"Of course, as you can see, I don't want to kill him. Otherwise, from the beginning, I don't have to keep his life, including Your captain. "

Lu Hao was honest and sincere, and his tone was full of sincerity.

He didn't cheat.

If the other side can provide enough information that he is satisfied with, he doesn't mind letting the other party go.

Of course After the event, he faced with the disposal of his own organization, whether he can survive safely is not his concern.

"Well I believe you

Looking at Lu Hao's sincere eyes, the man recalled that after captain pansen pan was arrested, and the situation that Lu Hao did not kill him with a single shot just now, the man was sure that the other side did not deceive himself.

The light in his eyes grew stronger.

He felt that he had found hope to live.

He spoke.

"I am Pooh

In a word, it's just started, it's over.

The luster in his eyes is still not extinguished, but in this luster, there is an emotion called doubt.

He looked at LV Hao suspiciously. He saw that Lu Hao frowned and didn't speak. His eyes showed relief.

He wanted to turn back, but his body was no longer able to do so, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.


No dust splashed.

He fell, heavy, and would never rise again.

He would not say a word more, nor would he reveal any secrets.

The dead You can't talk.

"It's just a little short."

Lu Hao clapped his hands, stood up and walked towards the body of the man.

His tone was not very sorry.

It can force people hiding in the dark to kill people, which in Lu Hao's view, has provided a clue for himself.

Although this clue is hard to trace, it is better than none.

Squatting beside the body, Lu Hao stroked his eyelids and closed his silent eyes.

"My friend, take it easy. If I have a chance, I will avenge you."

Lu Hao examined his back, looked at the black short handle that didn't reach the handle, and picked his eyebrows.

This is a light dart in the shape of an axe.

In the mercenary world, a variety of weapons emerge in endlessly.

Darts are not rare. They belong to concealed weapons. They can reverse the situation and surprise in many cases.

It's just

Lu Hao raised his head and took a look at the open plain in front of him, and his brow became deeper.

It can throw darts at the position of more than 200 meters, and its strength is not reduced, and it will kill you with one knife.

Such a character is not easy to deal with!

"The most troublesome thing in fighting is to clean up the mess."

Lu Hao did not think for too long. After pulling out the dart, he wiped the blood and received it in his arms.

Looking at the open space of zhenzikou, he shook his head and began to clean up the mess.

After all, he still has to live in this place. He doesn't want the residents who come out to work to see the corpses scream and call the police when the day is completely up.

All the corpses were dragged to a sunken ditch. Lu Hao found a bucket of gasoline, poured it directly on it, ignited it and burned it in one go.

After all this work, the sky was fully lit up.

Rodriguez, the mayor of the town, seldom gets up early. He is preparing to go to the villa in zhenzikou to brush his sense of existence. He happens to see Lu Hao and the burning fire not far behind him.

Rodriguez was so shocked that he didn't care to say hello. He quickly asked, "what's the situation?"

"This one?"

Lu Hao pointed to the fire and explained without expression: "last night, when Elsa wanted to eat roasted peanuts, she lit a fire, and it's not out yet."

"Roasted peanuts?"

Rodriguez has big eyes and a big mouth.

"Any questions?"

Lu Hao frowned.

"No No problem! "

Rodriguez in the eyes of Lu Hao, the body instantly tense, subconsciously answered.

"No problem. Good morning, mayor. I'm going to have breakfast. See you later."

Lu Hao added that he did not leave with a slight smile.

Left behind is Rodriguez, who looks confused.

"Roasted peanuts..."

Rodriguez looked at the burning fire and was lost in thought.


"Milk, beans, sandwiches."

In the villa of zhenzikou, there are all kinds of kitchen appliances.

Lu Hao untied his apron, took his breakfast and walked upstairs.

I didn't go out of my way to accommodate Elsa's taste.After all, Lu Hao doesn't know what little girl likes to eat.

He made two breakfast with the materials in the refrigerator. After eating his own one, Lu Hao took this one and went into the bedroom where Elsa had a rest.

Push open the door, put breakfast on the bedside table, looking at the empty bed, Lu Hao smile, no surprise.

He had always had a good memory, and of course he didn't think that Elsa had suddenly disappeared.

He crouched down and looked under the bed.

However, he was stunned.

What about the Aisha?

Under the bed, the bedding is still there.

But there was no sign of Elsa in the middle of the bed.

Where is the little girl?

Lu Hao frowned in an instant.

Is the other party's night raid actually a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain, in order to tie up Issa?

But in his perception, there is no enemy who escapes from control!

Lu Hao frowned and thought for two seconds, then his brow suddenly expanded.

Because he already felt the footsteps behind him.

Although the footstep is very slight, the owner of the footstep is also deliberately lowering his voice and holding his breath.

But in front of Lu Hao's keen hearing, there was no escape.

"Want to scare me?"

With his back to Elsa, Lu Hao's mouth lifted up a smile and suddenly turned around!



Two shrieks were heard at the same time.

One is that Lu Hao deliberately sent out.

It was Elsa's surprise that she could not help but utter.

"Bad guy, big bad guy, brother long is a bad guy!"

Elsa looked at the bad smile of Lu Hao's mouth, but he didn't understand it. He had already found himself. She threw herself into his arms and punched Lu Hao with her fingers.

This level of attack, in front of Lu Hao, can hardly even count as scratching.

Lu Hao hugged Aisa with a smile. Wensheng said, "when did you wake up?"

"Wake up long ago!"

Elsa pouted, and with a coquettish voice, she complained, "why did you put me under the bed? Besides, I didn't see you when I woke up. I was very angry!"

"Put Elsa under the bed because you are too charming to sleep, afraid that your passive thief will steal it."

Lu Hao's mouth seemed to be smeared with honey and said with a smile: "as for not seeing me, it's because I want to make love breakfast for Aisa, so I got up early!"

Lu Hao pointed to the dining plate on the bedside table and said with warm eyes.

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