Urban Superboy

Chapter 192

When entering the classroom, Lou Shuguang saw Zheng Han sitting beside Cao Yue at a glance. He was surprised.

He knew Zheng Han.

Zheng Han's mother, Wu Lanjuan, is the vice president of the humanities college. Lou Shuguang is one of the most famous teachers in the humanities college. Because of her excellent teaching, she has followed Wu Lanjuan on several visits or exchanges with other schools.

Once, as the most famous talented woman in Chinese, Zheng Han followed them to Yanjing University to exchange ideas. Lou Shuguang was also familiar with Zheng Han. But in the past few years, Zheng Han did not come to attend his class once.

After all, it's different majors. In general, women are not very interested in history.

Zheng Han is one of the most famous school flowers of Jiangsu and Zhejiang University. He is very talented and learned. It is not too much to describe Zheng Han with both talent and appearance. Any man would like such a woman. Even if the uncle married man building dawn, also like to see such a beautiful woman appear in front of. When she came all the way to listen to his class, a feeling of pride came to her heart.

The voice of his lecture also became sonorous, and his lecture was more wonderful than usual.

However, what the students are most interested in is the class discussion in which he allows everyone to express their opinions freely, and Lou Shuguang takes out a question for discussion with everyone in each song. The content in the textbook is relatively simple.

Today's lecture is about the development and change of population in Chinese history. After the lecture, Lou Shuguang, as usual, is going to discuss a historical issue related to the main course.

In the expectation of the students, Lou Shuguang wrote a few square characters on the blackboard -- "on the system of wives and concubines in ancient times".

After seeing the contents on the blackboard, the whole audience was in a state of uproar.

It's a sensitive topic for young girls.

Three wives and four concubines, once became the pronoun of ancient men's amorous happiness. Today, in the history class, this topic was openly discussed. Men and women with strong hormone secretion are of course very excited.

Zheng Han, who has been listening attentively, gives Cao Yue a meaningful smile.

The more Cao can understand the meaning in her eyes, that is to see how he expresses his opinions and whether there is any opinion different from that of ordinary people.

Cao Yue just reluctantly smile, this sensitive topic, he really don't know what to express.

He knew that most people would denounce the system. If others said the same thing, it would be better not to come forward and express their opinions. However, if he expressed different opinions, Zheng Han was misunderstood. Without Zheng Han, it doesn't matter what he says.

Today, Zheng Han specially came to listen in. If he didn't stand up to express his opinions, it would be too unreasonable for him to have a headache.

He could only use his brain quickly to try to come up with something different.

"The system of wives and concubines in ancient China can be called a world wonder. From the perspective of modern people, the system of wives and concubines in ancient China is a kind of system which lacks human nature and is extremely cruel. It forcibly divides the family members who are connected by blood into two groups: oppressed and oppressed. It brings class into the family, into the pillow, and between relatives. "

Lou Shuguang stroked the podium and said, "although my concubine is responsible for having children in the family, she can't enjoy the treatment of a wife. Why? The reason is very simple, that is, as wives, women's family background is higher than that of concubines, concubines are generally from humble families, even gifts from the defeated side, and their status is completely different. "

"If a wife is to marry, a concubine will be accepted. The property sent to the woman's home when he takes a wife is called the bride price. The property given to the wife's family when he takes a concubine is called the money to buy a concubine. Concubines are not qualified to be wives. Men who have concubines but have no wives are still unmarried. When the wife dies, the husband, even if his concubine is full, is also a widower without a wife. He wants to find a good family and marry his own wife. "

"Fortunately, the bad marriage custom of three wives and four concubines has disappeared, and the majority of female compatriots do not have to suffer from this system any more." Speaking of this, Lou Shuguang paused and then said: "however, as a marriage system which has existed for thousands of years, it has its own reason. It is necessary for us to discuss it. Today, we will focus on this topic. We can speak freely and criticize the advantages and disadvantages of this system. "

Li Xiaoyu, a member of the learning committee, was the first to express her views.

She denounced the marriage system in ancient China with a deep hatred.

"Concubines are cheap. I can buy and sell. Concubines are just for men to vent their desires. They are also sleeping with their husbands and giving birth to children for their husbands. However, the status of concubines is nothing but bought goods. In addition, ancient China was an absolute class society and patriarchal society, and children's marriage was determined by their parents. Run for a concubine, parents and people are cheap, good cheap do not marry. That is to say, if young men and women are hindered from free love and elope, then the woman is not qualified to be a wife, and both families only consider her to be a concubine. Just imagine that a good woman from a good family will lose her qualification to be a wife just because she elopes from her heart. She has been serving her husband and mother-in-law for five or six years, but she can't get the recognition of her husband. How cruel is this? ""What's more, the concubine is not qualified to participate in the family sacrifice, and her son is not the preferred successor of her husband's family. It can be imagined that the ancient Chinese system of wives and concubines insulted not only the women who missed their lives, but also the husband and her son, who loved her but had no autonomy, suffered from discrimination and suffering under this system. A man can only have a strange dream with his wife who is recognized by his parents. He looks forward to seeing his beloved woman become his wife's fertility tool. "

She also made a conclusion for her statement: "the system of wives and concubines reflects the cruelty and unfairness of ancient Chinese marriage system. It is harmful but not profitable. It should have been swept into the garbage heap of history for a long time."

Li Xiaoyu's words attracted a lot of applause, the loudest call is still Wu Weiliang this guy.

Then many people came forward to express their opinions. No matter who Cao Yue was, they all denounced the abominability of the system of wives and concubines. No one even used a word to explain its good side.

Cao Yue knows that many men actually approve or yearn for wives and concubines from the bottom of their hearts, but they dare not say so, because nearly half of the people sitting here are girls, and Zheng Han, a super beautiful school flower, is here. They have this idea and dare to masturbate in their hearts.

It's the idea that most men have had, just like women want to have a lot of handsome men, but no one dare say it openly. If you dare to speak out, you will certainly be ridiculed, belittled and attacked by others. In order to avoid being looked down upon and scolded by others, denouncing this system has become a natural choice for all people.

When Cao Yue was thinking about what kind of views he would like to express, Lou Shuguang called his name. "Classmate Cao Yue, I don't know what different views you have on this topic!"

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