Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 028 God-like students

Just now they were laughing at them for not even having any marks, but in the blink of an eye, they had crushed them with full marks.

Ah Hui and Xiao Wu were blushing and thick-necked in shame. They lowered their heads in front of Chen Xin'an, not daring to look at him!

Chen Xin'an bumped Coach Guan with her shoulder and said to him with a smile:

"How's it going, Coach Guan, I didn't lie to you, did I?

You won't lose money and you will make a fortune! "

After Coach Guan was shocked and stunned at first, he became ecstatic!

"You kid can do it! You're awesome!"

Coach Guan gave Chen Xinan a thumbs up.

Then he turned around, patted the big fat man on the shoulder, laughed and said:

"I won, right? Then I'm embarrassed to accept everyone's wishes!

Let’s not go to Xiaoxiang Tower in the evening. We are all coaches and we must take responsibility for ourselves and not drink.

But I will bring wedding candies for everyone to eat tomorrow.

Congratulations to my students for successfully passing the first course! "

The muscles on the big fat man's face twitched.

Lao Guan, can you pick a little more?

It’s not like you’re getting married, why would you treat me to a fucking wedding candy?

Besides, if you collect this wave, it will cost you three or four thousand yuan at least.

Even if you don’t drink when you go to Xiaoxiang Tower, you can just let everyone eat some food!

Have you ever seen anyone treat someone after passing Section 1?

"No!" The fat man looked at Chen Xin'an with a straight face, shook his head and said, "Your grades don't count!"

Everyone fell silent and looked at him without blinking.

Coach Guan’s face turned pale, he pointed at the big fat man and said:

"Dazhang, what do you mean? You won't admit it when you lose? You're cheating, right?"

The big fat man snorted and curled his lips and said:

"If I got full marks in the Zhenger Ba Jing test, how come I, Zhang Dafu, am a deadbeat?

Isn’t it just a few hundred dollars? I can afford it!

But if you pass the test through crooked methods, you will get full marks without taking any test at all.

Does this count as your win? Why should I pay? "

Other people who lost money also nodded.

"What we are betting on is a serious exam, and those who violate the rules and cheat will not be counted!"

Coach Guan became anxious and scolded the big fat man: "Old Zhang, if you really want to default on your debt, just say so.

Is this your first time in this examination room?

Who dares to cheat here?

You still watch my students take the exam.

Why do you say he cheated? "

The big fat man snorted coldly and asked him:

"Laoguan, let me ask you.

In this examination room, have you ever seen anyone who just took the textbook and took the exam? "

"This..." Lao Guan was stunned, swallowed hard, and cursed at him:

“Just because you haven’t seen it before doesn’t mean you can’t do it!

I have an acquaintance there and I'm sure the exam will be taken, so I'll arrange it. How about that?

You can do it! "

Lao Zhang chuckled, glanced at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said: "

That's the problem!

You're taking the back door.

The exam is just a formality for you!

Your backstage has already greeted the invigilator a long time ago.

You just need to sit next to the computer, click randomly with the mouse, and pretend to answer the questions.

Then as soon as the grader sees your admission number, he or she will give you a full score regardless of whether you answered the questions or not! "

Everyone seemed to be suddenly enlightened!

Yes, only in this way can we explain why this guy can take the exam and get full marks within half an hour of getting the textbook!

Even Ah Hui and Xiao Wu, who were standing next to Coach Guan, nodded along with everyone.

The eyes looking at Chen Xin'an were full of contempt.

I thought you were smarter than us, and you have been doing this for a long time just by relying on your connections to get through the back door!

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at the big fat man and said:

“Who told you I could get a hundred without answering the questions?

Do you think those invigilators are all fools? "

The big fat man snorted coldly and said, "You don't need to deny it!

Do you think we are all fools?

It took less than ten minutes to get out.

Are you afraid that you haven't even finished reading a single question?

How did you answer the question without even moving your hands? "

People around also said:

"That's right! I can't even act, and this backdoor approach is too obvious!"

"Do you still remember what he said before? He doesn't know how to use computers at all!"

"It takes at least a few days to learn how to operate a computer, right?

He just looked at two pictures and learned it?

Do you think you are a god? "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, looked at everyone with disdain and said, "A bunch of idiots!"

Then he turned around and left!

"What are you talking about? You, a person like you who even go through the back door, still have the nerve to curse others?"

"We are idiots, you are worse than an idiot!

At least we can pass the exam without going through the back door! "

"What the hell, relying on a few people, you treat everyone else as a fool!"

Everyone yelled at Chen Xin'an.

The big fat man sneered and said to Coach Guan: "Lao Guan, do you think we can recognize such results?

Of course, you can also shamelessly insist that he passed the exam and refused to admit defeat.

Anyway, they are your students, and it is easy for them to get a driver's license.

Just say hello.

If something goes wrong in society, you, Lao Guan, will be infamy! "

Coach Guan's face turned blue and white, and he gritted his teeth and wanted to take out the card.

Everyone in the audience exclaimed: "Why is that kid back again!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an walking back, the big fat man sneered and said:

"What? I feel like I should act like a man.

Have you mustered up the courage to admit that you did it through the back door? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him with eyes wide open and cursed: "Idiot!"

Then he raised his finger and pointed at the big screen and said, "Just watch it!"

On the big screen, a split screen appeared.

Of the two pictures, the one on the left is Chen Xin'an taking the exam.

The one on the right is his computer screen.

This is a replay of the entire exam process.

And it’s just a separate replay of No. 124.

As the timer starts at the top of the computer screen, enter the exam page.

It means the exam is about to begin!

Immediately afterwards, everyone finally witnessed what a suffocating operation!

I saw No. 124’s right hand constantly clicking the mouse.

Answer, turn the page, answer...

The mouse has been hovering over these buttons very quickly.

One test question after another was answered, and there was not a single mistake!

Hundreds of people in the entire hall looked up at the big screen in complete silence!

One hundred questions were completed in seven minutes in full view of everyone.

The accuracy rate is 100%!

Coach Guan’s eyes were red with excitement, he stared at the big fat man and said:

"This is my student!

Are you still saying that he used the back door?

Aren't you going to admit defeat now? "

Everyone looked ashamed and shocked inside!

The big fat man also blushed and wanted to make a few excuses, then heard Chen Xin'an say:

"The first question, as shown in the picture, is to stop and observe when traveling to such a railway crossing.

I made the right choice!

Question 2: In such a situation, you can choose to overtake from the right.

I made the wrong choice!

The third question..."

There were one hundred questions, but he actually kept them in order and word for word. He memorized the questions and answered them in front of everyone.

Everyone was shocked again and couldn't close their mouths for a long time!

"What else do you have to say now?" Coach Guan looked at everyone excitedly and shouted.

The fat man took out his wallet, took out a few hundred-dollar bills, and slapped them on Coach Guan's hand.

Swallowing his saliva, he looked at Chen Xin'an in shock and said, "Lao Guan, please stop talking.

You didn’t accept a student, you accepted a god! "

I don’t know who started it, but the applause started to ring out.

Soon it was like a storm, spreading throughout the hall.

And everyone already knows that this candidate and this exam will both be mythical existences.

It will be spread in this examination room for a long time in the future!

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