"This is actually related to the history of our ancestors and the history of our Manshan tribe."

"According to records, our ancestors originally lived on a peaceful planet"

"Later, a disaster occurred on that planet and it was no longer suitable for habitation, so our ancestors began to plan to migrate."

"There are many migration teams, and our ancestors are one of them"

"After more than five hundred years of flight, we finally arrived on this planet. Tuoshan sighed and continued to speak.

"Ancestors recorded that seven hundred years ago, during their migration, they encountered an accident in the sky."

"They call it a 'space vortex'. After our migrating team fell into the space vortex, we arrived here."

"Two million people migrated, and after five hundred years and various disasters, only 50,000 people came here."

Tuoshan's voice was a little deep, like he was opening an ancient history book.

Jing Ge and Tuo Li were attracted by him, and Lin Feng also listened carefully.

He needed to find clues about this place from these histories.

"But the disaster was not over. The remaining 50,000 people were lucky enough to discover a planet."

"But when I arrived on this planet, I discovered that the environment here was different from the planet where my ancestors lived.

All the weak scholars and intellectuals died.

Only a few thousand highly trained warriors survived, and that was the beginning of misfortune.

The warriors were not proficient in technology and knowledge, and there were gaps in the inheritance of cultural knowledge.

I began to think about relying on the spacecraft's machines to maintain the inheritance of knowledge.

Later, the spacecraft broke down and was completely scrapped due to the high technical requirements and lack of maintenance."

Lin Feng can imagine that situation.

A person from a planet with a low gravity suddenly lands on a planet with five times the gravity. His body is too weak to bear it. With a small number of people, there is a gap in cultural knowledge. This is very scary..

This means that their civilization is interrupting and degenerating

"The ancestors realized that the crisis was coming and there was no technical support"

"On this planet with a harsh living environment, they are weak and will become extinct sooner or later."

"The urgency of extinction forced our ancestors to use the remaining technology at their disposal to solve this problem.

But the more serious problem lies behind, the surviving ancestors.

After a woman becomes pregnant, she cannot withstand the environment here and it may even be life-threatening.

Even the offspring that are born are still babies. It is simply impossible to continue the race"

"How did you solve this problem later? Lin Feng asked curiously

"Our ancestors found some indigenous people on this planet"

"The indigenous people have low intelligence, but have similar bodies and characteristics and are the same species."

"In the end, our ancestors compromised and combined with the indigenous women, so we, the Barbarian Mountain Tribe, were born."

"Inherited the intelligence of ancestors and the physique of indigenous ancestors"

"Their intelligence is normal, and their physique can withstand the living environment here.

The ongoing crisis was resolved and the population began to increase, but the gap in knowledge became more and more serious.

There is a technological gap, and as energy is exhausted, some machinery begins to be scrapped.

Before our ancestors died, they recorded all their knowledge.

But it cannot change the situation where the loss of knowledge is becoming more and more serious, and the loss of machinery is also getting worse.

Seven hundred years have passed since then, after many disasters and migrations.

The only knowledge that has been preserved is what these ancestors recorded on furs and wooden books.

Fortunately, the inheritance of writing has not been interrupted.

We can only learn now from this retained knowledge.

To understand the world, but its effect is limited. We all know a lot of esoteric knowledge and words, but we cannot understand and interpret them."

Tuoshan was sighing, loaded with heavy worries.

Jing Ge and Tuo Li stopped talking. Although Tuo Li was young, he understood what grandpa said.

"Those selected through this natural environment are all powerful warriors"

"Their ability to learn knowledge is not that strong, and profound knowledge is spread less and less."

"The hard work of civilization condensed by our ancestors is being lost, which is why the current disconnection situation has emerged."

"All that can be retained are some basic truths and the truth about heaven and earth, leaving at least some hope for future generations to rekindle civilization."

"If one day these words and knowledge are lost, the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors will completely disappear."

Lin Feng understands that civilizational gaps are hard to bear.

The hard work and knowledge of countless ancestors eventually disappeared because of civilizational gaps.

Just like the Mayan civilization and other ancient civilizations on the earth, they encountered gaps and eventually perished.

No wonder there are machines With traces of civilization, the Barbarians are still using primitive cold weapons.

After hundreds of years of interstellar migration, all the people with advanced technology and energy technology have died, and the machines have malfunctioned and been scrapped.

With only a few thousand people left, they can Standing firm and reproducing in this extreme environment.

Keep growing and retaining the most basic knowledge and written inheritance of civilization. This is already admirable.

"Did your ancestors ever say, where is this place?"Lin Feng asked.

Lin Feng is a little confused now. He is just a lost traveler. He needs to determine where this place is.

Tuoshan told the history of the Manshan tribe, but it did not help Lin Feng understand the location of this space.

"No."Tuoshan shook his head

"However, there is one very important thing that has been passed down."

When Mu Suo learned about Lin Feng's question, he remembered an important item. He hurriedly walked to a wooden cabinet and carefully took out a large box wrapped in layers of fur.

He took the translator from Tuoshan and put it on. Mucho began to introduce in earnest

"This is something that our ancestors told us to pass down."

"It is said to record the information of ancestors' civilization, and there are many important information that can be used when civilization is revived in the future."

Mu Kuo carefully opened the box.

When the box was opened, a square machine appeared in Lin Feng's field of vision, which looked like a Rubik's Cube. The square machine was well protected, with no traces of damage.

Machines such as storage computer mainframes were all made of metal..

There is also a projection-like lens with very high craftsmanship and the same technical level as when Lin Feng left the earth. Lin Feng looked carefully and guessed that it might be a microcomputer or something like that.

If so, Lin Feng would have the opportunity to start from I found some clues about this space here.

I originally thought this was a primitive planet, but I didn’t expect an unexpected gain.

"Can you try it for me?"Lin Feng asked, pointing to the square machine.

Tuoshan and Mu Tuo discussed in low voices for a while, and finally made up their minds, nodding together.

Their clan has been waiting for too long, and this thing has never been turned on since the energy technology gap.

Now they meet Lin Feng, an extraterrestrial visitor.

And they can feel that Lin Feng has no ill intentions. This is an opportunity for them to restore the inheritance of civilization.

Even if this thing is precious, they still want Lin Feng to try it, otherwise there will be no hope.

Be careful. Taking over the square machine, Lin Feng began to examine it carefully.

According to Tuo Shan's story, Lin Feng determined that the ancestors of the Manshan tribe were a stellar civilization.

And it was a civilization that had not been discovered by the Universe Alliance.

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