Only that kind of terrible intelligent virus research and development team can cause such damage.

When the 'Satan' virus spread, even Japan suffered heavy losses.

If you go crazy and even attack yourself, what else can you not dare to do?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, this is a false accusation."

At the reception, the Japanese reporters couldn't believe all this, and finally left the reception angrily........

"Damn barbarians"



"Can you be more shameless?"

"Can you be more shameless?"

In the Japanese Prime Minister's residence, Ryuichi Sato and Moto Kishida stood obediently at the door of the office.

They could clearly hear various curses and the sound of smashing things coming from the locked office.

The Prime Minister was very angry, and they were not angry either. Exception.

Only they themselves know how terrible the impact of the CIA press conference was.

They were already very annoyed that Amaterasu was taken away, and the CIA was also involved.

They did not announce it to the outside world, but chose to swallow their anger.

Because of that incident, they were in a confrontation with Maozi, and both sides were on the same side.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the Americans came up in person and stabbed them fatally in the back.

They were also asked to hand over the Amaterasu team and Program code.

The intentions of Sima Zhao of the Americans have been obvious. They failed in the last robbery.

They were tricked by the Maozi people and did not get the artificial intelligence program. This time they chose this shameless method to put pressure on them.

The smart virus is not theirs Spreading it, who spread it?

It doesn’t matter anymore.

It may have been spread by Maozi people, and the Americans took advantage of this opportunity to put pressure on them.

They took the opportunity to obtain the artificial intelligence program and the 'Amaterasu' team, or it might even be just the Americans directing and acting on their own. It was just a scene.

But they couldn't refute that Murakami Shisui's team was indeed researching.

The Americans already had the relevant evidence and couldn't explain it at all.

Soon, the yelling and collisions in the office disappeared, and everything was quiet. come down

"Come in."

A low, hoarse voice came from the office.

Sato Ryuichi and Kishida Motoo at the door were shocked, and they opened the door carefully and went in.

When they opened the door, they saw the mess all over the room.

Messy books, torn papers tablets, broken tea sets, decorations, and An Bei sitting on a chair with a frighteningly dark face.

"What do Americans say?"

An Bei spoke, his voice was cold, he might choose someone to eat at any time.

"The ambassador sent a message saying that the White House wants us to hand over the virus program and the virus research and development team, otherwise, we will be sanctioned."

Sato Ryuichi spoke softly, and with just one sound, he detonated the bomb in front of him.

They all understood that the so-called virus program in the United States is the program code of 'Amaterasu', and the virus R&D team is the artificial intelligence R&D team.


When he heard the sanctions, Anbei's face turned from black to red, and he was furious.

Their economic lifeline is in the hands of the Americans.

After Tom exposed the news, their domestic economic market has begun to fluctuate.

The Japanese yen has a tendency to depreciate sharply, and they The national financial team is working hard to maintain stability.

If they are not handled properly and are sanctioned by the Americans, they will experience multiple disasters. The economic market, which has just shown a slight improvement, will completely collapse and go back another thirty years.

By then, they will only have Their global status will be greatly regressed and reduced to the third or even fourth rate.

For them, who are proud, that is unacceptable.

If artificial intelligence is not robbed, they will use artificial intelligence to develop technology.

In a few years or ten years , after China became the world leader.

As the influence of the United States declined, they did not need to be so afraid of the Americans.

But now that the Americans have seized their lifeline, they will be doomed.

"Don't they promise us compensation?"

"No, they must have the virus development team and virus program’"Sato Ryuichi was not looking very well.

It wasn't them who did it. Promising compensation is already humiliating.

As a result, the other party admitted that they must have artificial intelligence. From the beginning of the whole thing, the other party came for artificial intelligence.

"A group of shameless robbers."

An Bei's face turned from red to black again.

"Tell them that it is absolutely impossible for us to hand over the team and we can promise to compensate them."

After seeing the functions of some artificial intelligence, they now firmly believe that artificial intelligence is the key to future development.

And the artificial intelligence talents like Murakami Shisui are the foundation.

With those talents, artificial intelligence technology can advance rapidly and improve.

If exchange Going out, their losses are definitely not as simple as some money compensation.

The CIA announced the results of the investigation.

Things reversed too much and too quickly, which attracted much attention at this critical moment. In the early stage, it was a trend of confrontation between the United States and Russia.

Now it is exposed that Japan It was the culprit who attacked the US network.

Everything caught people off guard.

At first, some people believed that there was a conspiracy, but the research team involved in the 'Satan' virus was among them.

Many people who had encountered the Satan virus incident , all chose to believe the findings of the CIA.

Only through experience can we know how much damage was caused by the Satanic virus.

It almost shook the foundation of the Internet, and the memory is still fresh today.

"Do the Japanese want to use those people to continue to develop smart viruses and attack the world?

Supporting the American decision, people from this kind of team must not be let go.

Ask them to surrender immediately and permanently ban them from computers."

"A terrible team that almost shook the foundation of network security last time. Fortunately, Longteng System is the last line of defense.

Let them crack the defense line of Longteng system in the future. I am afraid they want to use computer intelligent viruses to control the global Internet."

"Put pressure on Japan and sanction them if they don't hand over the 'Satan' team."

On the international Internet, there are many people who agree with the American decision to sanction Japan.

The damage reports caused by the Satanic virus have also been republished.

No one can calculate the direct and indirect losses caused by the original intelligence crisis to this day. It's clear.

Not long after Japan experienced a 'terrorist attack', many people from the outside world were still sympathizing with them.

Now, the R&D team that connived at the 'Satan' virus continues to develop smart virus weapons, making the outside world's sympathy completely disappear.

Many people. Victims who had been victims of the 'Satan' smart virus crisis turned from sympathy to anger.

They began to attack Japanese officials on the Internet.

Lively discussions and condemnations spread on the Internet.

Japan, which was originally confronting Maozi from afar, had no time to care..Things continue to ferment._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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