Now only Mars and Titan are left.

These are the two planets that scientists believe are most likely to harbor life in the solar system so far.

Titan's surface gravity is comparable to that of the Moon, but it is different from the Moon.

It has a thick atmosphere on its surface, 98.44% of which is nitrogen. It is the only nitrogen-rich star in the solar system besides the Earth.

Research shows that there are liquid hydrocarbon lakes on the surface of Titan.

Moreover, the magnetic field existing on Saturn can effectively help Titan resist the solar wind.

And the thick atmosphere can also resist radiation from the universe.

Today's Titan has an environment similar to that of the early Earth.

Life may be born in the future, which can be an option for transformation.

The last one is Mars.

Lin Feng set his sights on the fourth planet in the solar system.

This planet, which is about half the diameter of the Earth, is considered the most likely planet in the solar system to harbor extraterrestrial life.

On Mars, it ranges from -133 degrees Celsius in winter to nearly 27 degrees Celsius during the daytime in summer.

The average temperature is approximately -5 degrees Celsius.

This temperature condition is the mildest compared to other planets.

The biggest problem facing Mars now is that the geomagnetic field is too weak.

The magnetic field of Mars is too weak, and it is directly exposed to the solar wind, causing the atmosphere on Mars to be stripped off and the oceans to evaporate.

This is one of the reasons why Mars’ atmosphere is thin.

The conclusion of the disappearance of Mars' magnetic field is still uncertain, and astronomers have been debating this issue.

But Lin Feng is not arguing about this issue. The problem he faces is how to restore the Martian magnetic field.

Just restore the magnetic field of Mars and block the solar wind.

The atmosphere of Mars can become thicker to withstand radiation from the universe and achieve a relatively mild environment.

Titan and Mars.

This is Lin Feng's best transformation goal.

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng finally set his sights on Mars.

The transformation conditions of Mars are superior to those of Titan.

Titan is too far away, with 8.5-10.5 astronomical units, making exploration difficult.

On Mars, liquid water and organic matter have been discovered, and exploration and transformation are relatively simple.

And it also meets some of the conditions for biological existence.

After confirming the goal, the next thing he needs to do is to prepare for the Mars transformation issue.

All tools for transformation are indispensable.

All the scientific and technical theories for transforming the planet are available within the system.

Lin Feng only needs to use these technical theories to create corresponding equipment that can complete such a project.

【The Planet Transformation project is within the plan, but now another thing needs to be completed first.

Xiong Da has the project of super quantum computer for human consciousness.

Having super artificial intelligence and super quantum computers can save a lot of time in his transformation work.

Sharpening the knife and cutting wood is also part of the planetary terraforming project.

This project is called"Xiong Big Plan" by Lin Feng.

The Bear Plan is launched.

The first thing to prepare is to create a super quantum computer and advanced quantum algorithm programming. These two technologies are the necessary foundations of the 'Big Bear Plan'.

Super quantum computers with high qubit counts and advanced quantum algorithms.

It allows Xiongda to better simulate and learn human consciousness and emotions.

Quantum mechanics is uncertain, similar to the uncertainty of human consciousness.

In existing quantum mechanics research on Earth, the orthodox Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is recognized.

People's subjective 'observations' will affect the objective existence of microscopic entities.

The philosophical problem of quantum mechanics is still unsolved, and it is also one of the mysterious characteristics of quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics is the most likely theory for creating consciousness from scratch.

It has the same properties as consciousness, supporting the creative process of making something out of nothing.

In front of Lin Feng, countless formulas filled the entire quantum laboratory through the projection of the holographic platform.

This is the formula for advanced quantum algorithms.

The brain has evolved again. Lin Feng can now look at technical issues and find the key parts of the technology at a glance.

Moreover, he can multi-task, and the connection between all the formulas is extremely clear in Lin Feng's mind.

At this time, he was like a humanoid parallel computing quantum computer, running crazily.

Questions that ordinary people can't answer after studying for a lifetime can be solved by him in a minute.

The super brain helps him complete the required technological research more quickly, which is a huge benefit.

And with the help of Xiong Da, we can get twice the result with half the effort.

In the afternoon of that day, the advanced quantum algorithm programming problem was solved by Lin Feng and Xiong Da.

"That’s it for today."

Lin Feng rubbed his tired temples.

The high speed of his brain means that he consumes a lot of money.

、With his current physique, it is a bit difficult to maintain his super brain, which is two evolutionary stages higher than that of ordinary humans today.

Keeping the brain active and thinking for a long time can easily lead to hypoglycemia.

So during the experiment, Lin Feng would eat some chocolate to maintain energy.

This also strengthens his idea that he needs to develop his physical potential.

Only a strong enough physical fitness can sustain his current brain thinking operation for a long time....................

"came back."

Mo Xinya, who was reading information in the hall at home, was a little surprised to see Lin Feng come back.

But seeing Lin Feng's tired look, she felt extremely distressed.

Today Lin Feng came back two hours earlier than before. Usually he can't wait to be in the company stay in the lab for a while

"Is there something wrong? Why are you so listless?"

"It's okay, I just think too much and consume a lot and feel a little tired."

Lin Feng sat down on the sofa, feeling extremely comfortable. He saw the information that Mo Xinya was reading, and picked it up and looked at it.

Wushuang will go to elementary school in a while, and the elementary school built for Wushuang has been completed.

Mo Xinya picked it up and looked at it. The information Xinya looked at was the school's situation and the personal information of the teachers hired.

"Now Wushuang has almost finished primary school and she is very smart."Mo Xinya Yang couldn't cover her joy.

All the knowledge courses Wushuang studied were formulated by Lin Feng.

Wushuang is as smart as his father. This is what she is happiest and most proud of.

"Do you want to take a rest first?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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