The angel of heaven has an ugly face. He didn't get any of the treasures that just escaped. Those treasures are like having feet. The more precious they are, the faster they run. The flat peach that he went after slipped away, which made him miss a lot of treasures.

Combined with several powerful experts, he managed to open the main tomb. He pinned all his hopes on the main Tomb of the big tomb. But when they entered the tomb, they found that the coffin of TEMAO had been resisted away.

It made him feel like a bitch!

Immediately, he showed his secret skill and chased the two hateful grave robbers.

As for the others, they are not willing to be outdone. They are the masters of qingguangjian sect and mountain moving Taoist. They have gloomy eyes and go after each other.

In a dense forest, two people, one tall, one short, one fat and one thin, were carrying a coffin, and there was a man tied to the coffin, bumping and bumping, but they were not slow at all.

"Second, there's a flying man coming behind. What can I do?" The fat man looked back as he ran, and saw that he was chasing the messenger of heaven with great speed.

The thin man looked back and saw the celestial emissary of the vulture in mid air. He said, "fat man, look carefully. Is the luminous mask on the flying face gold?"

The fat man tilted his eyes, just took a look, and said: "yes, second, your eyes are poisonous. It's made of gold. This thing should be valuable!"

The thin man said angrily, "are these people who can fly sick? Have you ever heard of the truth that money is not revealed? Put a piece of gold on your face to show off that you are rich and great."

"Second, I can't stand these rich people. Don't make him Fat bite hard, mung bean big eyes narrowed, issued greedy eyes.

"Do what you say!"

When they put the coffin on the ground, Sunan, who was trapped on the coffin, felt sore all over. Then his forehead felt a sharp pain. Instinctively, he opened the rope and touched his forehead.

"Hiss..." Sunan couldn't help taking a cold breath, and a big bag puffed up on his forehead.

Sunan was angry in his heart. He thought that he was attacked by two top-notch people and was dizzy. He was depressed.

Just as he was about to look around, he suddenly saw a golden light coming from the horizon.

"Sunan, I'll see where you're going this time!"

There was a sneer under the mask of the celestial emissary. In a twinkling of an eye, it had already stopped in front of him.

Sunan's face sank and he knew that he had no way back. As for the two best products, they had disappeared for a long time.

Run away

Sunan shakes his head in his heart. This pair of brothers must have seen the pursuer coming and left him to escape. What makes Sunan headache is that these two people's behavior is very wonderful. This pair of top-notch goods even carry the coffin. It's really wonderful.

The angel of heaven was very satisfied. In his eyes, the fat and thin brothers were not worried. He had long found that they were only mortals. In his pursuit, he abandoned the coffin in the tomb and ran for Sunan's life alone. This is excusable.

As for the life and death of the two mole ants, it's nothing to him.

"Angel of heaven!" Sunan's deep voice.

"Sunan, with your Lingmai master's attainments, you can't use Lingmai here, and now you are a useless person. This time, you can't escape." There was a cold light in the corner of the angel's eye.

Sunan's eyes are very serious, then slowly change, become a little surprised.

"Su Laomo, you can do anything else, or you won't have a chance."

Sunan's eyes were strange and silent.

"It seems that you have nothing to say, and that's right, because no matter what you say, you will die today." The angel of heaven is very confident. In such a situation, he doesn't believe that Su can make a comeback.

"Sunan, don't worry. I won't kill you. I'll take you back and let my brother do it himself." Heaven messenger way.

"Is that trash your brother?" Sunan opens his mouth.

With this relationship, Sunan's mind is even worse.

"Yes, you wasted half of his body. He has never suffered anything since he was a child, but he must be very sad that you are so cruel to him. Only by taking you back and tormenting him in all ways can he let off his hatred." Heaven messenger way.

"Well, don't you want to go back to your heaven beating staff?" Southern Jiangsu light road.

The angel of heaven said, "don't worry, we won't take your life before you tell us where the magic wand is."

He's in a good mood now. He thought his trip to ghost state was fruitless, but he didn't expect that God would give him a big surprise.

He not only met Sunan who was seriously injured in Guizhou, but also got a coffin in a mysterious tomb. As for the coffin, he was not in a hurry to open it.

From the things flying out of the tomb, we can see that the accompanying objects of this tomb are unusual. The treasures inside the coffin are absolutely more precious than those outside. If you open it rashly, it will be unfair if these treasures fly away.

Carry the coffin back to the heaven, let several experts sit down, in this way, the baby inside will have no escape.

Every time the messengers of heaven think of it, they feel sweet.

To put it in a popular way, it has developed this time.

Sunan's eyes became more and more strange. Looking at the smiling angel in his eyes, his eyes were a bit thoughtful, even puzzled.

"No?" The suspicious way of Southern Jiangsu.

"What shouldn't?" the messenger said

Sunan said: "don't you realize that something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

The emissary frowned more heavily, and his eyes were a little more puzzled.

"Didn't you find anything?" Asked Sunan.

"No... yes!"

Before he finished speaking, he felt a strong wind coming from the back of his head.

He quickly turned around and saw behind him a thin man and a fat man. Two people did not know how to drill out of the ground, nor did they know when to appear behind him. What was most important was the two hands, lifting a shovel and a shovel.

"Bang Dang!"

The emissary of heaven was dazzled in front of his eyes and his head was badly damaged.

"Impossible..." he shook his head hard, trying to make his dizzy head clear.

Then, with a bang, he fell to the ground.

Sunan looked at the angel of heaven sympathetically. He understood that feeling, because not long ago, he also felt

"Cut, no matter how high your accomplishments are, a shovel will fall down!"

The way that thin person disdains.

"Second, stop talking nonsense and take the gold from his face!" The fat man urged.

"Yes, yes, this guy is so stupid. Mengwa reminded him, but he didn't respond. His brain lacks a muscle." Thin complain, seems to feel too easy.

Fat man echoed: "this is not nonsense, if he was smart, he would not take gold on his face to show off his wealth."

Sunan's eyes twitched when he heard this.

In my heart, I stood in silence for the angel of heaven, and gave this brother a very complicated look.

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