All over the world, including some celebrities, entrepreneurs, stars and scientists, are calling for Longteng Group.

Before super artificial intelligence is truly safe, stop research on super artificial intelligence to prevent artificial intelligence from getting out of control.

"Things got a bit big."

Jiang Feng entered Lin Feng's laboratory with a bunch of letters and documents and put them on his desk. He sat down on Lin Feng's office chair, took off his high heels and stretched.

He began to spin in circles on the office chair. , her long legs swayed under her short skirt, looking lazy.

The letters she brought were sent to her company from all walks of life.

Most of them asked about super artificial intelligence and expressed their concerns. Concerns about super artificial intelligence

"Officials have also sent people to inquire, hoping that we can answer questions about the safety of super artificial intelligence and provide solutions."

The current most cutting-edge technologies are set by Longteng.

The government has given them maximum autonomy.

Unless there are very special technologies and weapon technologies that need to be notified to the officials, the rest are decided by them independently.

The topic of super artificial intelligence , arousing concern from all walks of life.

Even some issues that caused social concern, the official had to send over to understand the situation

"How do you reply?"Lin Feng held down Jiang Feng's chair while he was spinning around.

"I say, the security of super artificial intelligence is very reliable"

"But they want a more precise answer. Do you have any idea?"

Jiang Feng picked up a few envelopes and put them in front of Lin Feng.


Lin Feng took the envelope, turned it over, and then put it down.

"This problem can be easily solved. You can announce the news"

"Said that soon I will announce the security solution for super artificial intelligence"

"That's great, can I know what the plan is? Jiang Feng asked curiously

"Of course, there's nothing you can't know."

Lin Feng said

"Just release a tiny quantum computer and make it a personal computer and laptop"

"Information security can be guaranteed, and quantum confidentiality is the highest currently known."

"Even a super artificial intelligence cannot detect it without being discovered"

"It seems that my worries are unnecessary. As soon as you started researching, you knew that there would be today's problem."

"Um."Lin Feng did not deny

"At first, I just felt that releasing a quantum computer would not be necessary for the time being."

"Not enough now, just take this opportunity to release a quantum computer"

"Is it ready for mass production?"Jiang Feng asked

"Now Xiong Da’s calculation capacity is close to unlimited, and quantum chips are mature"

"Many technologies can be mass-produced and used, just think about it"

"After all, social problems are there, and society has not been transformed. If the speed is too fast, it is easy for faults and collapse."

Lin Feng clicked on the holographic screen, and the appearance of a miniature quantum computer and a quantum notebook were suspended in front of Jiang Feng's eyes.

Many technologies, taking into account social contradictions and needs.

Lin Feng did not allow the company to use them universally, otherwise too many people would be unemployed. Society is prone to chaos.

Earning more or less money has no meaning to him.

"Then let people prepare for the launch of quantum computers?"


Lin Feng put away the holographic screen and turned around to continue checking the various data on Mars.

"How is the atmosphere of Mars terraformed?"Jiang Feng leaned on the chair and quietly looked at the light curtain in front of Lin Feng.

"It's going well, let me show you."Lin Feng moved his fingers, clicked on a holographic light screen and placed it in front of Jiang Feng.

The picture on Mars. A distributed picture, with more than a dozen devices with a diameter of 100 meters in the air.

There is also a huge turbofan on it, The connected pipes are filled with red and transparent liquid.

In addition, there is a mobile machine on the ground with a diameter of about three meters, similar in shape to the large machine.

It just has a few more mechanical legs.

"These are oxygen generators. The technical content is not high and they are easy to manufacture."

"It can capture dioxygen compounds in the air and reduce them to elemental substances and oxygen by applying electricity."

"In the future, a steady stream of machines will be manufactured to accelerate the transformation of the Martian atmosphere."

"Relying on plants to transform the atmosphere takes too long, so use an oxygen generator"

"It won't take long for the oxygen concentration on Mars to reach the standard for animal survival."

Outside Mars Yinghuo City, a large oxygen generator has been built and has begun operation.

In the invisible atmosphere, bubbles can only be seen in the liquid catalyst. A steady stream of greenhouse gases is pouring into the oxygen generator and being decomposed into oxygen and elemental

"It’s really scary. When you first talked about planetary transformation, I thought you were crazy, but I didn’t expect it to actually happen."

Jiang Feng exclaimed:"Planet can be transformed, Xiong Da can form consciousness, what are you going to study next?"

"Flying out of the solar system, but this is a bit difficult." Lin Feng said

"How to say?"

"Without a spacecraft that can travel at the speed of light or exceed the speed of light, there is no point in flying out of the solar system."

Lin Feng also pulled up a chair and sat down next to Jiang Feng.

The universe is too vast, measured in light years.

Without light-speed spaceships and spaceships that exceed the speed of light, for Lin Feng, there is no way to fly out of the solar system. Use it.

Even if he can research medicine to increase lifespan, the lifespan of one generation cannot support the time of universe research.

"Do you want to study light speed spacecraft again?"

"Yes."Lin Feng nodded.

As long as he researches, with the help of Xiong Da, Lin Feng is confident that he can research the technology on his own.

But the time span is too long, and in a lifetime, the technology that can be researched is limited.

There is definitely no shortage of science and technology libraries. His several technical achievements.

These technologies are included in the inheritance of the Science and Technology Library, and they are ready-made complete and mature technical materials.

He is standing on the shoulders of countless giants.

As long as you go to the forefront of their pioneering paths, you can carry out the mission of the Science and Technology Library. And continue to open up and pass on the road.

There is no need to build the road again, because his life time is limited.

So what Lin Feng wants to do now is to complete the transformation of Mars and obtain the next authority of the Science and Technology Library

"The universe is so big, do you really want to see it?"

Lin Feng shrugged, it goes without saying...........

The lizard head sat comfortably on the chair of the spaceship, tapping its claws on the bar; its sharp nails tapped on the bar made of special materials, making a tinkling sound.

This inspection is still in progress. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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