When Sunan appeared in the British palace, the underground forces in Britain were in a panic.

"Su Laomo finally came. Who said that he would only speak cruel words after he disappeared for more than half a month? How should we explain now?" The British dark forces roared. At the beginning, they were forced to form an alliance to control Southern Jiangsu.

But now, Sunan went directly to the palace. It's a fart. Don't you dare to break into the palace?

And no one knows the attitude of the royal family. Who knows what kind of agreement the two sides will reach in private?

On the forum of wuzhe's home, there is a wave.

"The king of the Soviet Union is too powerful. It was the British who joined forces to attack the Imperial Palace and sit in the Chinese dragon chair. Now the king of the Soviet Union, in his own way, and vice versa, will also sit in the British Royal Dragon chair."

"Ha ha, that's right. I heard that Princess Angelique was the one who received King Su in person this time. It's said that this princess is as beautiful and elegant as heaven. If King Su can bring her into the harem, it's a long face."

This topic is a burst of approval of the men.

But the faces of British warriors swept the floor: "do you really want your royal highness to be able to wipe out the anger of Su old demons?"

"Don't let old devil Su succeed!"

"When we go to the palace, we must stop Su Laomo. I don't believe Su Laomo dares to mess around in the palace."

The British warriors were fierce and beat their chests.

Unfortunately, it was soon shattered by a cold water: "don't be naive. If you make king Su angry, can your British palace still exist?"

This is very realistic. In the battle of the congenital king, the destructive power can absolutely raze the palace to the ground. If the palace collapses, the influence will only be greater, and it will not be able to lift its head.

"Damn the people in the dark Council, they were the ones who made the most noise at the beginning, but now they haven't let out a fart!"

At present, Sunan has arrived in Britain, but the dark parliament, as the largest underground force in Britain, has a congenital master, but it has not come forward to say a word, which is puzzling.

"Ha ha, I'm afraid I don't know where to hide for a long time. If I were you, I'd better arrest the president of the dark Council and send him to King Su to make amends."

The way of the Chinese warrior's sarcasm.

"The courage of master Su is really amazing." He Yongkun shook his head helplessly.

"Minister, it's more than courage. It's lawless. The British royal family is not simple. It's said that the old Dukes are all congenital experts. Isn't it true that Mr. Su has fallen from the tiger's mouth?"

People in special departments know more than ordinary people.

"Minister, do you want to inform Mr. Su so that he can be prepared?" Qin Qi looks worried. She just learned that there are several old Dukes in the British royal family.

He Yongkun said bitterly: "even now it's too late to inform. He's in the other party's palace now. It's too late to inform now."

No one expected that Sunan would suddenly appear in each other's palace more than half a month after it disappeared.

No one knows that in order to be safe, Sunan chose to cross the sea.

"You don't have to worry too much. If master Su can get in and out of the five masters, those old Dukes will be afraid to do it by force. Otherwise, things will be really big."

He Yongkun is very fair analysis, unless the other side is sure to kill Sunan, otherwise absolutely dare not rashly start.

While the discussion was still going on in the martial arts home, Sunan was sitting in the British palace, opposite to Princess Angelique, who was staring at Sunan with an angry look on her face.

"Mr. Su, don't you think the request you just made is too much?"

South of Jiangsu leaned against a chair, raised its legs, lifted up its glasses, and looked at the red wine that was red and red, and laughed, "I don't know if your highness thought I was asking too much?"

"Mr. Su, we can ask the dark Council to release your people, but we must not allow you to kill the president of the dark Council, and your last request is that we return the Chinese antiques displayed in the museum, which is even more impossible."

Angelique said angrily.

"Most of the things in your museum were originally stolen from Huaxia. Now I just want to get them back and charge you interest. Are you still not happy?"

South of Jiangsu sipped a bottle of wine, found that it was delicious, worthy of the Royal Palace's treasures. The slow way: "if your highness doesn't agree, it's okay, please return."

"Go back?" Angelique eyes stare round, Jiao said: "this is my palace, even if the people who want to go out should also be you!"

Sunan smiles, spreads out his hands, and says with a smile: "I won't leave foolishly until I agree to my request. Haven't you heard a word from Huaxia? It's easy to ask God, but hard to send God. I will leave every day before I have accurate information. I not only want to live here, but also..."

Sunan's face is a sign of a bad smile.

"And what?" Angelique asked.

"And I'll sleep in your bedroom. Tut Tut, if this news gets out, I'm afraid... Ha ha ha!"

Sunan couldn't stop laughing.


Angrily trembling all over, and the people next to him glared at South of Jiangsu. If I did, I was afraid that everyone would really think that the British royal family was sleeping in South of Jiangsu to calm down her anger.

This is a fact absolutely unacceptable to the whole of Britain.

"Angelique, I do what I say. If you can't make the decision, talk to someone who can make the decision."

With a flick of his sleeve, Sunan suddenly turned back on the guests and ordered them to leave.

Next door to the reception hall, several aging men squinted, each person's body exuded a subtle smell, and the conversation next door was transmitted to their ears word for word.

"How are you, dukes? Are you sure?" The chief manager asked in an urgent voice.

"It's hard, it's too hard. Su Laomo is a natural master. Even if we four join hands and attack him in vain, we are not sure to kill him. Once we let him free his hand, we are afraid of the consequences." One of the old Dukes sighed.

These four were the four dukes and the four natural kings.

"Is there really no way?" The Royal manager was not reconciled.

"Oh, why didn't you think so much about it when you were fighting against others, but now you think about us when something goes wrong?" Some of the four Dukes didn't like it. After all, they didn't know anything about killing Sunan.

In the reception hall outside, Sunan put down her wine glass, looked at the angry Angelique and said, "my time is limited. If you think the four guys inside can deal with me, you can refuse my offer."


As soon as the southern Jiangsu dialect ended, her figure suddenly disappeared on the chair. The whole person directly appeared in front of angelica, lifted her round chin with her hand and joked.

"I can only feel wronged tonight. Your highness is going to bed with me."

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