Urban Sims

Vol 6 Chapter 120: The much-anticipated experiment

What is the purpose of Zhou Ming's experiment?

What is his purpose?

Destroy faith.

He wanted to try if there was any way to destroy the faith in people's minds.

Pious faith in those so-called "gods".

In fact, when Zhou Ming just had this idea, he was taken aback by himself.

Destroy the faith?

Is faith so easy to destroy?

In other words, if faith can be destroyed, then it cannot be called faith, because faith itself has the characteristics of tenacity, tenacity, and indestructibility.

Zhou Ming wanted to destroy the so-called belief through some methods, which was doomed from the beginning.

Especially if believers believe in the true God and want to destroy it, why are they delusional?

The most convenient and direct way to destroy faith is to wipe away the carrier of faith, the believer, directly from the flesh. This is the best and fastest way.

Other methods are destined to have a general effect.

But Zhou Ming just wanted to try it.

He wanted to confirm that for people (believers), is faith really that important?

Is it really impossible to destroy?

If the result of the test proves that the faith ca n’t be destroyed, there is really nothing to be done, then sorry, then, many, many people will die ... Zhou Ming will become Shura and will not be soft.

If the results of the test prove that the faith can be shaken and destroyed, and prove that it is not so indestructible, then next, Zhou Ming will change a strategy to deal with those believers ... the number of dead people will be much less.

Of course, with Zhou Ming's own experience and experience, he is not particularly confident about this test.

Because he has seen too many believers, even if he believes in a false god, a non-existent god, but still throws his head and sprinkles his blood, desperately caressing himself, even if he loses his life, he is very longing for heaven ... and finally went heaven.

And the number of people is not one or two, but in groups, the number is so large that it makes people scalp numb.

Once these people are instigated, organized or used, the destructive power they produce is amazing.

This is just a false **** belief.

In exchange for the belief in the true God, the devastating power, organizational power, and number of mobilization of the believers will not be improved by several levels.

As can be seen from the average time of the fall of those kingdoms that have evolved into "sacred kingdoms of light," less than three months, in the face of faith, nobles and kingship can be said to be vulnerable.

Zhou Ming intends to confront this power.

He even wants to find out the weakness of the faith, and disintegrate and destroy it.

It can only be said that his idea is very brave and bold, beyond the limit of ordinary people can imagine.


"How do you know if you don't try?"

"If you don't challenge it, how can you confirm its indestructibility?"

"Some things, even if you know that there is a high probability of failure, you still have to try."

Otherwise, how can you know that you can actually succeed?

So now that it is decided to do this experiment, what is the object of the experiment?


Of course it is human.

And a group of people with very firm beliefs ... the priests and priests of the Bright Holy See, as well as many highly respected bishops and deputy bishops ... a total of more than 3000 people.

These more than 3,000 people were suddenly activated by Zhou Ming after more than a month of precise preparations, and they swept away all the churches in the Kingdom of Abdullah and captured the living people.

In addition, there are more than 7,000 church personnel. In this arrest operation, due to fierce resistance, they were finally bombed by the action team. Only a small number of them chose to surrender or were captured because of injuries ... The intensity of resistance of these church personnel was called Zhou Ming. be surprised.

Of course, 3000 samples are almost enough, enough for Zhou Ming to do his experiment.

So the 3000 people were transferred to a secret base. After some investigation and selection, Zhou Ming divided them into six groups, with an average of 500 people in each group.

And in the secret test base, Zhou Ming arranged a large number of high-tech magic cameras and monitoring devices to observe the test objects for 24 hours without dead angle, the purpose is to get the most accurate and reliable test data and results.

Not only that, Zhou Ming will also broadcast live the completion of this trial.

Real-time live broadcast through 1100 projection and projection devices installed in the Kingdom of Abdullah, let at least 11 million people of Abdullah Kingdom see for themselves, those clerics of the Light Holy See, their belief in the God of Light is firm To what extent?


Xia Sui, July 7.

Inside a secret test base like a concentration camp.

Standing on a high platform, facing the clerics of more than 3,000 bright churches below, standing in front of the microphone, Zhou Ming said:

"Your **** is trying to rule the world, destroying the king and nobles with a premeditated plan, is invading the power source of the world, and is trying to turn this place into his paradise and paradise!"


"Your God is guilty! He claims to represent light and justice, but in my opinion, the most evil and mean and shameless is your God!"

"Your **** is the most despicable thief in this world, the most successful conspirator, and the **** who is guilty of death!"

"You accomplices and followers are also guilty and need to be tried and punished!"

"If you don't change the evil, you don't repent of it ~ www.readwn.com ~ You also deserve to die!"

Zhou Ming just opened his mouth, and it was easy to get upset.

Countless voices of anger and rebuttal sounded.

"You are guilty, you are not forgiven!"

"The blasphemy, you **** blasphemer! God will punish you!"

"Fire punishment, only the harshest fire punishment can purify the sins of you blasphemer!"

"You should change the evil to the right, you need to repent consciously ... but even then, you will still be on your torture rack!"

"The blasphemy, you have violated the God of the highest light, you are dead! No matter how you flee there, no one can save you!"

"Yes, God can't let you go, **** blasphemer!"

In a cry of extreme anger, Zhou Ming's body seemed to be covered with a "mortal" seal.

Zhou Ming was not afraid, but instead sneered:

"It's pretty screaming. I want to ask: where is your god?"

"Call your **** to punish me?"

"It's you fellow accomplices. I want to see your omnipotent gods. Are you watching you die one by one, or use his magical power to save you?"

"I also want to see, are your hard-mouthed accomplices, so faithful to the so-called gods? Are they so pretentious? Or have you always pretended to be so religious?"

"It doesn't matter, since I'm here, I have a way to tear off your mask, and I have a way to make you honest! Restore your nature!"

"So, start enjoying it, the big meal I prepared for you, officially started!"

So, through more than a thousand sets of projection video live broadcasts, this much-anticipated experiment within the scope of the Kingdom of Abdullah began.

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