Urban Inventor

Chapter 246: No harm without comparison


(The author's background collapsed. I have only logged in from more than nine o'clock until now. The update is late, sorry.)

The major high-tech companies in the United States are in a state of panic. Most of the media, under the auspices of these high-tech companies, are advocating the unstoppable Deep Blue 1, which will cause a devastating blow to the related industries in the United States. In short, it is to promote the "future technology company threat theory." If it was before, the US government has a great possibility to jump out. Future technology companies have problems here, and there are problems there, and then want to ban the products of future technology companies from entering the United States. This kind of regional protection is something the United States has always done.

However, the US government is now afraid to use this trick for future technology companies because the times are different and the targets are different. As the "Washington Post" puts it, if the US government blocks future technology companies, China will inevitably respond strongly, and the trade friction between the two countries is likely to rise to a level that is difficult to reconcile. Moreover, the United States has a rigid demand for the "Future No. 1 Gene Injection" and "Future No. 2 Gene Injection" of future technology companies. If the future technology companies are blocked, the domestic people will immediately be in trouble.

In fact, many Americans are very fond of future technology companies and unanimously welcome Deep Blue 1 to enter the United States. As for the life and death of high-tech companies such as Apple, what does it have to do with ordinary people like them? They only care whether they can buy more perfect products.

There are intense discussions on several major social networking sites in the United States.

"In recent years, Apple has been too aggressive. In addition to the big changes, the Apple mobile phone has added some features that are not very outstanding. It has no bright spots. It looks so lifeless. Hey, I still miss the era of Joe. Apple. Apple now knows the cruelty of competition? In the face of such a sci-fi Deep Blue 1, Apple's mobile phone is not even competitive at all. Anyway, I decided to start a Deep Blue 1. "

"Yes, Deep Blue 1 is so cool, I must buy one!"

"Future technology company is a conscience enterprise. Such a perfect dark blue 1 is sold so cheaply."

"Although the future technology company is a Chinese company, I have to admit that it is indeed the greatest company today. I love this company's products! Every product is the crystallization of black technology, making it impeccable. ! "

"I'm going to travel to China this month, to see the country of the East and the future technology company representing the cutting-edge technology of human beings. To be honest, I even have the idea of ​​emigrating to China."

In the expectation of global users, the moment of 06:00 on May 16th is slowly approaching.

The crazy feast is about to begin.

The eyes of the whole world are focused on the dark blue 1, and countless users are rubbing their hands, ready to snap up a dark blue 1.

Hundreds of millions of domestic users poured into the official website of the technology company. They waited and discussed in the message area of ​​the official website.

"This time limited to 10 million, I won't be able to buy it unfortunately?"

"I want to grab ten."

"I only need one!"

"Drip, warm reminder: Deep Blue 1 has 30 seconds to start buying!"

"Time is up, and the hands of Kato Hawk, who I practiced hard for ten years, will finally come in handy!"

"Puff ... upstairs, can you stop it? This is snapping up the Deep Blue 1, okay, how do you use the hands of Kato Eagle."

At zero o'clock on May 16, Deep Blue 1 was officially sold, and countless users began to click the mouse crazy.

"Haha, got it."

"I got it too."

"Lying trough, gone?"

"I just went to the living room and smoked a cigarette. Is it gone?"

"Mommy, it's really gone. I hate this way most."

Yes, you ca n’t buy anything with money, which is extremely depressing to everyone!

However, they soon saw hope again, and a prompt popped up on the webpage, "The next batch of 10 million dark blue 1s will be available for sale after 12 hours."


The next day, the sales statistics of Deep Blue 1 were released, which shocked the world.

"Tencent News": "Future Technology Company's Deep Blue 1 has created another sales myth. On the future technology company's official website, the first batch of 10 million Deep Blue 1 sold out within half a minute, the second batch of 10 million Deep Blue 1 Sold out within three minutes. According to the news released by the future technology company, after 16 hours of the official sale of the deep blue 1, the global sales of the deep blue 1 reached as high as 41 million units! In fact, if the future technology company does not have limited sales in China If so, the sales volume can be higher! "

"Sina Finance": "Deep Blue 1 is expected to exceed 50 million in one day's sales. This is the craziest day in the history of the global mobile phone market, and it is also a day that makes global mobile phone manufacturers shiver. Open. There is no doubt that Deep Blue 1 will monopolize the global mid-to-high-end mobile phone market, and any other mid-to-high-end mobile phone manufacturers will find it difficult to survive. "

"Wall Street Journal": "The sales volume exceeded 16 million units in 16 hours, and the sales amount reached 332 billion yuan. This is the sales myth of Deep Blue 1! Deep Blue 1, once again confirms the strength of the future technology company. Zhang Wei has a history The greatest scientist and businessman since, the futuristic technology company he has created is creating an unprecedented business empire and technology empire that is on the way of this empire, such as Toyota, Ford, and other car companies, such as Apple and Samsung. All mobile phone manufacturers, such as electronics, must fail badly, and step by step to failure. Even China's automobile companies and mobile phone manufacturers are the same. With the launch of Deep Blue 1, all Chinese mobile phone manufacturers must be closed down. This is the future technology company. There is a rolling wave. There is a sentence on the Chinese network that can vividly describe the behavior of future technology companies: take the path of others and let others have no one to go. "

Obviously, the "Wall Street Journal" wants to provoke Chinese mobile phone manufacturers to siege future technology companies, and also wants the Chinese government to suppress future technology companies.

In fact, some foreign media have been doing this, but their wish is impossible to achieve. The relationship between future technology companies and the country will be unbreakable in the short term, and it will compete with the Chinese government, future technology companies and other mobile phone manufacturers. It is internal benign competition. The result of the competition will not have major negative consequences for the country, and they do not need to intervene at all.

With the passage of time, the sales craze of Deep Blue 1 showed no signs of fading, but intensified.

In New York, in London, in Los Angeles, in Tokyo, in Paris ... Outside of the physical stores opened by the agents of the future technology companies, a crazy picture is being staged, and every physical store is lined up with no sight The long dragons, whites, blacks, and yellows, are all crazy about Dark Blue 1.

In the face of interviews with reporters, these foreign users unabashedly concealed their fanaticism of Dark Blue 1.

“Not only is it cool, but it ’s also cool. I ’ve never seen such a good phone! Um ... Actually, I do n’t know if it ’s still a phone, after all, it ’s completely different from a traditional phone.”

"Dark Blue 1 is the perfect product, and the technology contained in it is at least 30 years ahead of the mobile phones on the market. So, other mobile phones are spicy chicken in front of Dark Blue 1. In addition, I have to sigh that the world is changing too fast Yes, I still used Nokia, which was resistant to falling, playing snakes and taking selfies with a 300,000-pixel mobile phone. I later got a smartphone represented by iphone. It can be controlled by mind. "

"In fact, even if the Deep Blue 1 is very bad, I will come to buy one, not for anything else, just to support my idol and benefactor-Zhang Wei. I want to show Zhang Wei through the camera, thank you for inventing the" Future 1 "Gene injection" has brought me back to life as a former AIDS patient. My ability is limited and I cannot give you more rewards, but I will buy every product of the future technology company to express my support for you. "

With the enthusiastic support of global users, the sales of Deep Blue 1 have skyrocketed.

After seventeen hours of official sales, sales reached 43 million.

All high-tech companies around the world are paying attention to the sales of Deep Blue 1.

When they saw this soaring sales data, they only felt deep weakness.

When they got their company's sales data, they were black.

The worst is Apple.

The next day.

Apple ceo Cook got the global sales data of Apple's mobile phone on May 16.

Apple's online and offline sales in the US have fallen off a cliff, and together they sold only 31,000 units.

You know, here is the United States, Apple's home base, with a lot of fruit powder.

The sales data in other places almost made Cook spit out old blood.

17,000 in Europe, 2,000 in Japan, China ... 500, plus other regions, a total of about 60,000.

This is the one-day global sales data for Apple phones.

Cook could see bleeding in his heart.

This is the rhythm of pills.

In fact, this is also very normal. After all, Apple ’s mobile phone is almost the same price as the standard version of the Deep Blue 1, but the function is different by 180,000 miles. Users who can still buy Apple mobile phones are definitely Apple ’s true fans.

Such cruel sales data naturally caused a worldwide shock.

A few days ago, Apple was the dominant player in the smartphone market, a Big Mac with a market value of more than $ 700 billion, but now it has fallen to the point of selling only 60,000 Apple phones a day. It is miserable.

This is something that no one could imagine before it happened, and then this is the truth, the cruel fact.

In the eyes of many people, this scene is quite familiar. That is how Apple knocked down the king of the mobile phone industry Nokia, and this time it was knocked down by the latecomers at a faster rate. The future technology company stepped on Apple ’s On the corpse, the summit was strong. The high-tech industry is so cruel, when new revolutionary products are born, the old king will always be knocked down. If the future technology companies do not want to make progress, and blindly eat the old ones, it will eventually be such a day. However, as long as the future technology company is still controlled by Zhang Wei, this scene will never happen.

The decline in sales of Apple's mobile phones also triggered a chain reaction. Dealers have said that they want to reduce the number of orders and negotiate with Apple about the return of products. Those Apple products that cannot be sold, they will be returned to Apple.

Facing this situation, Cook sighed faintly.

In the past, these dealers begged Apple to ask for goods. No matter what conditions Apple made, these dealers would agree, but now the situation has completely changed.

Of course, Cook is also very clear that these dealers used to be good, because Apple's products are sales guarantees, which can make these dealers make money, but ... this is different now!

Affected by these unfavorable factors, Apple's stock price plunged again. However, it was still only selling orders, not buying orders, and countless people wanted to cry without tears.

It is not just Apple that suffers, it also has many brothers and brothers, such as Samsung.

Samsung ’s mobile phone business also suffered a cliff-shaped decline. Their mid- to high-end mobile phones are basically unsaleable. Only a thousand yuan machine can still be shipped normally. However, mid- to high-end mobile phones are the core business of every large mobile phone company. The main source of profit is the sale of ten low-end mobile phones, but it has not made more money than selling a high-end mobile phone. Affected by this, the share price of Samsung Electronics plunged all the way, and Samsung is the pride of South Korea. Samsung is so miserable that the whole South Korea sighs.

These mobile phone manufacturers are in a miserable situation, but users around the world are very happy because they got the coveted dark blue1.

A university dormitory.

"Brothers, I'm back."

Chen Lu smiled and pushed open the dormitory door.

"It's just back. Hurry up and accompany us to play Sihei. Damn, we are mistreated."

The three roommates did not raise their heads and said in unison.

"What time is it, still playing Lu Lu Lu, can't you guys?"

Chen Lu proudly revealed his right wrist and said, "Look at Brother's latest x artifact, madly pulling the dark blue of the sky."

"Lying trough ... you went out to get the courier, it turned out to be Deep Blue 1, which was really a pleasant surprise."

The three roommates stood up with Duang's voice, their eyes widened, and they shouted, "Show us quickly! Hurry!"

They also watched the Deep Blue 1 conference, and they were full of anticipation for Deep Blue 1, but they were so shy in their pockets that they could n’t afford it. Several of them were abused by the other party. They can also be seen. At least the other party also has the awareness and operation of the diamond rank. It must be the number to abuse the friend. Therefore, they do not want to be depressed.

Chen Lu skillfully used the mind control to take off the dark blue 1 on his wrist, and then activated the dark blue 1, the next moment, a **** girl appeared in front of everyone.

"Lying trough! Lying trough! Lying trough! It turned out to be 36e's Qin Nuo!"

The roommates widened their eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ gave out a wolflike light.

"Haha, how many points can this wave b give?"

Chen Lu laughed.

"Absolute 103 points, one point more tolerance, one point more touched, one point more dad's love for you."

The roommates laughed.

"Roll rough!"

Chen Ludao, "The buddy is in a good mood, and I don't know your general knowledge. Next, let me take you to pretend to fly together."

"Hurry up and show us how Zhang Wei played at the press conference. It's so cool."

The roommates said one after another.

"Wonderful starts now."

Chen Lu set Dark Blue 1 in position and said.

At the next moment, Deep Blue 1 projected a virtual three-dimensional screen of about 4 square meters in the air. Then, under Chen Lu ’s idea operation, 36e Qin Nua, Nine Tailed Demon Corruptor, Good Luck ... A beautiful hero appeared out of thin air, lifelike and sexy. Then, the action actresses such as teacher Cang also appeared one after another. When the wolf hearts of the roommates watched one by one, the beautiful women disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by the full screen of Sadako.

"Lying trough! Almost scared to pee."

The roommates were immediately angry and immediately rushed to Chen Lu, "Your son is beating."

Of course, everyone was just kidding, and after a bit of slapstick, they discussed it with a lot of fun.

"Dark Blue 1 is indeed an artifact, it's too dangling!"

"Brother bought an iphone11 last month, Nima, and now I feel sorry for my intestines!"

"Haha, isn't it a popular word now? Who buys iphone and who has brain damage ..."

"Go thick, when Brother bought it, Dark Blue 1 didn't even have a shadow."

"Mom, don't open it anymore. I will go to work as a tutor on the weekend and save a piece of Dark Blue 1 as soon as possible!" (Unfinished)


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