Urban Superboy

Chapter 2019

Li Yongping has been very busy since he took up his present position.

All the time spent in the busy, even he felt that his body did not belong to his own person.

Of course, he didn't hate them, or even liked them very much.

Busy feeling, sometimes really good.

Seeing that he has made achievements because he is busy, and too many people are around him, he feels very successful.

However, he also knows that he is suffering from too many constraints and is far from being able to do what he wants to do, but he has been working hard for it, and he believes that in the end he will be completely successful.

He is also very glad that he has a good wife.

Zhang Qingli is very capable and considerate. Although she does not interfere in his affairs, she has been supporting him silently. She helps him solve many troubles by her own means. In order to get the support of some people, Zhang Qingli tried to get close to their families.

For example, she often asks Nie Qing to have tea and chat with Nie Dan. Now that Nie Qing has gone to the United States, she still keeps in touch with Nie Dan from time to time. When Nie Dan comes to Yanjing or she goes to the south of the Yangtze River, she will make an appointment to meet him. She also keeps a similar relationship with other important female dependents, in order to obtain other people's relations with this closeness, and at the same time get the help she needs.

Zhang Qingli was beautiful when she was young. When she was older, she was still charming, and her elegant demeanor remained after her elaborate dressing.

Although she was older than niedan and had no good skin, she still couldn't see her age after she was well dressed.

In her 50s, she is only in her early 40s at most. When she went abroad with Li Yongping, she was even warmly sought after by some people because of her beauty. This is also an important reason why she can get help from some people.

Men always like to help beautiful women. It's nature.

Li Yongping once joked with Zhang Qingli that she was Miss Song of the new era. Zhang Qingli also said that Li Yongping still had hair on his head, but if he was regarded as Miss Song's, did she regard herself as that bald head.

Of course, this is just a private joke between husband and wife. It is impossible for outsiders to know.

The relationship between Li Yongping and Zhang Qingli has always been good. In the eyes of outsiders, they are like a couple of gods and fairies.

But in fact, the relationship between the two is not very harmonious.

Li Yongping is nine years older than Zhang Qingli. In addition, Li Yongping is busy with too many things. Therefore, Zhang Qingli has not been satisfied with her husband and wife life.

Zhang Qingli's physical maintenance is very good, and her hormone level has always been at a high level. She still has a lot of requirements for the matter between husband and wife, but Li Yongping has been unable to meet them. However, this evening, they rarely had the interest to toss about for a while, but Zhang Qingli was not satisfied in the end.

After lying down to rest, she was still teasing intentionally or unintentionally, but Li Yongping did not respond.

When Zhang Qingli was disappointed, Li Yongping's private mobile phone rang.

People like Li Yongping hardly use private mobile phones. The people who can call him are just a few people.

Therefore, when the private mobile phone rings, there must be something important happening, and he can't refuse to answer. Originally wanted to avoid Zhang Qingli to answer the phone, but seeing that she was still squeezed in his arms and unwilling to let go, Li Yongping finally picked up the phone in front of her.

The caller did not have any courtesy and reported the matter directly.

After listening to the other party's report, Li Yongping's brow immediately frowned.

After hanging up the phone, he was already full of anger.

Zhang Qingli probably heard the caller's report clearly, but she didn't fully understand the matter. Finally, she frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Too much," Li Yongping angrily threw the mobile phone aside, "Cao Yue this boy, incredibly Yin us."

"Cao Yue?" Zhang Qingli raised her eyebrows and asked, "what's wrong with him?"

"He went to Europe again to make trouble," Li Yongping did not get up, but lay back in bed again. "He made me sick."

"Can you tell me something?" Zhang Qingli doesn't know that her baby daughter has already had that relationship with Cao Yue, but she knows that Li Xiaoqin and Cao Yue are very close. Her daughter, whose eyes are higher than the top, can't be looked upon by other people except Cao Yue. She doesn't know how her daughter will eventually choose. However, she knows that even if Li Xiaoqin marries other people in the future, she will not break the contact with Cao Yue.

If her daughter chooses to be Cao Yue's lover or treats Cao Yue as her lover, she is not surprised at all.

Therefore, when listening to Li Yongping talking about Cao Yue, her curiosity was immediately picked up, and she couldn't help asking again.

"It should be old man Cao's instruction. He made some troubles in Europe and arrested some people from the world organization. As a result, these people told me that they had been in contact with some people in China, and the person they told was Zhu. " At this time, Li Yongping stopped talking and didn't go on."I see," Zhang Qingli suddenly realized, "the Cao family saw you and Zhu family come close, so they shake out the scandal of Zhu family, and let you fall into passive position. Is that right?"

Li Yongping did not deny that, as it is, it is useless for him to deny.

"I think it's not a wise choice for you to get close to the Zhu family," Zhang Qingli said after hesitating for a moment. "It's too early to make a conflict with the Cao family."

"If Nie Dan comes back and Cao Jianguo goes further, do you think it can stop the Cao family from making progress?" Li Yongping asked.

"But if you want to contact the Zhu family to fight against the Cao family, you may not succeed," Zhang Qingli said pointedly, "do you think you can help Zhu family? I don't think so. What you said just now can make the Zhu family the object of being abandoned by everyone. The Cao family has always grasped their weakness and can kill them at any time. I think that old Zhu is worried about being destroyed by old Cao, so he takes the initiative to seek your support and protection. I don't think they will treat you as a friend even if they finally recover from your obedience. It may be a trap for old man Zhu to look for you. "

After hearing this, Li Yongping did not speak.

Zhang Qingli did not say much. She knew that she should let Li Yongping think for herself. She has said enough today.

She got up from bed and prepared to take a bath and go to bed.

When she went into the bathroom to take a bath, Zhang Qingli thought of Li Xiaoqin. She felt that she should talk to Li Xiaoqin about Cao Yue tomorrow and inquire about Cao Yue's situation with her daughter.

This is necessary.

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