Urban Inventor

Chapter 344: New pattern of the earth

From May 1 to June 11, after 41 days of negotiations, the American Federation was formally established. This new federation includes 42 million square kilometers of land in North and South America and all the countries on this land, even Cuba. It also put an end to its grievances and hatred with the United States and joined the American Federation. In fact, under the general situation, Cuba has no choice. If it refuses, it will be completely isolated from the entire American continent.

It is worth mentioning that after consultation with the US special envoy, Japan also joined the American Federation and became an enclave of the American Federation. In order to allow Japan to join the American Federation, the United States made great concessions and announced that it would withdraw its garrison from Japan (before South Korea became a special administrative region of China, the United States and China negotiated and withdrew Garrison), allowing Japan to achieve sovereign integrity, and completely loosen the dog chain tied to Japan, allowing Japan to develop nuclear weapons and freely develop military power.

In fact, Japan ’s military technology has always been very advanced, and it has kept pace with the United States in many fields, and has been in a leading position in the fields of software, radar, communication network management, microelectronics, and materials. Japan ’s military industry is also very developed. In our impression, it is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which manufactures air conditioners and automobiles. Another important identity is Japan ’s largest military enterprise, which can manufacture almost all weapons such as fighter jets, ships, armored vehicles, missiles, artillery, rockets, etc. In our impression, Toshiba, which produces computers, has been producing advanced missiles; in our impression, Hitachi, which produces kitchen equipment and medical equipment, is also a Japanese military giant. Japan ’s nuclear technology is also very advanced. Although no nuclear explosions have been carried out, they possess super-strong nuclear explosion computer simulation technology and have carried out countless simulations. In addition, Japan has stockpiled more than 1.2 tons of highly enriched uranium, including 215 kg of weapons-grade highly enriched uranium, and 44 tons of separated plutonium. One ton of plutonium can produce 120 nuclear warheads, and this 44 tons of plutonium is enough to make about 5,000 nuclear bombs. Biden, the former vice president of the United States, said in an interview with the media that Japan actually has the ability to possess nuclear weapons overnight.

It can be said that Japan has always had strong military potential, but it has always been restricted by the United States. For example, it cannot develop nuclear weapons and its military expenditure cannot exceed 1% of its gross national product.

Now that the United States has loosened the leash attached to Japan, Japan immediately seized this opportunity and on the second day of the establishment of the Federation of America, on June 12, Japan detonated on a desert island With the atomic bomb, the whole nation of Japan is boiling, and it feels like it is facing China. On the same day, the Japanese Prime Minister held a press conference, announcing that Japan already possessed the atomic bomb. At the same time, the Japanese Prime Minister opened his eyes and made nonsense, declaring that Japan was a peace-loving country and was willing to join the NPT. All 103 atomic bombs that have been produced are sealed and stored.

The Chinese side has a very thorough view of this matter. Japan is a dog placed by the American Federation in East Asia. Its main political task is to check and balance China. In order to give Japan sufficient strength and strength, the American Federation not only liberalized all restrictions on Japan, it will certainly give more support in the future. However, China has never planned to wage war, because before it has the means to deal with nuclear weapons, it is simply not suitable to wage war on earth!

The establishment of the American Federation is a beginning. In the next ten days, various federations have been established one after another.

The European Commonwealth, based on the 27 member states of the European Union such as the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, has newly joined Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and other countries. Australia, an Oceania country, has also joined the European Federation due to its good relations with the United Kingdom. This new federation has a good accumulation of technology, education, industrial strength, and talent reserves. After integrating resources, its strength will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds.

Africa has also formed the African Federation under the leadership of Egypt, Ethiopia, and other countries. However, Africa ’s economic development is backward, education is low, infrastructure is poor, and people ’s concepts are also problematic. Most of the bottom people seem to have nothing to do, nothing. It's totally normal to have a day and a day, and it's hard to do one day and three days. Therefore, even if the African Federation is formed, the world is not optimistic about Africa's prospects.

The Arab countries in the Middle East also formed an Arab federation, which made many Arabs ecstatic. Their long-lost Arab empire seemed to be reappearing. At that time, Arabia was a superpower, which cut off the European maritime trade. Road, almost pushed Europe back to the primitive society, unlike now, can only live by selling oil, after the emergence of anti-gravity flight vehicles and nuclear fusion technology, oil demand has dropped sharply, and life is quite hard. The prospects of the Arab Federation are not optimistic in the world, because this group of people who believe in science and technology will not work. In a modern society where science and technology are respected, without science and technology capabilities, there is no future. And because of religious reasons, the internal conflicts of these people are very serious, and blood flowed when they started.

In Asia, South Korea, Thailand, Myanmar, Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries have successively become China's special administrative regions. Even Vietnam, a country that dared to use force against China, has to recognize the reality and take the initiative to bow its head and apply to join China. In time, China ’s territory has expanded every day. However, for Southeast Asia countries such as Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei, China has not accepted it, but has just released the wind. If the Chinese in these countries are willing to return to China, China will do well. Placement.

Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Brunei have no choice but to form a Southeast Asian federation. Without the support of a strong country, this federation is destined to have no future, and these countries also face a very serious problem, that is, the Chinese return to China on a large scale. You should know that the indigenous people of these countries are lazy, they are not productive, they do not understand development, but the Chinese are clever and hardworking, and soon they have accumulated a lot of wealth. In these countries, although the Chinese account for only a minority of the population, the wealth they hold can account for most of the entire country. Take Indonesia as an example. There are 6 million Chinese in Indonesia, accounting for only about 2.5% of the total population of Indonesia. The estimated wealth is half to three-quarters of Indonesia ’s private wealth.

However, the Chinese in Southeast Asia have no money, no business, no politics, which lays a hidden danger. When their wealth is coveted by the local indigenous people, they have no power to resist. In Indonesia, two large-scale occurrences occurred within half a century. The latest massacre of Chinese occurred in 1998, which shocked everyone. These tragedies also made Chinese in Southeast Asia tightly stringed, lacking a sense of security. China is the home base of the Chinese, and it is undoubtedly the place that gives them the most sense of security. They did not come back before because China was not developed enough and not strong enough They ca n’t give up their local interests, and as long as they are discerning people, they can judge that China ’s money is endless. They naturally made the right choice, and when they chose to return to China, they also took away their wealth and great control Some resources, countless factories are closed, countless minerals are shipped to China, and countless workers are unemployed. This is a major blow to Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries. It is simply bone marrow suction. Some experts say that if the Chinese take them The wealth has left, and the economies of countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia have regressed for at least 50 years!

For Indonesia and other countries, this is undoubtedly a devastating disaster. Therefore, these countries have issued a series of policies that restrict Chinese people from carrying wealth and leaving, people can go, but the wealth should be kept as much as possible. The media in these countries have also started to stir up the flames, making the indigenous people who have long coveted the wealth of the Chinese people eager to move, wanting to conduct another large-scale Chinese exclusion operation.

Fortunately, the Chinese have been very vigilant about this because of the blow-through of losses, and the relevant situation and possible consequences were reported to the Chinese side before the incident broke out, hoping to obtain asylum. The Chief Minister and others have attached great importance to this matter, and they will never allow the blood and tear tragedy that happened once again to be repeated, which is unacceptable to China today. The Chief Minister immediately issued a warning to Indonesia and other countries. At the same time, 10 "Tiangong II" spacecraft and 40 "Tiangong I" spacecraft took off from the moon's factory and came to a height of 300 kilometers in Indonesia. The muzzle of the electromagnetic rail gun was all aimed at Indonesia. After knowing this matter, Zhang Wei arranged an open test of a high-energy laser weapon an hour later. A laser beam was launched from the future technology company. In a blink of an eye, it destroyed a satellite at an altitude of 600 kilometers.

After these two incidents happened, Indonesia and other countries suddenly became honest and immediately canceled the relevant policies. The indigenous people also looked at the sky with a pale face, and they felt terrified. The whole world suddenly realized that China is no longer the country that has always shouted "serious protests" and "strong condemnations", but is the world's largest power that is far ahead in many ways, and its attitude has become tougher, facing the Chinese. Time, we must consider the attitude of China. The global Chinese are full of blood. This is the scene they have been waiting for for a long time. It also reminds them of the words of the Western Han dynasties Gan Yanshou and Chen Tang in the attack on the Xiongnu Zhizhi Shanyu to the emperor Han Xuan of the Han Dynasty. It is far from punishable for those who commit violent crimes. "After that, the speed of global Chinese returning to China has accelerated a lot. In the American Federation, in the European Federation, in all corners of the world, Chinese have embarked. The road back to China. Over the years, they have been working hard in other people ’s territories. Only sadness and tears can be understood. Now, it is time to return.

After deterring Indonesia and other countries, China has worked hard to solve the fishing-fish-island problem, the problems of the South China Sea islands such as Huangyan Island, and the South Tibet problem of India. Japan, India and other countries expressed silence on this. Now, the only regret of China in terms of territory is the land that was plundered by Russia in the 19th and 20th centuries. Because Russia is really not easy to provoke, if Russia is not willing, these lands are difficult to return.

At this point, I have to mention India. Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh all around India have joined China. This puts India in a state of total siege and is in a hurry, but India also looks down on the Arabs. The Arab Federation in the sea, going on like this, the situation is not good. After careful consideration, India chose to join forces with Russia. At this time, Russia has annexed Belarus, Georgia, Lithuania and other countries. With the joining of India, this new federal strength should not be underestimated.

By the beginning of June 2023, everything was settled and the world entered a new pattern. The 224 countries and regions that had once shrunk into China, the American Federation, the European Federation, the Russian-Indian Federation, the Arab Federation, and the African Federation , The seven major forces of the Southeast Asian Federation, as well as the ranking of strength. Although the United Nations still exists, it is meaningless. It is estimated that after a while, it will completely disappear from people's eyes.

Many people are at a loss as to the changes that have taken place in the world over the past two months, and feel that the world is becoming more and more incomprehensible!

Some scholars believe that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com without a war, so many countries actively merge, is definitely called one of the most incredible events in human history.

Some scholars have conducted research on this phenomenon, and finally concluded that it is the future technology companies that bring the world into this new pattern! It is precisely because of a series of epoch-making technologies from future technology companies that have allowed China to develop at a speed that exceeds common sense, giving other countries an unprecedented sense of crisis, and triggering a chain reaction, allowing the world to enter the current pattern! However, this is actually a good thing for all mankind. This can be seen from the progress of human science and technology. From 2019 to the present, human science and technology have improved at least a hundred years in certain fields, such as anti-gravity. Technology, genetic technology, artificial intelligence technology. In other fields of science and technology, in fact, a series of brilliant achievements have been made, but they are not so conspicuous in the light of anti-gravity technology, genetic technology, and artificial intelligence technology. In accordance with the development of this situation, in the next few decades, human technology will still develop at a high speed, and the scenes in science fiction movies may become a reality one by one! However, after a few decades, the pattern of humanity may change, or war may erupt, and all humans on the earth will be destroyed. Only the humans on the moon and Mars survived to continue human civilization; perhaps, the existing With 6 federations and one country, there will be only one country left!

`(To be continued.)

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