Urban Sims

Vol 6 Chapter 99: Earn money!

The orcs shouted loudly and neatly, but no one broke the fact that they could not afford it.

There may be thirty or fifty wealthy orcs, capable of affording a lunatic 1 generation, but most orcs cannot have that ability.


the next day.

On January 19th.

It's eight o'clock in the morning.

The downtown area of ​​the Magic City.

The two newly decorated mobile phone stores opened grandly.

One is called "Nokia Store" and the other is called "Love Crazy Store".

The two stores are not far apart, only about 50 meters, the storefront is more than 300 square meters, 20 sales windows.

Early this morning, in front of the two specialty stores, they were all lined up in a long queue, full of crowds.

The two teams are almost the same length, but the gap between the two is clear.

The team in front of the Nokia store on the left is generally dressed in plain clothes, with a public appearance and a simple look; the team on the right in the crazy store on the right is generally dressed brightly, with a spirited and calm look.

The average income of the team on the left is relatively low, and most of the local indigenous people can only choose the low-cost Nokia 001.

The team on the right has a high income and strong strength. Most of them are high-powered human masters, and they can afford to spend 1 million worth of 1 crazy one generation.

The gap between the rich and the poor in the Magic City is apparent from the appearance of these two teams.

In fact, there is no so-called "poor man" in the Magic City. The welfare provided by the Magic Association is enough for each family to live a well-off life.

However, things like wealth and resources will always be in the hands of a few people, and the fairness of the system cannot avoid the gap between rich and poor.

Of course, Zhou Ming does not want to pay attention to these. After he opened two mobile phone stores at the same time, his most concerned question is how are the sales of the two mobile phones?

How many mobile phones he sells and how much money he earns is what he is most concerned about now.

About four hours later.

All of the mobile phones in the Ai crazy mobile phone store, all 5000 Ai crazy first generation phones, are sold out.

One was sold out.

"Why sold out so quickly?"

"I queued for a long time, do you tell me it's sold out?"

"Half a month later, there will be a second batch of stock. Will you have to wait for half a month? Actually want me to wait for half a month?"

"I already knew that, I should have gotten up early to come in line."

Tens of thousands of customers who were not grabbed later complained, complained, and even some people temporarily changed their minds and entered the queue for the purchase of Nokia magic mobile phones with a queue that was not very long.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ming and others standing on the top of a tall building not far away, holding a telescope to observe, all smiled on their faces.

made money.

Earn money!

Earned a pot in the morning.

How much can Zhou Ming make?

Take, for example, the 1st-generation mobile phone with a price of 10,000 contribution points.

Although the price of this phone is surprisingly high, the actual cost is not as high as the publicity said.

To get rid of labor costs, the actual material cost of a magic smartphone of the 1st generation of crazy is only about 1800 purple gold coins.

After the output increased in the later period, after the preliminary research and development costs were diluted, the cost of materials for each generation of madness could even be reduced to below 1200.

Zhou Ming sold a 10,000 contribution point.

In the black market of the Magic City, one contribution point can be exchanged for 8 to 10 purple gold coins.

In other words, the profit margin of a love mad 1 generation has reached a staggering 4400%!

Taking into account the extremely high prices of the Magic City, if you move the production line of the 1st generation of crazy to the outside, the profit margin can be even higher!

In short, you can think of it this way: every time you sell a crazy mobile phone of the 1st generation of love, Zhou Ming can earn 9,775 contribution points!

4600 removed by the Magic Association.

800 taken by engineers and workers.

Zhou Ming personally, for each generation of love madness sold, he netted 4,375 contribution points.

Multiply by 5000.

The total is 21.875 million contribution points.

In just one morning, Zhou Ming made over 20 million contribution points!

Of course, the production cost of Nokia mobile phones is not high. The total cost of each unit is about 10 points, and the net profit is about 90 points.

This time, Zhou Ming prepared a total of 500,000 Nokia 001 phones. Excluding the discounted discount of 100,000 units, they can bring in a net profit of about 40 million contribution points.

Zhou Ming probably got 17 million contribution points.

The sum of the total profits of the two phones, after repaying all loans, finally ran to the contribution point in Zhou Ming's pocket, about 30 million.

After another two weeks or so.

All 500,000 Nokia magic phones are sold out.

The second batch of 10,000 Love Crazy 1st generations was also sold out in stock and soon sold out within a day.

Zhou Ming made a net contribution of more than 20 million points.

His worth is more than 50 million.

If the city of magic has a Forbes ranking list, he can be ranked at least in the top three.

In the Magic City at this time, almost every two people in the population of more than one million have a magic mobile phone.

The magic mobile phone market has gradually become saturated.

The heat of the mobile phone trend has gradually cooled down.

But around the magic mobile phone, during this time, there have been several major events that caused sensation and controversy in the city of magic.

It even led to the orcish group in the city, and a demonstration of more than 100,000 people was held.

The crime rate in the city has increased significantly. Theft, robbery, and murder ... In order to get a mobile phone of the 1st generation of madness, some people choose to take the risk.

Some even engaged in illegal occupations, betrayed the soul and the flesh, in order to get a love crazy 1st generation mobile phone, in order to save enough 10,000 points, some people lost their reason and became very crazy.

The most typical is a young man named Sein Bori who found a legendary mage who also repaired the undead department, sold all his heart, liver, kidney, lung, brain and other organs to the other party for research and turned himself into A magical puppet controlled by someone ... This man's desire and love for "Love Crazy 1st Generation" is indeed crazy.

The events in Sainbori triggered a heated discussion throughout the city, and the orcs suddenly staged a protest march, even pushing the magic mobile phone to the cusp of the storm!

Why did the orcs suddenly take to the streets to protest?

And there are more than one hundred thousand orcs.

Because the orcs also want to buy Ai crazy 1st generation magic mobile phone.

Orcs don't like Nokia, which has a single function, they also want to love crazy 1 generation!

But ... they really can't afford it.

In the entire city of magic, the orcs bought less than 100 of the 15,000 units of the 1st generation of Love Crazy.

The average IQ of the orcs is average, but it does not mean that they are fools.

The powerful functions and great convenience brought by the 1st generation of love crazy, they also love to go crazy and want to own one.

But they do not have enough points to contribute, and many of them rely on welfare to guarantee their lives.

But they just want to love crazy.

so what should I do now?


The crying child has candy, so how can I win the association to give the orcs the welfare of 1 generation of crazy lovers?

This is also the old routine played by the orcs for millions of years. They will not resort to violence, but will use group protests to force the Magic Association to succumb.

And in most cases, this move will work, and you can win some benefits.

So on February 6th, a large number of orcs took to the streets, raised banners, and shouted various slogans in unison:

"We also want to play the love crazy 1st generation!"

"Protest! We can't afford Love Madness, we want to protest!"

"You can't deprive us of the power to have love crazy for 1 generation."

"Please ask the old men to send us some crazy lovers!"

"Fit one for each, one for each!"

"We are poor, but the poor cannot live without a madman for 1 generation."

"One by one! One by one!"

"Please give us some love!"

"Orcs are also humans, and the orcs are also contributing to the city of magic!"

Among the various slogans and wonderful banners, the harmony and purity of the entire magic city were broken by the protests of the orcs.

This scene, Zhou Ming all see in the eyes.

Suddenly surprised.

"What a straightforward request."

"What a" honest and honest "orc ... it turned out to be an appearance."

"From their neat slogans, uncluttered steps, and elaborate banners, they should be very skilled in these routines."

"No wonder many people describe these orcs with 'sly big animals'."

And there are two places surrounded by orcish parade groups.

One is the Parliament building in the city center; the other is the mobile phone specialty store of madness ... the goal is very clear.

As for the Nokia mobile phone store 50 meters away, no orcs are there, and the operations of surrounding shops are basically unaffected.

Zhou Ming sighed in response to this.

"Professional, very professional, can only be described as professional."

"The magical city stands for thousands of years without chaos, there is a reason."

Then there is negotiations, two-part negotiations.

The orc representative negotiated with the high level of the magic society, and the orc hoped that the association would give them free crazy mobile phones.

Orc representatives negotiated with the person in charge of the mobile phone specialty store of love crazy, the orcs hoped that the love mobile phone would lower the price to the extent they could bear.

Regarding the requirement for free distribution of orc representatives, the senior level of the Magic Association refused strictly, saying that they could not afford the 1st generation of Love Madness. Then they would sell Nokia 001. Both functions are similar. Cheap Nokia 001 can definitely be bought. , Do n’t be fooled and unreasonable!

Moreover, with the high price of the crazy mobile phone ~ www.readwn.com ~ The association does not have that condition to distribute it for free.

Regarding the price reduction requirements of the orc representatives, under the guidance of Zhou Ming, the person in charge of the specialty store said that the price can be reduced. The price of the third batch of Ai crazy 1st generation mobile phones that will be listed two weeks later will be reduced to 9600. It is impossible to use the purple gold coins to the extent that most orcs can afford them.

The orc representative was dissatisfied, and there was no consensus on the first day of negotiations.

The next day, the orcs continued to protest.

Not only that, the number of protests increased from 100,000 on the first day to 150,000.

And after seeing the orcs protesting, there were about 80,000 human beings and about 20,000 dwarves on that day. Because they could n’t afford the crazy phone, they stood with the orcs in the same camp and joined the protest camp.

The total number of protests reached 250,000.

Negotiations failed the next day.

On the third day, the total number of protests of the orcs, humans, and dwarves actually increased by another 100,000, reaching as much as 350,000!

This time the Magic Association finally couldn't sit still.

Old Wolf personally found Zhou Ming and solemnly said to him: "Boy, this is the trouble you caused, you have to solve it!"

"I'll fix it?"

Zhou Ming pointed to his nose: "How can I solve it? Say how is this the trouble I caused. They are so troublesome, aren't you used to be like this?"

The old wolf waved his hand: "I don't care, you have to solve this trouble anyway! How can there be so many things if you don't have a crazy phone? Anyway, within two days you have to deal with this, I'm going ...

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Zhou Ming to refute, disappearing without a trace.

I go!

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