"General, we are about to enter the battle zone in urban Halab."

As the convoy entered the city of Halab, the adjutant next to him spoke up to remind him.

Looking at the buildings in the city of Halab, none of them were complete and they were all devastated.

The ruins were the homes left to them by more than ten years of war, and they were in dilapidated condition..

As the convoy approached, the sounds of gunfire and explosions became clearer and clearer, and the smell of gunpowder smoke could already be smelled in the air.

For elites on the battlefield, this smell has long been accustomed to it.

Soon, the team passed through the checkpoints , entering the rear of the combat zone


As soon as the motorcade stopped, a school officer trotted over and saluted Hassan with reverent eyes.

Now Hassan is one of the legendary generals and the most prestigious person in the Syrian army.

He is also one of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Syria. One of my idols.

It is rumored that if Franje retires, Hassan will become the most powerful candidate for the position of Defense Minister.

"How's it going? Hassan returned the salute to the school officer and asked.

Hearing this question, the school officer looked unhappy and said hesitantly:

"Salahuddin district fell, and fighting is now taking place in Haydaria district.

Their equipment is very sophisticated and they have many top snipers. We suffered a lot of casualties."

"Um. Hassan

's face was expressionless, and he could not tell whether he was happy or angry:"Lead the way to Hayidaria District.""


The school officer quickly boarded the vehicle leading the convoy and headed for Haydaria District.

The five-kilometer run was not too far, and he soon reached the neighborhood where the exchange of fire took place.

"Aktar, get the demon squad down."Hassan spoke at the control terminal on the right.

With an order, the curtain behind the truck, which was covered by camouflage canvas, was opened.

11 war robots got off the truck, painted in camouflage colors, with soft lines on their bodies, looking mysterious and powerful..Coming down together, there are 10 soldiers.

These are the members of the Demon Team, 10 war robots, and 10 soldiers. The extra war robot is Hassan’s guard robot.

These 10 team members are Hassan personally selected them as his most trusted and loyal people.

The above assigned 11 war robots to the Tiger Force, and Hassan personally assigned them to lead them. They will assist them in performing some dangerous tasks while fighting on the front line.

During the running-in period At that time, they fully experienced the terror of war robots.

They have not found any obvious flaws. The most suitable ones are plain battlefields, followed by urban street battles.

Without heavy weapons, war robots are invincible.

This is the first time for war robots Entering the battlefield of the war.

Hassan wanted to try it, but the blade was not sharp at the end.


When the robots appeared, the soldiers on the field widened their eyes. Their own heads were not enough.

Their country was in war all year round. Occluded.

With only constant fighting, training and orders, soldiers have relatively little knowledge of the outside world.

Many soldiers use old-fashioned robots.

Now that they see novel things like war robots, curiosity is written on their faces.

They even doubt, Were there soldiers pretending to be in tights?

"Reclaim Salah al-Din, take no prisoners."

There was a coldness in Hassan's voice. Years of war have accumulated too much anger in him.

Never show any mercy to those people. He has never been a civilized teacher. The surrounding soldiers heard the murderous voice, Even though he has been on the battlefield for a long time, he still can't help but feel chills on his skin.

He is glad that he is a soldier under the general.

He gave the order to Akhtar and turned to look at the adjutant beside him.

"Let the Silver Skull Battalion replace the soldiers in front"

"Yes, General."

Akhtar and his adjutant saluted, and together with the soldiers and robots, they quickly ran over to the street where the battle was taking place. There was no hesitation in the process.

Every soldier who can be selected to join the Tiger Force is a brave man who has survived hundreds of battles on the battlefield. A soldier who has experienced blood and war.


The sound of gunfire and explosions is deafening, and the smell of gun smoke and blood in the air is a bit choking.

Dark red blood can be seen everywhere, some of which have not yet Solidified.

Akhtar asked the demon team to be divided into two groups, five people and five robots, and entered the firefight area.

At this time, he was full of expectations. If the war robots can display their terrifying performance in training mode, everything will become foregone conclusion

"Activate war mode."Akhtar spoke.

This was the first time he officially activated the war mode.

As the Demon Team's order was issued, the sci-fi goggles of the 10 war robots turned red.

It seemed like a bloodthirsty color, a bit scary.

The surroundings Soldiers look ecstatic as they see war robots and well-equipped tiger troops joining the battle

"War robot, 1 unit."

Two war reporters who were filming on the battlefield saw the war robot, their eyes were horrified and their whole bodies were cold.

They were not soldiers with no information. They were reporters who knew everything about the news happening in the outside world, especially the news about equipment.

It was rumored that Syria had placed an order for war robots from Longteng Defense, but they didn't expect it to be true.

A cold shiver made them react, and without hesitation they picked up the camera and pressed the shutter.

Akhtar entered the fighting position with a ruthless look in his eyes. It’s spicy, my body is shaking.

It’s not fear, but uncontrollable excitement.



10 war robots jumped out of the street and turned to look at the battlefield opposite.

The muzzles of the guns in their hands were already opened and pointed at the block opposite.

Looking at the war robots jumping more than three meters high in the air, all The soldiers opened their mouths in disbelief.

Next, they saw a scene they would never forget since they participated in the battle.

The war robot leaped in the air, the gun barrel in its hand had been extended, aiming at the opposite block.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

A muffled sound came from the arm of the war robot.

A bullet the size of a finger appeared in the air, leaving an invisible trajectory.

If you could see clearly, you would definitely be able to see the slight arc of the bullet.

The ten robots all moved in unison, There was no unnecessary movement.

The bullets flew away from the rebel machine gunners on the opposite block, and the surrounding air seemed to be still.

Garcia was holding a heavy machine gun and suppressing firepower against the Syrian army.

Suddenly, he saw ten shadows appearing in the air in the opposite block.

Garcia's pupils shrank, and before he could see clearly what it was, he turned the muzzle of the machine gun without hesitation.

A sense of fatal danger came over, and the feeling of death shrouded him, making Garcia freeze up.

It is said that before death, , can see a special picture, within Garcia's sight.

Everything seems to be slowed down a hundred times, and he can see a bullet coming towards his eyebrow._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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