Urban Superboy

Chapter 2021

Zhang Qingli did not go home, but directly accompanied Li Xiaoqin to the hospital.

Mother and daughter of course can not go to the ordinary hospital, but to a very high level of confidentiality hospital.

Zhang Qingli rarely used her privilege to find a gynecologist who served a certain level of officials.

Finally, Li Xiaoqin or listen to Zhang Qingli's advice, in the hospital to do surgery, the same as the size of the millet germ removed.

During the operation, Zhang Qingli has been accompanied by Li Xiaoqin. After the operation, she came out of the abortion room with Li Xiaoqin in her arms.

From the time of preparation for surgery, Li Xiaoqin could not help but shed tears. When Zhang Qingli left the outpatient department of Obstetrics and gynecology with her in her arms, she was even more sad.

Zhang Qingli has not seen Li Xiaoqin shed tears in front of her for many years. In her memory, her daughter has never shed tears in front of her and Li Yongping since she went to primary school.

Stubborn and strong Li Xiaoqin, very sensible since childhood, never panic, hurt or encounter setbacks, will not cry.

Today, Li Xiaoqin couldn't control her tears, and finally burst into tears. Zhang Qingli could feel her sadness and helplessness from her daughter's tears, and there was nothing to do.

After leaving the hospital, Zhang Qingli accompanied Li Xiaoqin back to the place where her daughter stayed last night. On the way back, she also told the staff to buy some nourishing things.

She helped Li Xiaoqin back to her room, helped her take off her clothes and put on her pajamas. After lying on the bed, Zhang Qingli sighed slightly and sat down beside the bed. She took Li Xiaoqin's hand and said quietly, "Xiaoqin, don't go to school these days. Go home and have a good rest. Mom will push all the things that can be pushed and stay with you at home. If you want to talk to mom, just say it. Mom won't blame you or tell your dad about it. If you have any grievances, you can say it. Mom knows that you are in a bad mood. "

"Mom, can you tell me what I can do best?" Li Xiaoqin asked his mother half closed his eyes.

"Why are you so stupid," Zhang Qingli sighed. "You know you can't be with him. How can you do such a stupid thing? Well, if you do something stupid, you can do it with someone you like. As long as you don't know it, it's no big deal. But you should never let yourself have a child. You can't have children for him, so even with him, take precautions. Go to the hospital to do this kind of operation, to the woman's body harm is very big. Whatever you do, protecting yourself is the first priority. Do you understand? "

Li Xiaoqin didn't answer. He just opened his eyes and took a look at Zhang Qingli and then closed it.

"Your body is your own. Don't toss about at any time." Zhang Qingli said in a calm tone as far as possible: "Cao Yue's child is really good. Girls who meet him will like him. At the beginning, your father and I hoped that you could come together, but I didn't expect that he would register to marry Zheng Han so soon. Well, since he is married and married, he should stay away from him. There are also many excellent boys. In the future, you will definitely meet someone better than him. Your mother will help you pay attention to this aspect. After a good rest, go home with your mother. Your mother will take good care of you for two days, and then you will be well

"Mom, I failed to compete with other women, and I lost miserably. He didn't care about me at all. You know that people like me can't accept this ending. I like him since I was in primary school. I always like him. When I grow up, I like his handsome appearance even more. But I spent a lot of means and didn't snatch him over. At the beginning, I went to find Zheng Han, forced her to withdraw, and gave Cao Yue to me. " Li Xiaoqin looked frustrated, "Mom, it is because he is excellent, so after so many years of contact with him, I can't look up to other boys. Any girl who met him would fall in love with him, and he would never deliberately tease any woman. Those women were willing to follow him willingly without any complaint. Those who are not favored by him are full of bitterness. "

Speaking of this, Li Xiaoqin said with a sad smile: "I'm also full of bitterness, but it's not that I'm cheap. I just want to really own him. I hope that in the years of youth, there will be traces of him. I have been thinking that if he and I have a child, it must be very handsome, very beautiful, and also very smart, grow up very capable. Therefore, I have this silly behavior, in fact, I do not regret having a child. I was surprised to find out that I was pregnant. I even want to run to tell him that I'm pregnant and ask him whether he likes a boy or a daughter

Li Xiaoqin's tears couldn't help but flow out, "but I won't tell him, nor dare I tell him. Mom, don't blame me. Just think of me as crazy when I'm young. In the future, I won't do such stupid things again. Since he is married, I will not wait for his divorce to marry him. In the future, I will get married. But I can never treat him as an ordinary friend. He is the only emotional sustenance in my life

Li Xiaoqin stopped, took a serious look at Zhang Qingli, and then solemnly asked, "Mom, don't you think he is excellent? He has all the advantages that a man should have. In my eyes, he is a man close to perfection, much better than my father, no matter what. Most of the time, just looking at his face quietly, or watching him teach others, I can't help feeling intoxicated. I don't think I'll ever meet a better man in my life, and I won't fall in love with anyone else. ""Xiaoqin, what do you want?" Zhang Qingli had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Mom, I'll get married in the future, but I'm willing to be his lover all my life. I hope my children will be his flesh and blood in the future."

Looking at Li Xiaoqin's serious look, Zhang Qingli was even more shocked: "you're crazy!"

"no, I'm not crazy," Li Xiaoqin shook his head, "just think it's my pay. I'm willing to give it, but I want to get something. "

Li Xiaoqin's words, let Zhang Qingli heart suddenly a shock, and asked: "what do you want? What do you want from him? "

Seeing that Zhang Qingli's face changed, Li Xiaoqin knew that he was too direct. He bowed his head and laughed and said in a low voice, "Mom, I haven't thought about it yet, but I've planned to do it. Don't try to persuade me. It's no use persuading me until I change my mind. Mom, I'm sleepy and want to sleep for a while. You can have a rest

After Li Xiaoqin said these words, her eyes closed and Zhang Qingli opened her mouth. In the end, she did not say anything but sighed gently.


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