Huaxia, which has the most advanced equipment and technology, is united into one, and whoever messes with them will have problems with their brains.

But now their strategic layout is facing a general direction.

The world is in chaos, and no one can stay out of it. The annexation and expansion of various groups is a complete reshuffle.

After this great chaos, the world will have a completely new look and power.

"let's start."

The voice of No. 1 was serious.

This sound made all the staff of the General Staff Headquarters straighten their backs.

Zuo Qian is the general staff officer of the General Staff Headquarters. He is wearing a military uniform.

His temperament is rare among soldiers. He is gentle and seems to be somewhat rare. He wears glasses.

But everyone does not They will look down upon him because of his gentle appearance.

After Zuo Qian became a famous master, he was good at military strategy since childhood.

He joined the foreign guidance team when he was young and was sent to overseas front-line battlefields to perform special tasks.

He helped some countries launch some command operations and trained some small countries. A combat commander.

It was he who presided over the planning of the Battle of Halab when Syria fought against the opposition forces.

The tactics of interspersed attacks and encirclement directly disrupted the combat steps of the opposition forces.

It allowed Syria to regain its strength. The capture of the important town of Halab became a turning point in the war in Syria.

Over the years, he has been active on the frontline battlefields of the world as a tactical instructor.

Even in times of peace at home, he has the most cutting-edge strategic layout and tactical methods that have been polished by theory and practice. A true handsome man.

Zuo Qian also has a famous saying: War is not an art, it is the art of killing.

"Today's global structure is mainly divided into ten group forces."

Zuo Qian calmly waved the laser pointer

"The Beimi Group, which mainly relies on rice and acts as a puppet, occupies one continent in Beimizhou.

Led by Maozi, the new polar bear empire spans the vast lands of Europe and Asia.

The European bloc, which is dominated by Western European countries, covers more than half of Europe.

The Island-Australia Alliance; ASEAN; the Arab World Alliance; South Asia Indy; the South American Group; us; and finally, some small countries in the African region and four continents.

This is the general state of the world. Among them, we, the North American Group, the New Polar Bear Empire, the European Group, the Island-Australia Alliance, and the Indy Six-Party are the most powerful.

The North Rice Group is now taking action and pointing its butcher knife at South America.

The purpose is very clear, to control the entire Nanmi and sit on the land of Mizhou to increase its strength.

The South American group is weak and unable to withstand the North American war machine.

If the North Rice Group is allowed to encroach on South Rice and grow stronger, it will own the entire rice continent.

Even though they are separated by the Pacific Ocean, they are strategically unfriendly to us.

We can sell relevant war weapons to the South Mi Group and let them hold back the North Mi Group and consume its strength."

The holographic map in front of Zuo Qian is very clear. Each force is marked with different colors.

It can be very intuitive to see the divisions of the situation.

"The one thing we need to be wary of here is Northeast Asia.

Here we are gathered, the New Polar Bear Empire, three powerful Japanese powers, and the three have feuds, making the situation the most complicated.

Although Japan's territory is small, it is powerful and has a huge heart, so it will definitely expand.

Their best route of expansion was south.

ASEAN, Oceania and South America.

If they dare to compete with North America for food, they will definitely go to South America.

Dismember South America and eat it separately from the North America Group, but we must face the North America Group directly.

If they want to be on the safe side, they will choose Oceania and ASEAN.

According to intelligence, their alliance with Australia is strange.

Nothing is good without reason, and there will be no pie in the sky.

Therefore, Oceania should be their first target, and then they have to look to Shu, and then look for South America or ASEAN.

The New Polar Bear Empire is now in Eastern Europe, facing off against the European Bloc.

To start a fight in this position is tantamount to setting oneself on fire and is unwise.

But we must be wary of people outside the two families coming here to create conflicts.

Disturbing the situation in this region will no longer be a question of whether it is wise or not."

At this point, Zuo Qian stopped. Everyone looked at him, waiting for his conclusion.

"Therefore, our current general strategic direction suggestion is to help South America hold back the North America Group.

Maintain friendship with the New Polar Bear Empire, forcefully suppress the stability of Northeast Asia, and force Japan to expand southward.

To the west, stay friendly with the Arab World Alliance; help Pakistan deal with India; as for ASEAN, if Japan chooses them to attack, sell weapons to them, otherwise let them fend for themselves.

We mainly focus on selling weapons and accumulating resources. The later we enter the war, the more advantageous it will be.

Preserve your strength and gain the maximum benefit at the end of the war."

No. 1, who was sitting in the first place, nodded slightly..................

Lin Feng soon received an autopsy research report on alien corpses from the Institute of Medical Research.

Very few alien corpses have been found on Earth, but those brought back from the moon.

It just suffered a violent impact and became broken, but it still remained intact for the most part.

The first time the alien corpse was brought back.

The government has gathered the top anatomy experts, medical scientists, geneticists and biologists.

A research team was formed and came to the Longteng Space Center base to conduct anatomy research on the alien corpses.

Now the report is out

"Preliminary research reports show that this organism is not a carbon-based organism, but a nitrogen-based organism."

A genetics expert said with a complicated expression.

This discovery of alien creatures has subverted their previous definition of life.

"Unlike the living things on earth, its nutrients are not carbohydrates, but nitrogen-based compounds.

Experiments have proven that the genetic material of this alien species is mainly composed of nitrogen bases.

Simply put, they can feed on strong acids, and their secretions are also acidic compounds."

Just a few words explain too much.

Previous human research has focused on carbon-based organisms on the earth.

It is believed that life is based on carbon elements.

This discovery has subverted some basic definitions of biology.

The universe is very complex. Amazing, humans are not unique

"In addition, we found that their muscles are very tough, 5 times stronger than human muscles.

Their ductility and elasticity are very good, which is why their bodies can remain partially intact when they fall at super high speeds.

Their blood is pink and rich in amino acids, so their skin appears pink.

The bone density is similar to that of a human child around ten years old and is relatively brittle.

But the backbone and tail are the most special, they are red and mainly composed of iron.

The structure is very special. The strength and toughness of the tail is very high, 6 times that of ordinary steel. It has bone spurs.

According to computer simulations, a tail sweep can kill an elephant."

The surrounding research experts were still a little frightened.

Lin Feng glanced at the alien corpses in the refrigerator, got the report and left._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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