In a small church in Miami, fawaals, the North American bishop of the Church of light, looks at the people in front of him with a gloomy face.

"Who on earth is so bold that he dares to kill the people of our bright church?" After a while, fawaals growled, and his face was so ferocious that several people on his knees trembled.

"Don't be angry, Monseigneur!" Troy, the deputy chief justice standing by, came out and said.

"Can I not be angry? How long has it not happened that a senior deacon and two of them were killed? Even if we fight against the dark Council, we seldom suffer such a heavy loss! " He yelled.

"Now the key question is, who did it, the traitor, or someone else?" Troy said calmly that he despised the bishop of North America. If it wasn't for his inferior position, he would like to curse his mother. Is it useful to be angry?

"Alas, we have not been popular enough in this land. People here seldom believe in our Lord, so it's not so easy to find out the traitor." Farworth shook his head and said helplessly.

This is not because you are incompetent, which leads to today's dilemma! Troy's heart is extremely despised. This fawaz has been the bishop of North America for more than 20 years, but he has not made much contribution. However, there has been no intention of changing people, which makes many people dissatisfied.

Troy is also one of these people, he is eager to one day replace fawaz, become the bishop of North America, so that he has the opportunity to show his talent.

However, he said: "there is no way to do this. This is the most difficult area to promote except the resentful country of Huaxia. It's not your fault, bishop."

"Come on, let's all get up. Let me think of a way to find the traitor early and find out the truth." Farworth sighed, waved his hand, and said with a little helplessness.

A few people on the ground were relieved, wiped a cold sweat and stood up.

"Troy, it's up to you. I'm sure you can do it." Said farwaals lightly.

"Thank you for your trust. I will find out the real culprit as soon as possible." Troy looks like a pet.

Go to your sister's, know this is a difficult thing, give it to me, still say so grandiose, it is shameless! Troy cursed in his heart.

"Go, I think ten days should be enough? I can only hide this matter for ten days. If it's over, the Vatican may know about it. It's hard to say at that time. You and I are all responsible! " Said farwaals, with an air of earnestness.

"I understand. Don't worry, your eminence. I will give you an answer." Troy nodded and said, but his heart is extremely despised, if you really can't find it, I'm afraid you will put the responsibility on me, you still have the responsibility of fart!

Watching Troy take people away, fawaz's face showed a cruel color, sneered: "bastard, do you really think I don't know your mind? If you want to take my place, you'd better wait slowly! "

He slowly turned to the back. There was no order here except for him. No one could go in.

"Monseigneur, are you done with it?" A man, all covered in black, came out and looked at farworth.

"Well, I'm so angry with those rubbish. I can't do a little thing well. How can I not scold them? Now, I'll let Troy do it. I believe his ability will not disappoint me. " Said fawaals slowly.

"Troy? Hum, I don't know his mind. I always want to take your place Said the man in black with disdain.

"Of course I know, but don't you think that if I pretend I don't know his mind, I can make him work harder?" Farworth said with a sly smile.

"That is, for a man like him, only when he is given hope, he will do things to win credit. But he will never think that he has always been in your calculations. " Said the man in black in a strange voice.

"It's funny that he, a little Deputy referee, dares to attack me! I may not be as good as him when it comes to fighting, but he is still very young when it comes to playing power! " Said farwaals deeply.

"The people in the referee are all battle maniacs. Compared with those behind the scenes like us, they think they are very powerful. But to tell you the truth, if there's a fight, don't you, bishop, won't you win them? I don't think so. You can kill them with a higher level spell! " Said the man in black slowly.

"To convince others with strength is always inferior; It's the realm I'm pursuing to convince people by means of calculation. " Farworth said with a smile.

"After all, do you really think Troy can do it?" Asked the man in black.

"No, I don't think he can find the killer at all! Even if he does find it, it is estimated that the end will not be so good. Is it easy for the people who can kill Vincent and them? " Said farworth, shaking his head.

"Well, I think so too! But it's good to let him hit a nail in the face, so that he won't be here all day long! " Said the man in black.

"I'm really tired. I haven't dealt with this kind of thing for a long time. I'm tired both physically and mentally." With a long sigh, farworth lay down.

"Tired? Then let me help you relieve some pressure The voice of the man in black suddenly became very gentle. He slowly extended his hand, which was surprisingly white and slender.

"Well..." soon, bursts of people's imaginative voice rang.

No one could have imagined that there was such a side to a dignified North American archbishop. If this kind of thing was known, I'm afraid the whole Church of light would make people laugh.

It's just that everything is covered up.

Troy led more than a dozen magistrates to leave the church and launched a secret investigation in Miami City. Of course, the main target of their investigation was the people of the dark Council. They never thought that it was the third party who had done it, and only their arch rival, the dark Council, could do it.

People in the dark Council did not know where they learned about it. In order to avoid the anger of the Church of light, even though they were not weak, they did not dare to conflict with the Church of light at this time and hid one after another.

This makes Troy think that the whole thing was done by the dark Council! If not, is it necessary for them to hide so far?

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