The time is October, and the order is late autumn.

As Africa and South America descend into the chaos of war.

A special piece of news attracted the attention of people in other peaceful areas around the world.

A meteor shower from the Orion constellation will hit the earth on time at 9 o'clock in the evening on the 13th.

According to reports, this will be the largest Orionid meteor shower that the earth has welcomed in a century.

The duration is also very long, the specific number is unknown.

The flaming tails of meteors can be seen almost all over the world during dark hours.

As the two continents are plunged into war, a topic about making wishes for war has exploded on Twitter and Weibo.

When the meteor shower is coming, make wishes, pray and bless the meteors, hoping that the wars around the world will end soon.

The topic spread, attracting the attention of countless netizens who spontaneously agreed with the topic.

Let’s watch the meteor shower together.

A beautiful and romantic topic.

However, they cannot predict the future, what this meteor shower will bring to the earth, and how it will change humankind's view of the universe.



Unlike the noise of the earth, the back side of the moon has always maintained a dead silence for hundreds of millions of years.

The surface here is a vacuum and cannot carry sound.

However, in the Dragon Cave area, a variety of large-scale base buildings have appeared on the surface, including the construction of radio telescope matrices and optical telescope platforms.

Continuous work has been going on here since the inception of the Telescope Matrix.

The lunar base includes personnel stationed by the Longteng Group.

At least four or five members are stationed here for research all year round, and sometimes there are more than a dozen people.

This does not include people traveling to the moon.

Shi Dongting sat in the base command center, paying attention to the operation of various robots on the lunar surface and the operation of various machines in the base.

The expansion of the lunar base has never stopped.

In the past few years, the lunar underground base has been developed with the development of 3D printing robots and intelligent construction robots.

A large enough enclosed space has been formed.

Within the base, there are many biological laboratories where vegetables and various crops are grown.

Today, the moon is basically self-sufficient in vegetables.

An astronomer entered the command center and smiled brightly at Shi Dongting.

He is Bi Shichen, one of the Chinese writers currently stationed at the moon base.

The personnel stationed at the base all call him Lao Bi, or Lao B.

He looks just middle-aged, wearing glasses with the sign of a scholar, and is polite and elegant.

"Commander, on the 13th, there is a topic event on Earth called #Let’s Watch the Meteor Shower#.

Do you want to go out and experience it?"

Old Bi Shiran sat down on the seat next to Shi Dongting.

"When you look up from outside, you can't see the meteors or the earth.

Can't see the sun, except looking down to see the moon.

When I looked up and saw the stars in the universe, there was no sound around me. Mosquitoes, what the hell."

Shi Dongting threw a small tomato into his mouth.

The small tomatoes are from the base's experiments and have been tested for harmful proteins without mutations, so they can be eaten with confidence.

Therefore, as the head of the base, he has a ration as a snack every day, which is very rare.

"I heard the earth is praying for war"

"It’s useless to pray for war. Pray for the war to stop? impossible.

We are lucky if the war does not spread. If it does, the world will be even more chaotic."

Shi Dongting threw two small tomatoes to Lao Bi.

The parabola of the small tomatoes in the air was completely different from that on the earth.


Lao Bi caught the little tomato and threw it into his mouth.

"Let’s see if we can collect some meteorite specimens from this meteor shower.

The meteorites that fall to the ground on the earth are all burned. The meteorites here are more valuable than the meteorites on the earth."

"Every robot here is precious.

Without instructions from the earth, I cannot send robots to search for meteorites privately.

If the meteorite falls in a nearby base, I can retrieve it. I have this power. Shi Dongting said


Lin Feng stood on the balcony of the villa, playing with the starry sky and sea in front of him.

His eyes were on Mars.

After a while, the igniter will hit the spark.

That was the key to his planetary transformation.

If successful, he would be able to enter the second phase of planetary terraforming.

When Lin Feng was looking at it, he came to the balcony, walked directly in front of Lin Feng, and leaned gently into his arms.

"What's the matter?"Lin Feng hugged Mo Xinya's waist and asked

"On the Internet, there was a topic about watching the meteor shower together. I made an appointment with Xiaoman to come over and watch the meteor shower together tomorrow night."

Mo Xinya raised her head and said hopefully

"good. Lin

Feng nodded in agreement:"This meteor shower is quite big. What are you planning to make a wish for?"

Never wish for world peace, because it cannot be realized now"

"My heart is too small to hold the world."

Mo Xinya nestled in Lin Feng's arms, quietly looking at the dark night and starry sky in front of her, enjoying this moment very much..............

The half-moon hangs in the sky, and the sky is filled with stars.

It's late autumn, the clouds are thin, the wind is clear, it's a good day for stargazing.

On the evening of October 13th, an extraordinary day, the news reported that tonight, the largest Orion meteor shower will arrive as scheduled.

This will be the largest meteor shower ever detected.

Various social platforms and circles of friends are pushing the topic of meteor showers.

They made wishes and prayed, and those who had nothing to do made appointments with classmates and friends to watch shooting stars in a place with a wide field of vision.

On the school playground, groups of students lie on the grass of the football field.

They were looking at the night sky and talking about life ideals, friendship and love, international trends, and debates about time, space and the universe. It was very lively.

On the seaside with a wide view, travelers are camping and stargazing.

I was guarding the bonfire, looking at the sky from time to time, talking and laughing, waiting for the meteor shower to arrive.

Couples on the seabed are cuddling each other and waiting for each other.

Countless professional photographers have already brought their equipment.

Set up your camera in a place with a wide view and look forward to this rare Orionid meteor shower.

Rooftops, parks, campuses, mountains, grasslands.

Students, urban white-collar workers, photographers, astronomy enthusiasts, and researchers.

Countless people are waiting

"Wait for the meteor to come, what should you wish for?"

"Nonsense, of course it’s world peace.

This wish-making event was launched for the chaos in Africa and South America"

"What does world peace have to do with me?"

"If meteors fall because of wishes, then as soon as you look up, you will find that life is as brilliant as a meteor shower"

"Make me rich overnight"

"Make a wish that God will give me a handsome boy"

"People think that wishing on a shooting star can make their wishes come true, but they don't know that the fleeting shooting star is just the tears left by God for the fallen people.

Is God going to cry out for the world?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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