Urban Inventor

Chapter 224: Retribution

A huge mushroom cloud rose above Tokyo, which shocked everyone who saw it, his eyes a little dazed.

Not only Tokyo, but because there are many TV media and online media live broadcasting this event, people all over Japan saw the huge mushroom cloud with their own eyes, and also saw the scene of the Yasukuni Shrine flying in smoke.

The whole of Japan was silent, and all Japanese people were stupid, stopped their work in succession, looked at the picture on the screen in horror, and were speechless for a while.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, terrorist attacks have become popular all over the world. Major countries including the United States, China, Russia, Britain, France, and Germany have suffered terrorist attacks. Only Japan is the quietest place, and ordinary Japanese people I never thought that a terrorist attack would really happen in Japan, and that it would be a shocking event!

Yasukuni Shrine, that ’s the holy place of the Yamato nation, where it ’s a place of merit, the weapons and relics displayed there, the history recorded there, and the “warriors” enshrined in it, making them extremely proud: “We used to As powerful as a hundred battles, defeated in the Qing Dynasty, defeated Russia, defeated China, defeated the United States in Pearl Harbor, the Coral Sea, defeated Britain, the United States, and Australia in Southeast Asia; the Pacific War was defeated in the United States, although it was defeated in glory, defeated in tragic, defeated Must be sturdy. "

However, this place that embodies the self-esteem of the Yamato nation is gone if we say no! Even the undead of the "Warrior" enshrined in it turned into fly ash!

"Damn terrorists, **** Earth Protector Alliance, the Great Japanese Empire will definitely make you pay!"

All Japanese people gritted their teeth and scolded bitterly.


For the Japanese in the Tokyo area, the most important thing right now is to run away quickly.

Must run away.

This is a nuclear explosion. The legendary ultimate killer. The radiation after the nuclear explosion will cause fatal harm. The survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are living examples. They don't want to live like "monsters" like the survivors. However, they did not know that this nuclear explosion is different from the traditional nuclear explosion, and the problem of radiation damage after the explosion has been completely eliminated.

A large-scale escape has begun, not only in Tokyo, but also in areas around Tokyo, especially rich people. They even feel that the whole of Japan is not safe. They have to go abroad. When it is absolutely safe, it is not too late to come back. .

At the same time, foreign journalists in Tokyo shouted in excitement.

"God, it's really a nuclear explosion. I can't stay in this ghost place anymore. I don't want to have radiation sickness. Although the cancer can be cured, there are still many radiation-induced diseases that cannot be cured."

"Japan should be regarded as a country cursed by the devil? Since the invention of the nuclear bomb, only Japan has suffered a nuclear bomb attack and encountered three times alone!"

"Thanks to my wise preparation of anti-radiation suits, this is big news. I can't miss it. I'm going to the incident to report further."

"The nuclear explosion center is the Yasukuni Shrine, and the Yasukuni Shrine is located in the Chiyoda District. This is the core area of ​​Tokyo, including the residence of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Parliament, the Metropolitan Police Department, the Supreme Tribunal, the Yasukuni Shrine, the Japanese Prime Minister ’s Residence and most of the The Central Provincial Office of Otemachi, etc., are all in this area, so this area can be said to be the political and economic center of Japan. I do n’t know whether the nuclear explosion has affected other important places besides destroying the Yasukuni Shrine, such as Japan Emperor's residence? This is big news, you have to go to the scene to see it! "

"Yes, the Japanese emperor is the spiritual backbone of the Japanese. If he had an accident in this nuclear explosion, would the Japanese be crazy?"

The official residence of the Japanese Prime Minister.

The shock wave generated by the nuclear explosion has no lethality after arriving here, so it has not caused harm to the people here, but at this moment everyone is completely stupid, standing on the spot looking at the devil-like mushroom cloud, eyes dull, eyes Godless.

However, they are political elites after all, and soon came to awake, and then roared like crazy.

"Nuclear explosion! Nuclear explosion! Really a nuclear explosion!"

"Tianzhao God is on top, how is this possible?"

"Baga! That Earth Guardian Alliance, really dared to do it! How dare it! Who can tell me, how dare it do this?"

Japan's first shouted at the people around him. When the Yasukuni Shrine is gone, there is one less spiritual pillar in Japan. The most hateful thing is that the Earth Guardian Alliance unexpectedly launched a nuclear explosion here in broad daylight. This is a huge shame for Japan. This is a huge political stain in his life! There is no doubt that his political future is completely gone, and only resignation is the way to go!

At the same time, he was still a little bit afraid. Fortunately, it was really just a small nuclear bomb, which was not powerful. If it was a large nuclear bomb, the entire Tokyo would be destroyed. The entire high level of Japanese politics would be destroyed, even the emperor. Buried, by then, the country will be completely out of control, and the economic and political losses will be an inestimable astronomical figure, and the entire Japan will regress for at least five years.

"Prime Minister, you must not panic. Now it is estimated that the devil-like mushroom cloud is seen all over Tokyo. Other domestic people can also know this through TV and webcasts. Domestic people must be very panic at this time. You must Calm down and immediately appease the people of the whole country, otherwise there will be a mess. "

"Yes, Lord Prime Minister, the top priority is to appease the people of the country as quickly as possible, especially those in Tokyo and surrounding areas, and they must give them confidence."

"Sir Prime Minister, you and your majesty should give a televised speech immediately to stabilize the people's hearts. You'd better go to the nuclear explosion site in person to let the people see your courage, which can add points to your image in the hearts of the people."

All the social elites were present, and you gave me suggestions and suggestions. The nuclear experts gathered before also expressed their views. From the point of view of the mushroom cloud, the explosion equivalent is not too large, and the amount of radiation should not be too large.

The Japanese Prime Minister also understands that the top priority is to stabilize the people's hearts, and then the loss is counted and the aftermath.

The Prime Minister issued a series of orders, and then bowed and said, "Everyone, please do your part, and you must ensure order in Tokyo and the whole country."

After handling this matter, the Prime Minister immediately set off for the Imperial Palace. It is worth mentioning that the Prime Minister ’s car is also the flying car of the future technology company! This is also impossible, after all, compared with flying cars, ordinary cars are simply garbage.

The flying car was fast, and it didn't take long for the Prime Minister to arrive at the Imperial Palace. The Imperial Palace was in chaos at the moment. The staff was rushing to pack things. After the things were packed, the Emperor's family would evacuate from Tokyo.

"Your Majesty, you are the spiritual symbol of all the people. At this time, you must play an exemplary role and immediately give a television speech to appease the people. In addition, you must not evacuate from Tokyo, otherwise it will make the people more scared."

The Prime Minister saw the emperor's terrified and timid appearance, and felt disdainful in his heart. This is the emperor of the Great Japanese Empire. Even the ordinary people are not as good as the ordinary people. If the public knows, it will definitely cause an uproar.

"This ... this is a nuclear explosion. There will be serious radiation after the nuclear explosion. If we don't leave, our body will collapse, and even future generations will be affected. Does the Prime Minister want such a thing to happen?"

Although the emperor knows that he can stay to stabilize the country, but ... he ca n’t do it, he is just an ordinary person in his heart, okay, and he has always been respected and respected, and his courage and responsibility have long since disappeared. No problem, but how can he bet on his health!

"Your Majesty, please! Please be a role model!"

The Prime Minister bowed to the Emperor, then stopped in front of the Emperor, his eyes staring at the Emperor. Ordinary Japanese people fear the emperor, but he does not. Although Japan is a constitutional monarchy, the emperor is actually just a mascot. The real power lies in the hands of the prime minister and major consortia.

"This ... well, I stay, but the other members of the royal family must leave."

The emperor also understood that he was nothing more than a bauble. The prime minister's attitude was so tough at the moment that he could only agree.

After handling this matter, the Prime Minister suddenly received two good news. First, the nuclear explosion only destroyed a small area of ​​the Yasukuni Shrine and its surrounding areas. The damage caused was not as serious as imagined, and most importantly, there were no deaths. Second, nuclear experts told him that In the nuclear explosion center and the surrounding area, the detected radiation dose is very small and will not cause harm to human body! These two good news have reduced the haze in the Prime Minister's mind by more than half!

The Prime Minister and the Emperor immediately went to the scene of the nuclear explosion and appeared on TV, giving a speech saying that the disaster was over and the radiation caused by the nuclear explosion was very small and would never threaten the people of Tokyo. Japanese people can clearly see from the screen that both the Prime Minister and the Emperor appeared at the nuclear explosion site, and did not wear radiation protection suits. For a time, many people's emotions stabilized, but there are still some people who don't care about the choice To escape from Tokyo. The thoughts of these people are simple. Whether a politician is full of lies, whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway.


The nuclear explosion really happened, Japan suffered from grief, and the whole world was in full swing.

European countries that have good relations with Japan have quickly sent condolences to Japan, expressing sympathy and indignation. Of course, the presidents of these countries must be happy. Over the years, Japan has been economically suppressing these European leaders, and has robbed the glory of Europe. Now that they see that Japan is suffering, of course they should be happy.

Americans also sent condolences to Japan, expressing sympathy and indignation. However, they did not care how much damage Japan suffered. This has nothing to do with them. What they care about is what kind of organization is the Earth Guardian Alliance? Is it hostile to the United States? They don't want such a disaster to happen in the United States. In addition, they are also very interested in the data of the nuclear explosion. The radiation generated after the nuclear explosion is so small. How did it happen?

Asian countries that hate Japan are happy to hear that most of the Japanese soldiers killed in wars such as the Japanese invasion of China and the Pacific War are enshrined in the Yasukuni Shrine. The "heroes" in the hearts of these Japanese people are in many Asian countries such as China, North Korea, and South Korea. It seems to be a beast!

Within China, firecrackers sounded everywhere, and spontaneous demonstrations erupted in many places to warmly celebrate the dying of the Yasukuni Shrine.

On the Internet, netizens discussed very enthusiastically.

"It has been a long time since the Japanese were unhappy. The Japanese knew that the Chinese did not like to be called" Sina ", but insisted that the" Sina "was not derogatory, and insulted. The Japanese knew that China, Korea, South Korea and Vietnam all opposed the visit of Japanese dignitaries. At the Yasukuni Shrine, they pay homage under the pretext of "traditional" and "individual behavior." Mom, let you pull hatred, and now you're retaliated! "

"The Yasukuni Shrine is dedicated to the ghosts of 14 Class A war criminals and more than 1,000 Class B and C war criminals such as Tojo Hideki during World War II. These war crimes have been rampant, killing countless Chinese people, and the Japanese even went to pay their respects. Are these war criminals regarded as national heroes? This is inspiring for Japanese militarism, a blatant insult to our country and our nation, and a blasphemy against history! The existence of the Yasukuni Shrine is a shame for humanity! So, I must be for that The mysterious Alliance of Earth Guardians praised it and it was blasted! There is only one thing that is bad, why should we remind? It ’s all blasted to death. These people are not innocent, you know, it ’s quite unfriendly to our country. Japan ’s ordinary people ’s will reflects a high-vote election, with a staggering 80% support rate, and is one of the few prime ministers who have been in power for a long time in recent years. The election of such a prime minister is enough to illustrate many issues. ”

"Many acts of unrighteousness will certainly kill you. Japan not only visits the Yasukuni Shrine, but also conducts biological and chemical weapons experiments with living people to study biochemical viruses and genetic weapons that are enough to destroy humans. This reminds me of the Japanese 731 troops in Japan. People have done all kinds of inhumane experiments that humans can think of. There are more than 3,000 victims, there are Chinese Soviets, Mongolians and Koreans, and no one has survived! The specific details are too cruel to want to mention in this post! Just want to say a word , Japan just ca n’t change the dog to eat ~ Shit, it will continue to be retaliated! It ’s not that it ’s not reported, the time is not up, if Japan does n’t repent, there will always be a day to calculate the ledger! "

"Where are the miscellaneous items? Come out quickly! I have heard that Japan has trained more than Chinese, and the Japanese on the Internet will pick up troubles. They often impersonate Chinese and post on the Internet to test the Chinese bottom line against Japan. In addition, I also heard that Japan has bought quite a lot of Internet sites. On several major portals and popular forums in our country, it is instigating the wind and igniting the ghosts and letting the Chinese attack themselves. I especially like to provoke regional attacks. And they have been beautifying Japan ’s war of aggression against China, insulting the anti-Japanese justices, while constantly beautifying Japan, and belittle China. Why are n’t these daily miscellaneous things coming out? ”

"The timing is wrong now, and the sun will come out and be turned. Of course, they have to lurch and come out to stir up the flames after a while. And these sundry days are long gone. The development situation of our country is now in good shape, and the space age is about to take place. In the era of intelligence and leading the world, everyone is proud of the country. These daily necessities are becoming more and more unpredictable, and will soon disappear on their own. "

"It's so cool! The God toilet was blown up. I feel like the whole person is hitting chicken blood, and every pore is excited! I must drink it today!"

"Earth Guardian League is so powerful, I want to join!"


The Japanese Prime Minister and the Emperor still gave a speech in the center of the nuclear explosion and live broadcasted the whole process. Under the influence of the Prime Minister and the Emperor, more and more people began to believe that Tokyo was safe and the social order gradually stabilized.

"Tianzhao God bless you, the disaster has finally passed."

"The emperor deserves to be a role model for our great Japanese empire."

"The performance of the Prime Minister is also remarkable ~ www.readwn.com ~ is commendable."

However, the Japanese were too happy.

As we all know, Japan is at the junction of the Pacific Plate and the Eurasian Plate, and the Pacific Plate is constantly expanding and accumulating the Eurasian Plate, which causes the surface crust to accumulate energy. At a certain time, it will be erupted by earthquakes and submarine volcanoes. The form is released, which is why the frequency of earthquakes and volcanoes in Japan is frequent.

In Japan, earthquakes continue almost every day, with five or six earthquakes occurring every day, mostly earthquakes with magnitudes below five, but there have also been many catastrophic earthquakes. In 1923, a magnitude 7.9 earthquake occurred in Tokyo, killing 142,807 people. In 1927, a magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred in Kyoto, western Japan, killing 2,925 people ... In 2011, Japan also encountered a magnitude 9 earthquake, killing 158 to 94 people and causing a leak at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Many experts believe that Japan is likely to be destroyed by a large-scale volcanic eruption in the next century, and more than 100 million residents will be almost killed.

Tokyo is already in an earthquake-prone area, and earthquakes can happen at any time. This time, the explosion of a small nuclear fusion atomic furnace releases a lot of energy. These energies are just like the firing pins that excite bullets, which just happens to be a continent that is about to break. The plate immediately broke, which triggered a major earthquake ahead of time. (To be continued.)

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