"Academician Lin, I'm afraid this clause is a bit bad.

There is no life on Mars right now, and they might use that as a reason to refute your claims about Mars."Ouyang Yuan reminded softly

"I know."Lin Feng nodded lightly.

"Then why do you still put forward this condition?"Ouyang Yuan was even more confused.

"On Mars, plants have been successfully grown, but I have not announced it."Lin Feng said expressionlessly.

Ouyang Yuan was shocked and held back his joy for a moment.

He tried his best to control himself so that the people opposite him would not notice that his mood was wrong.

He still had an expressionless and indifferent face. The feeling of being rejected thousands of miles away made me happy.

Some other people were whispering to each other and discussing the conditions proposed by Lin Feng.

Although the conditions were good, some weak countries were not willing.

This method means that space resources are will be fully occupied by powerful countries. However, their opinions are not important.

The meeting is still going on. After Lin Feng said that he would modify the agreement, some people objected, but it had little effect.

Lin Feng’s strong attitude on the Mars issue and space issues, Have the absolute right to speak.

The most important part of this agreement is the rules on planet ownership.

There are three categories.

One is the lifeless and desolate planets, which have no ownership rights.

All humans can freely land to study or The bases and mining areas that are mined and constructed belong to the developers.

One is a lifeless and desolate planet, which is transformed from a desolate planet into a planet suitable for life.

This type of planet belongs to the transformer (the planet's terrain change area must exceed 0%)

If there is a change in planetary conditions not caused by an individual or organization.

All human beings can freely log in and conduct research, and the bases constructed are owned by the units and individuals who built them.

The last type is a planet with life, which can be occupied, but the life on the planet is not allowed to be exterminated. An international biological research team and an international cooperation team will be organized to conduct biological research on the planet.

But if extraterrestrial life is really discovered, it will not be as simple as the agreement says.

The rules of the new space agreement mainly concern the ownership of planets.

The ownership of extraterrestrial planets is based on enterprises as the most basic unit.

Companies can own planets and encourage companies to participate in space development and exploration.

To put it bluntly, this means doing so without causing a crisis to the Earth-Moon system, the Earth-Sun system, and humanity.

Freedom to explore outer space, but only in compliance with safety rules and liability.

The rest are some common safety rules and some common responsibilities in the space.

These rules are optional.

Extraterrestrial space research is only for the strong, when interests are not involved.

We are all good kids who follow the rules.

If interests are involved, these agreements are just scraps of paper and have no binding force at all.

The reason why Lin Feng came here was just to give an answer to the outside world, just to show off.

The agreement mainly restricts individuals and small groups to prevent them from misusing the space.

Causing crisis to mankind and the earth has no constraints or effects on him.

With the old outer space invention as the original blueprint, Lin Feng only requested modifications regarding planetary ownership and several unreasonable clauses.

Other clauses that are ambiguous have not been moved or modified.

After"discussions" with dozens of people, Lin Feng proposed to modify several clauses, and it was finalized within three hours.

The efficiency is amazingly fast.

The new outer space law was revised into the original document under the witness of members of the Committee on Outer Space Affairs, space research representatives of various countries, representatives of various space organizations and aerospace enterprises, and the chairman of the International Tribunal.

During the revision of the agreement document, they have contacted their respective officials.

We will also inform you of the detailed content, whether you want to join or not, everyone has their own answer.

A revised agreement document was prepared by the staff of the International Tribunal responsible for assisting in signing the agreement.

Delivered to every delegate present.

Jim stared at Lin Feng closely, waiting for him to sign. Everyone else's eyes were on Lin Feng.

This space conference was held in response to Longteng Group's announcement of ownership of Mars.

After Lin Feng signed his name on the agreement, Jim and others laughed mockingly and signed their names on the agreement.

The signing of the agreement is completed, and the dust of this space conference has settled.

"Now I would like to ask Mr. Jim, the organizer of the conference, to summarize the results of the conference."

At the end of the meeting, Jim was smiling after the host called his name. He walked to the podium of the conference like a winner, just shy of not recognizing his relatives.

"The biggest gain today is to formulate new rules for human space development in the future.

The agreement encourages organizations and enterprises to actively carry out space exploration and development, and everything they gain will be their own.

Outside is a sea of ​​stars and infinite space.

Our agreement today is to lay the foundation for mankind to enter the sea of ​​stars. Future space exploration will only become faster and faster."

Jim's speech was a bit impassioned and he was in a very good mood.

"Next, our plan is to unite the space agencies and space research institutions of various countries.

Prepare to build a permanent base on Mars for research."

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately became commotion.

Some reporters turned their live broadcast cameras to Lin Feng, wanting to see Lin Feng's reaction.

To their disappointment, Lin Feng sat quietly in his seat, holding his thermos cup. Drinking water, unmoved

"Is Lin Feng giving up his claim to Mars?"

"Has Lin Feng given up on Mars?"

"After spending trillions, it’s impossible to give up so easily, right? Could there be other reasons?"

Some people were surprised and began to whisper.

Jim just glanced at Lin Feng and continued his speech.

"You may be wondering, Longteng Group’s claim to Mars ownership is currently invalid.

First of all, we are not yet sure whether Mars was caused by an asteroid impact driven by the Longteng Group.

The plans and data they published are not enough to be used as conclusive evidence to transform Mars.

Putting this aside, let's assume that Mars was caused by an asteroid impact driven by the Longteng Group.

However, Article 2 of the agreement stipulates that if a lifeless and desolate planet is transformed into a planet suitable for life, this planet belongs to the person who transformed it.

This stipulated condition is that only planets suitable for life will belong to the reformers.

Currently, there is no life on Mars, which means it is not suitable for life to survive.

The situation on Mars complies with the first item of Article 2 of the Agreement. Mars is a desolate planet.

It belongs to all mankind, and any organization or individual can freely develop Mars.

When we join this agreement, we must adhere to the spirit of the agreement, strictly abide by it, and implement it……"

This sentence seemed to be meant for Lin Feng. Most of the people on the field had begun to applaud, and some people had already laughed and laughed. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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