Urban Inventor

Chapter 305: 1.3 billion Chinese captain


After the negotiations with the future technology companies were concluded, the governments in the blood who had been bleeding immediately announced a good news to the domestic people: "They have introduced the production technology of genetic optimization liquid from the future technology companies, and they can soon be put into production, not only It can defeat super viruses, and it can also be used to optimize the genes of domestic people. "

In fact, governments of various countries are more cautious about whether to promote gene technology products such as gene optimization solution on a large scale, because gene technology is a double-edged sword. It is well used, can optimize the ethnicity of a country, and make the population of this country better. And if people with this technology have bad thoughts, they can use this technology to create genetic weapons and easily destroy a country. A country used the biocatalysis of deoxyribonucleic acid in cells to isolate DNA from one virus and combine it with DNA from another virus to splice it into a highly toxic "hot toxin" gene warfare agent. One ten-thousandth of a milligram can poison 100 cats; if 20g is used, it is enough to kill 7 billion people worldwide. In April 1979, a bioweapons base in the former Soviet Union exploded, overflowing a large number of Bacillus anthracis aerosols, causing the epidemic of anthrax, killing more than 1,000 people, and the impact lasted for 10 years.

In addition to making biochemical viruses, there are many ways to destroy a country with genetic weapons:

For example, Zhang Wei can do things in the middle gene optimization solution sold to a certain country, so that the offspring of this country will be born with low immunity, extremely prone to disease, and become a medicine jar. When the offspring of a country are all medicine jars, the ending It is self-evident.

For example, most of the descendants of this country are born mentally handicapped and deformed;

For example, let all descendants born in this country be girls.

Therefore, the governments of all countries are very strict in the review of gene technology products. If they are foreign companies, they will be more stringent. However, the products based on gene technology currently launched by future technology companies are all life-saving products. What the government cannot refuse, even if they ask the future technology company, otherwise they will not be able to satisfy domestic AIDS patients, cancer patients and super virus infected people.

Therefore, governments of various countries can only introduce genetic optimization solutions for super virus infections without reviewing them. But whether to allow all domestic citizens to use it, they will let domestic scientists carefully study and analyze, and then carefully consider according to the conclusions drawn by scientists.

Compared with other countries, China has a lot less worry, because Zhang Wei is a Chinese, and his attitude towards the country and the nation has always been very clear. And Zhang Wei is very cooperative in this respect. There are enough theories and data in the relevant information submitted by the Drug Administration and the Ministry of Health to prove that this product will not cause harm to the Chinese.

After the governments of various countries have announced the good news, the haze brought by the super virus to the world has been reduced a lot. Although some people infected with the super virus will die because they can not use the genetic optimization solution in time, at least there is hope. Others need not worry that they have no cure because they inadvertently contracted the super virus.

Such shocking news, the media naturally have to do their best to report.

"The New York Times": "When the super virus began to wreak havoc on the world and harvest its lives with its magic claws, in China across the Pacific, genius scientist Zhang Wei happened to complete his new invention, genetic evolution fluid and gene optimization fluid, and These two products can cure super viruses, perhaps in the middle of nowhere, it is really fate. Perhaps, future technology is really the future of humanity!

Finally, we must express our appreciation for the behavior of the future technology companies, because the future technology companies announced that they will provide free genetic optimization solutions for super virus infections worldwide. "

"Times": "A few hours ago, this super virus from Liberia raged the world, making everyone tremble. Many people even pessimistically believe that the end of the world has come, and some cults are also taking advantage of the storm. At this very moment, Dr. Zhang Wei, who has created many miracles, once again created a miracle. He found that the gene optimization fluid and gene evolution fluid he had just invented could perfectly cure this super virus.

Had to, this is the luck of mankind, because this product that can cure super viruses appears every day every day, and will cause irreparable major losses. If it is one month late, more than 200 million people worldwide will die due to this virus; if it is one year late, it will definitely be a hell-like scene, and more than 1 billion people will die globally due to this virus. As a result, some countries in Africa will disappear, and the global economy will retreat for at least a decade.

Thanks to Dr. Zhang Wei, this tragedy was prevented in time. "

"Asahi Shimbun": "The movie" X-Men "imagines that various mutants have appeared due to genetic evolution, and the conflict between mutants and ordinary people has brought the world into various disasters. Now, China's genius scientist Zhang Dr. Wei is gradually making these imaginations a reality. From the genetic evolution fluid introduced by Dr. Zhang Wei, we can see that the genetic technology he has mastered can already edit human genes at will.

This is a good thing in some respects, because many genetic diseases can be completely eradicated, but humans will not be satisfied with this, because humans also want to get "better" genes. For example, some parents may want their children to have the genes of "smarter", "healthy", "prettier", etc. In the future, future technology companies may also introduce genetic "private customization". Just as cosmetic surgery was originally used in medicine, it was only used to repair serious defects or deformities caused by disease or trauma, and then inevitably became a way of self-customization. Similar to the stereotyped beauty face in the Korean beauty contest, who knows whether it will be reproduced at the genetic level?

If genetic modification only stays on artificial selection or even creates "better" genes to pass on to future generations, the world is just more homogenous individuals. But after the Pandora's Box is opened, the consequences may be unpredictable.

We must not forget that there are always some crazy people in human beings. When they have certain resources, they will step on human nature. During the "World War II" Hitler training his subordinates: "We have to adopt such a method for the hundreds of millions of silly and ridiculous Slavs: transform the best of them according to our requirements, and isolate the rest. In their own pigsty. " Even if mankind enters the 21st century after a painful world war, extreme religious forces are still rampant in many places. Imagine if some of them have mastered the technology to edit human genes arbitrarily and apply them to humans, what will the world be like? "

"Washington Post": "Chinese genius scientist Zhang Wei has invented two great products: gene optimization fluid and gene evolution fluid. However, this is actually a product, and the gene optimization fluid is just a weakened version of the gene evolution fluid. The function of the genetic evolution fluid is to repair genetic defects, optimize genes, and improve genes to achieve the purpose of letting humans evolve. This reminds me of the super soldier serum in the superhero movie "Captain America", but the genetic evolution fluid is better than the super soldier. The serum is more perfect, because it can theoretically make people reach ten times the physical quality of ordinary people, which is comparable to that of Captain America, and its success rate is 100%, and there are no side effects, which is unmatched by super soldier serum. .

What does the emergence of genetic evolution fluid mean?

If this product is only sold in China, it means that Chinese people have the opportunity to become Captain America, no, it is Captain China! 1.3 billion Chinese captain! God, this is hard to imagine. The Chinese will become new humans from now on, and we are old humans. We are completely vulnerable to the Chinese who become new humans.

I sincerely hope that this will not happen. The genetic evolution fluids of future technology companies should be sold globally. In addition, the federal government should also organize a large scientific research team to study the genetic evolution fluids belonging to the United States so that 300 million Americans can become Captain America, so as not to be thrown too far by the Chinese! "

"Tencent News": "The genetic optimization fluid and genetic evolution fluid invented by Dr. Zhang can not only cure hundreds of thousands of super virus infected people in China, but also allow us 1.3 billion Chinese to be like dragons!"

"Toutiao": "Future Technology Company announced that the gene optimization solution produced will be given priority to domestic supply, and will not be exported until all domestic super virus infected people have received treatment. This kind of" pro-differentiation "behavior, edited Like it! "

Domestic netizens are also very concerned about this matter and have been discussing it hotly.

"A good" different to be close to one another ", I appreciate Dr. Zhang's attitude!"

"This is another merit of the Ten Thousand Living Buddhas. If merit can be turned into a god, Dr. Zhang will immediately ascend!"

"Everyone can take a look at the" Washington Post "report, they really dare to think, 1.3 billion Chinese captains, almost made me laugh, I still like the phrase" Let 1.3 billion Chinese people, everyone like dragons " words."

"Don't laugh, there is really a cartoon of the Chinese captain. The former captain of China was" Captain Revolution. "It is one of the five super soldier candidates selected from the army after the establishment of New China. The domestic super soldier plans to freeze. Later, it was sealed in the freezer. After decades, due to the “captain China plan” of the Chinese government and developed enterprises, China used advanced science and medical technology to recover the old era of strengthening soldiers. Because of hibernation, there is no aging. Healing ability Very fast, amazing physical strength, I am a sharpshooter, carrying a special pistol, the official name is "revolutionary gun" (this gun was built after the founding of new China, the best craftsman at that time, extremely powerful, will not rust And you can shoot in any climate and environment. "

"Poof ... let me see ..."

"After reading the relevant reports in the media, I think that the genetic evolution solution may not be so reliable. Do human genes really need to be improved? Will it cause unpredictable impact on the next generation? Will it have catastrophic consequences? "

"I also think that it is not a good thing that genetic technology is too advanced, and it will continue to develop in this way. In a few years, the resources invested by parents in the embryonic generation period will be a decisive factor that affects the innate quality of future generations. Rich people can Let their offspring be born several times better than others, and ordinary people who have no money to transform, even the offspring will never have a day. "

"The idea upstairs is quite ridiculous. First of all, the current genetic technology can't transform the immortal body of Wolverine or the goddess of wisdom like Athena, maybe later. Second, it is ridiculous to use genes as the only criterion for success. , Environmental family timing education, and other acquired factors have a much greater impact on success than we thought. Has Dr. Zhang inherited the scientist ’s genes? Has Jack Ma inherited the merchant ’s genes? Has O’Hema inherited the president ’s genes? Innate Will IQ be able to sweep the world? Obviously, it cannot.

As for the catastrophic consequences, it depends on whether you believe Dr. Zhang or not. Anyway, I believe in Dr. Zhang. He will not bring immature products to the market. Letter Dr. Zhang, have eternal life! "

"My opinion: Gene evolution is the general trend, because selfishness is the core of human nature, everyone wants to make themselves more perfect, and hopes to be stronger than others. The three people facing the lion, it is not necessary that all of them are Scud , As long as it is not the slowest running. If the other two are injected with genetic evolution fluid, and you do not, you are the slowest running, would you accept it? Of course, this is just a metaphor, because the injection of genes After the evolution fluid, when you meet the lion, you do n’t have to run, you just punch and die! "

"In a word, it just needs to win over everything. Human history has proven time and time again. Everything that is anti-scientific can only become a scum that has been crushed by history. Gene evolution fluid can now make people have several times the physical quality, let people live to 150 Years old, you can make people live to a thousand years old tomorrow, when those of you who refused genetic evolution fluid are turned into ash, and those of us who use genetic evolution fluid can still live for hundreds of years, I think how do you guys bb. "


The media all over the world are discussing super viruses and genetic evolution fluids at this time, and they will inevitably mention Zhang Wei. They have not found too many adjectives to describe Zhang Wei, because all are used to praise Zhang Wei as a genius Adjectives ~ www.readwn.com ~ they have all been used!

The content that the people of the world are discussing at this time is basically related to Zhang Wei and the genetic evolution fluid he invented. After this incident, Zhang Wei ’s image in many people ’s hearts has grown taller, and to some extent, it can be related to The living gods are painted with equal signs.

At this time, Zhang Wei was staying in the laboratory to study the culprit of the virus crisis.

One day ago, Beidou mentioned in his report to him that this virus is very unusual, and there is a high probability that it is modified based on some existing viruses and adding appropriate genetic material. In addition, according to the data uploaded by medical cabins around the world, there are about 2 chances of this virus infected person getting physical strengthening, the body's strength can be increased by about three times, and other body data have also been significantly improved However, the strengthening time can only last about one day, and then the body will quickly enter a decline period, just like other virus-infected people, waiting for the arrival of death in pain.

Many countries, including China, have also discovered this secret long ago, but they did not disclose it to the media, but kept it strictly confidential, and conducted a census of domestic virus infections to find those who have been strengthened Then, the relevant experts conduct research. The purpose of the research is nothing more than to find a way to treat this virus, and at the same time to study human strengthening agents.

Zhang Wei also wanted to find out why this virus can strengthen people. At the same time, he is also interested in the virus ’s tenacious vitality. If humans can resist the high temperature of 181 degrees like this virus, It can resist the ultra-low temperature of minus two Baidu, can survive well under the radiation of 5700 gray intensity, and even survive in a vacuum environment for a long time, then it is perfect! (To be continued.) L3l4


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