
Zhong Lei glanced at the people around him.

Suo Mu grinned, waved his hand, and said in a loud voice:"Doss stays, others go out."

After all the people left, he squinted at Zhong Lei.

Next to him, the indifferent Doss had his palm on the gun.

If something went wrong, he would take action as soon as possible.

Be wary of the two of them. Zhong Lei remained unmoved


"South? Nas Brothers?"

Suo Mu's expression froze, and he immediately understood who Zhong Lei was talking about.

Although there was little information here, he also knew what the Nasi brothers were armed with.

What they had done recently, they robbed a foreign mine.

Longteng Group's

Suo Mu was not stupid. He immediately guessed something, but he was not sure if it was true. The other party did not explain his identity.

Zhong Lei ignored Suo Mu's psychological activities and said calmly :

"I can rent you two pieces of special equipment for a week, and you only have to do one thing."

The camp fell into silence, and Suo Mu squinted his eyes and stared at Zhong Lei.

For two minutes, the camp fell into dead silence. Suo Mu looked uncertain, weighing the pros and cons.

As if he had made up his mind, Suo Mu licked his lips.

"What equipment?"...............

Not far away, Nasa and his team members were celebrating around a bonfire.

Nas did not feel the joy of victory, and the bonfire danced in his eyes, flickering on and off.

They successfully took over this rare earth mining area without any resistance.

In order to prevent people from being injured, the person in charge here did not even say a harsh word.

Cooperate with them all the way, evacuate all workers from the mining area, and let them occupy the mining area.

Those in charge felt that the mining area in their hands was a hot potato.

When they come to snatch it, I wish I could give it to them.

They effortlessly secured a rare earth mining area worth more than 3 billion yuan.

This situation is unusual.

Moreover, it was his brother who sent people to other Longteng Group mining areas to encourage the armed forces nearby to act with them.

One weapon may be targeted, and several may appear at the same time.

It looks like there is public outrage, and there should be nothing the Longteng Group can do against them.

He read the news and found that Longteng Group did not have any strong words.

They only care about casualties and other than official representations.

Several large mining areas were seized, resulting in losses of tens of billions, but Longteng Group remained indifferent.

Longteng Group once dared to face the sanctions imposed by the United States, but now it is as quiet as dead water.

The calmer he got, the more uneasy he became, but it was too late to do anything now.

He still listened to his brother's suggestion and chose to take action on this rare earth mine.

"What’s the latest news from Longteng Group?"Nas asked the information officer next to him.

"No, Longteng Group issued a statement asking those who robbed the mining area to return it immediately.

Urge our domestic officials to solve the problem for them as soon as possible"

"superficial. Nasi muttered.

In normal times, no one would dare to touch the Chinese mining areas.

Now the official is in conflict with several large-scale tribal armed forces. The tribal armed forces are active and the official itself cannot be protected.

Even after the situation stabilizes, he can still get some benefits. , because Chinese people are easy to talk to.

It is precisely because of this that he chose to listen to his brother and take a risk.

He was not sure whether this risk was right, but he had a very bad feeling.

Bang... there was a muffled sound, and he took the risk. Si saw a bright light cut through the night and flew towards the bonfire.

At this moment, Na Si's expression suddenly changed.


The fire caused by the explosion covered up the cheers of joy.


Suo Mu hid far away in the mountains and forests, and the tablet in his hand sent back the scene footage, which made him shudder.

This is the horror of war robots.

In front of the war robots, they were as weak as chickens, without any resistance.

More than 500 people were killed in half an hour, a one-sided massacre.

Even though he had experienced a hail of bullets, seeing this horrific scene, he still felt cold all over and couldn't feel a trace of warmth.

A true killing machine.

He felt a little pity for Nasi. He took something he shouldn't have and sought death himself. It's not his fault.

"General Somu, what should we do? Do you want to attack now?"

Dos next to him, his voice was trembling. Even though he was indifferent and had killed many people, he had never seen such a one-sided massacre.

"We wait. I heard that this was the bad-mouthed hyena's idea. This time they provoked someone they shouldn't have provoked."

Doss said nothing and did not deny this statement.

"Let's wait until they finish clearing the area before we go over there."

Suo Mu swallowed his saliva and pretended to be calm, but cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead, and there were dots of crystal light in the dark night.


Nasi felt a little panicked. He hadn't seen a single enemy figure since the battle began.

There seemed to be a dozen snipers on the other side, one shot at a time. No matter how hard they tried to dodge, they couldn't dodge the bullets.

A dozen snipers in the dark?

Totally impossible.

But the other side is like the God of Death. Every time a gunshot or explosion occurs, at least one of them will die.

This pressure and fear of death has spread among the team.

Nas regretted it very much. Is this revenge from Long Teng? Or is it China’s revenge?

Apart from this, he could not think of any other armed forces with this ability.


There was another gunshot, not even a scream.

Another member who was looking for the enemy with a night vision goggle fell in a pool of blood.

There was a bloody hole in his head that had just stuck out of the window.

No one dared to stick their head out of the bunker anymore, hiding under the bunker and shivering.

The fear is spreading, and every second is a torture.

In half an hour, more than 500 members died. His team was slaughtered one-sidedly, without even seeing a single person on the other side.

"General, general."

The crying voice of an armed member was particularly harsh in the room.

I saw one member crawling over, his face full of fear.

In his hand, there was a bloody bullet the size of a finger, which he had just shot. The bullets of the members.

The structure of the bullets is very different. They are proficient in firearms and have naturally seen this kind of bullets.

"General, it's a smart bullet."


Smart bullet. At this moment, Nasi felt as if his brain exploded, and he was dumbfounded.

They have all heard of this kind of bullet, and they have all been exposed to it when dealing with guns.

This kind of bullet is almost 100% accurate. It is owned all over the world. There are many countries with smart bullets. You can just buy Longteng equipment, but Longteng equipment belongs to that company. Longteng Group. Infinite regret filled Nasi's mind, but there was no regret medicine. He took the risk this time. He still suffered retaliation.

Longteng Group The group didn't intend to give them any chance at all. It was over. There was despair in Nasi's eyes. At the same time, two figures walked out of the woods, with infrared eyes shining, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark night.


Zhong Lei held the night vision binoculars and looked at the explosions in the distant mines mixed with the light of the sky.

A harmless smile on his face.

His smile made the two team members next to him shudder.

It's rare to see Brother Lei with this kind of expression, and every time he smiles like this, nothing good will happen.

The sound of gunshots and shells was dense, and no screams could be heard.

Zhong Lei just waited quietly with his telescope. After a while, the gunfire became much weaker and gradually subsided.

"It's over, let's go."

Zhong Lei put down his telescope, got in the car and left.

……_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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