"Can you ask A Guoguo to secretly transport one for us to study? asked a senior official.

"They refused. Shanahan said in a deep voice.

After the Crown Prince of Afghanistan visited China, the relationship between the two parties took a further step and they received a war robot from Longteng Defense.

The Kingdom of Afghanistan placed a number of large trade orders with China and promoted Chinese language nationwide.

The cultures of both sides The exchanges and cooperation have been in-depth.

They asked the Kingdom of A and were rejected, just like the Emirate.

It was said that it was due to the restrictions of Longteng Defense and no third-party personnel were allowed to contact.


War robots appeared on the battlefield in Syria and wiped out 230 rebels in 10 minutes.

Forced nearly 500 rebels to surrender and pacified Halab.

The news spread, and within just one day, the world was shocked.

The Syrian military has no intention of hiding anything.

Admit in front of global reporters that war robots killed more than 200 rebels in 10 minutes.

Syria's intentions are very obvious.

Use this battle to deter organizational forces that are interested in joining the Syrian battlefield.

Force some unstable armed forces in the country to surrender and stabilize the morale of Syrian soldiers.

Kill several birds with one stone

"Boss, representatives from 8 countries have contacted me now, asking for war robots."

Lin Feng received a video call from Zhu He.

The news coming out of Syria has given countries around the world a new understanding of war robots.

Countries that think they have good relations with China have come over one after another, hoping to buy them.

"What does it say above?"Lin Feng asked

"The above implies, refuse."Zhu He said.

The countries that want to buy war robots are all countries that look very similar to them.

The superiors may not be able to refuse them face to face, so they will transfer the stall to Longteng Defense as an excuse, and then let Longteng Defense find an excuse to reject them.

In this way, He can handle the relationships here very well.

Zhu He naturally understands some of the rules after being exposed to these.

"Then just find any excuse to refuse."Lin Feng nodded.

War robots, as the signature of Longteng Defense, are now shining brightly on the battlefield, which he expected.

But if this kind of high-tech smart weapon appears on a large scale in the world battlefield, it will soon break the current global trend. The balance of military power.

Once the balance is broken, there will be chaos.

No one is ready for that step now, so the official chooses export control.

Especially, it cannot be left to those who are interested and in vain.

Bab al-Hawa was killed by the Syrian government forces After regaining control, the last border crossing in the province controlled by the opposition forces was cut off.

This battle became the last straw for the opposition forces.

The besieged opposition forces were in a state of total collapse with almost no fighting.

They abandoned Mhamdan and Maiala Important towns such as Mesrin have turned against the wind, and internal defections abound.

Wherever the Syrian army has passed, it has won without a fight.

Even if the Western group makes excuses and sends planes to bomb several times, it still cannot stop the pace of the large army.

Wings of Freedom Serious disagreements have arisen among the top leaders of the opposition armed forces.

The warring and peaceful parties began to quarrel, and people's minds changed.

Soon, internal strife broke out within the Wings of Freedom, and the leader who advocated for peace led his men late at night in an attempt to control the leader Shisei In the end, the plan failed and the two sides exchanged fire.

The Wings of Freedom were completely divided.

The two factions were in internal strife. Hassan received a letter of surrender from the peace seekers and took this opportunity to lead the Tiger Force to attack Idlib City.

Inside the Wings of Freedom disintegrated, and Hassan's Tiger Force.

With war robots as the lead, they wiped out the active forces of the opposition armed forces, and the large forces advanced steadily. The battle in Idlib City lasted for one day.

Hisset, the leader of the Wings of Freedom, was killed during the battle. War robots killed.

The opposition forces lost their last backbone and a large number of people surrendered.

In the end, the Syrian government forces led by Hassan completely controlled Idlib city.

Four thousand militants were captured, and the rest of the team was dispersed, put down their weapons and fled..

All 50 members of the military advisory team sent by the Western Group to the opposition forces were captured.

Due to international pressure, Syria finally released the 50 military advisors.

Since then, the Syrian civil war has ended with a victory for the government forces.

The outside world has expressed doubts about Syria. The sudden change in the war situation was unexpected.

With the help of the advantages of war robots, in less than a month, Syria put down the civil war that lasted for more than ten years.

War robots have almost become synonymous with the most terrifying on the battlefield.

And the production of war robots Two companies, Longteng Defense and Longteng Equipment, which provide weapons for robots.

Because of the victory of the Syrian government forces, they have established a foothold in the ranks of the world's top arms manufacturers.

However, the war did not end.

After the recapture of Idlib Previously, Bashar had publicly issued a warning through television broadcasts to the troops who entered the Syrian territory without permission.

However, half a month later, the troops who entered the Syrian territory still went their own way and had no intention of leaving the Syrian territory.

In the end, the Syrian army Unable to endure it, Hassan's Tiger Troops, who had just pacified Idlib, marched northward and directly drove the Turkish troops stationed in Syrian territory.

When Hassan's Tiger Troops approached the Turkish garrison, they asked the air force to carry 6 warm weapons. Pressure bombs.

Into the Turkish garrison in the Syrian territory, and then led by the demon squad equipped with intelligent robots and the well-equipped silver skeleton battalion, pushing through. In just one day, the Turkish army stationed in the Syrian territory, 1,300 soldiers died.

The tanks and armored vehicles lost 82 tanks and armored vehicles at a heavy cost. They eventually fled in disgrace and returned to the Turkish border.

Then Hassan led the Silver Skull Battalion and the war robot team to parachute into southwestern Syria with plans to regain the Golan Heights.

When the news came out, Israel immediately stopped bombing and harassing Syria and entered a state of full combat readiness, as if facing a formidable enemy.

News of the changing war situation in Syria shocked the world.

Now Syria has war robots and intelligent equipment as its trump cards.

Although the air power is lacking, the combat effectiveness of the ground troops has reached a terrifying stage.

Turkey had no way to retaliate and appealed to the United Nations, asking the United Nations to discuss a resolution and impose sanctions on Syria.

The stage for the game between the world's major powers has also shifted from the battlefield of Syria to the stage of the United Nations General Assembly.

In addition to Turkey turning to the United Nations and demanding sanctions on Syria.

There is also the Western Group headed by the United States, plus countries such as Turkey, Israel, Japan, and South Korea.

An agreement on banning war robots from entering the battlefield is drafted and submitted to the Security Council.

The euphemistic name is: in order to prevent mankind from suffering the crisis of intelligent robots and destroy mankind. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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