During this period of time, Xiong Da was curious about everything, just like a child in the period of curiosity, wanting to experience everything.

However, Mo Xinya did not complain at all, but was very patient.

He repeatedly asked Xiong Da what things he needed to experience and what problems he needed to be exposed to.

Even with Mo Xinya's limited ability, she would be satisfied.

Her main task now is to put aside trivial matters and teach Xiong Da well.

Xiong Da is Lin Feng’s biggest assistant. Teaching Xiong Da well is the best help to Lin Feng.

"Sister Mo Xinya, what does love feel like? Xiong Da raised his head and asked curiously.


Mo Xinya was stunned for a moment, a little surprised that Xiong Da raised this question. She recovered a little and smiled at the corner of her mouth.

"This feeling is very complicated, and the language cannot describe it perfectly.

It’s the feeling I have with my boss every day. I feel happy when I see him and miss him when I don’t.

Sometimes I worry about him, feel sorry for him, trust him, tolerate him, and understand him.

Sometimes your emotions will be joyful or sad because of his words or things. It seems that he is the center of your world."

When she said these words, Mo Xinya thought of the process of meeting and getting to know Lin Feng, and a sweet smile appeared on her lips unconsciously.

A smile from the heart, so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

Mo Xinya was talking about her relationship with Lin Feng. Story, Xiong Da Anjing felt the feeling coming from Mo Xinya's consciousness.

He unconsciously showed the same happy smile as Mo Xinya, as if he was immersed in the scene.

Everything was changing smoothly.

…… first building.

Wang Hai and Zhong Lei followed Jiang Feng, looking around unconsciously.

Even after following Lin Feng for so long, this was their first time entering this building.

Because of this building, only four people have permission to enter unless there are special circumstances.

Lin Feng, Jiang Feng, Mo Xinya, and Xiong Da.

To the outside world, this is the most mysterious laboratory and the most technologically advanced place in the world.

All of Longteng Group’s epoch-making technologies emerged from here.

Today, they finally set foot here.

But to their regret, each laboratory is large and independent.

They passed through the corridor, and the laboratory doors along the way were closed. It was not smooth, and there wasn't much they could see.

But it is certain that this place is fully intelligent, and all security guards are handled by robots.

Jiang Feng must have brought them here with Lin Feng's authorization. This time, they were most likely going to meet the boss. really.

When the elevator reached the floor, Jiang Feng led the two of them to a lounge outside the laboratory.

Black Eagle is also there, including Bai Zhenzhu, muscular Anan, fire lotus Zhu He, short-haired and handsome Luo Yu, human-shaped iron tower Taishan, short and capable Wu Qiang, and indifferent Cheng Chuanyu.

They all have their own responsibilities to each other.

Wu Qiang and Cheng Chuanyu are responsible for the security team of Lin Feng's family.

Wang Hai, Zhong Lei and Zhu He are in charge of military industrial enterprises, while Pearl, Luo Yu and Taishan are in charge of Mo Xinya and Wushuang's security team.

Black Eagle and Anan are Lin Feng's escorts.

They are the strongest human force team around Lin Feng.

The ten of them were all familiar with each other. When Jiang Feng brought Wang Hai and Zhong Lei in, they greeted each other and waited patiently.

They all know what it means to be here.

Within half a minute, Lin Feng and Xiong Da came out of the laboratory.

Xiong Da's new body was learning from Mo Xinya, and Lin Feng had to temporarily use Xiong Da's old body to follow him again.

"You all just understood what you should understand.

You are my most trusted team, that’s why you are here.

Now you have one last chance to decide and confirm your choice?"Lin Feng asked


The ten people did not hesitate and spoke in unison, very firmly.

If it weren't for Lin Feng, they would have retired from the army, perhaps as a single instructor officer.

Or they would have entered the police system, and in the end they could only pass through the whole life.

Now they have the opportunity to make themselves better. , they won’t have any hesitation


Lin Feng led ten people into the medical laboratory

"I have more advanced potential development here, which can give you more self-protection capabilities. Do you want to do it?"

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, the ten people straightened their backs, with surprise and determination in their eyes, and nodded heavily.


"I'm afraid we need to seek cooperation from China."

In the palace of the Kingdom of A, Muhammad saw the news and told his father beside him.

China officially allowed the export of controlled nuclear fusion power plants. This is a signal. A signal for the universal spread of unlimited clean energy, even as a major oil-producing country.

We have to pay attention to the trend of world science and technology.

If we don't introduce it, I think when oil is almost eliminated, I'm afraid we will be far behind the world.

Western countries once led the world, this time, maybe there is an opportunity to overtake.

"China is now the leader of the world. It is right to follow them. It is your turn to handle these matters. Ahem……"

The old king nodded slightly and coughed twice. It was obvious that his body was beginning to weaken.

"The world is changing."

John looked seriously at the two people in the video, namely Germanic new iron lady Renka Bauer and Gallic President Macron.

Both of them nodded in agreement with his words.

"We are lagging behind in this technology race."

Macaron is a little regretful.

In the science and technology competition between China, the United States, Russia, Europe, Island, and India, they are currently at the bottom. The

United States announced the success of the controlled nuclear fusion experiment, which means that it has won the second entry ticket to the clean energy era.

And China’s controlled nuclear fusion feast has begun, and they don’t have any trump card advantage.

"If you enjoy it for too long and the capitalist and aristocratic interest classes are consolidated, there will always be a price. Lenkabauer pointed out the pain point without mercy.

In the past two decades, more than half of the world's new unicorn technology innovation companies and Internet companies are in China.

Although market competition is also fierce, the most basic enterprises have been retained there. Living environment and opportunities.

On the other hand, in Europe, the status of the aristocracy and the capitalist class has been consolidated, and the old companies are monopolizing. They are eating their laurels and trying every means to squeeze and stifle the living space of other companies.

Germany is better, and other countries have begun to sell companies. Asset equity has been controlled by others.

The lack of technological innovation in recent years has caused them to be at the bottom of this technological competition.

Europe, which once launched the Age of Discovery and was the center of the first industrial revolution, must lead the energy revolution in the new era. Was he eliminated?

"Maybe we have another way to cooperate with India in artificial intelligence.

Their software technology research and development capabilities are strong, but their hardware is not.

At the same time, we are facing the same dilemma as us, and we learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses."

The suggestion of Macaron made Lenkabauer and John Xun look bright..........._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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