't believe in Chris?"

"Do we offend the goddess by supporting Chris like this? After all, she supports the sick man of East Asia. " Some people are worried.

"That's right. Just like this. We can't help each other, can't we?" Right away, someone came up with an idea.

"Yes, we don't help each other, so we don't have to offend people." There are a lot of weeds on the wall, and soon there will be a chorus.

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