Urban Superboy

Chapter 2028

When Cao Yue steered the plane, he found that there were three missiles coming to the special plane. Therefore, he increased the throttle of the plane to the maximum and climbed up with the maximum angle. Then he released the jamming device to avoid the missile attack.

After receiving the report of possible attack, Cao Yue immediately thought that Christopher might use shoulder mounted missiles to attack.

The maximum range of the most powerful shoulder mounted missile is only about 8000 meters. The general shoulder mounted missile has a range of only 5000 meters and a shooting height of about 34 kilometers. If the civil aircraft cruises normally, that is, flying in the airspace of 8000-10000 meters, it is not necessary to be afraid of the attack of shoulder mounted missiles. But by the time he received the report, caprice Lopez's plane was ready to descend.

The distance from Oslo Airport is only about 15 minutes ahead, and the civil aircraft starts to prepare for landing, which usually takes about half an hour to arrive at the destination. The original cruising altitude of the special plane was 8100 meters. When Cao Yue took over the plane, it was 5300 meters. The flight altitude has dropped a lot, and it continues to decline.

When preparing to land, the first and second pilots adjust the aircraft to autopilot and slowly land at a height.

After Cao Yue took over the plane, he withdrew from automatic mode and changed it to manual control. This process took dozens of seconds. At this time, the plane dropped several hundred meters. If the launching place of shoulder to shoulder missile is in the mountains of two or three thousand meters, then the civil aircraft flying at this altitude can be hit by shoulder mounted missiles.

Therefore, his response is to immediately adjust the flight altitude, turn at a large angle to escape, and escape to a place far away from the mountains below.

But it was still a step too late. By the time he did these operations, the missiles on the ground had already been launched.

All Cao Yue's worries have become a reality. The people who launched the missiles were to descend to a mountain about 3500 meters and shoot with shoulder mounted missiles at that altitude. The relative height is only more than 2000 meters, and it can be shot down by the aircraft with shoulder mounted missiles.

Cao Yue didn't see the situation that the two missiles deviated from the direction due to the interference of the tracer bullets and the height. He just felt the violent tremor that followed. A sense of despair suddenly surged to his heart - the plane was hit by the missile.

When the plane trembled suddenly, Cao Yue also found that the power of the plane was falling rapidly. He immediately found that the engine on one side was emitting black smoke.

Caprice Lopez's special plane is the Airbus 330, which has just been replaced today, with two engines.

In theory, one side of the engine is damaged, and the other side of the engine can continue to fly, with sufficient power.

But when the missile hit one side of the engine, not only the engine was damaged, but also the wing was seriously damaged. The plane lost its balance quickly.

Cao Yue quickly made a series of remedial measures, the final situation let him a little relieved, the plane did not completely lose control, but after he added the other side of the engine to enough speed, the descent speed became slightly slow.

What makes Cao Yue more happy is that except for the alarm of the engine and wing on that side, there is no alarm for the cabin tightness. In other words, the explosion after the engine was hit only damaged the wing and did not affect the cabin.

In other words, the damage to the engine room was not so serious that it did not cause a serious drop in air pressure.

Cao Yue immediately changed the order to let butterfly not jump immediately, but to wait for him to descend to a certain height and adjust the internal and external air pressure to the same before opening the cabin to jump.

When the civil aircraft rises to mid air, the cabin still maintains normal atmospheric pressure, while the atmospheric pressure in the air at that altitude is only a fraction of that of the flat ground. If the internal and external air pressure is inconsistent, the cabin door will open, and the people and objects inside will be quickly pressed out by the huge pressure in the engine room, and some people will even die. If the pressure inside and outside the engine room drops to the same level, there will be no problem if you want to jump out of the engine room.

This is the reason why paratroopers can parachute through the hatch.

Cao Peizi and her entourage are all thirty-five people, including Kato's entourage.

Caprice Lopez has only 15 parachutes, which means that 20 people will not be able to jump.

Cao Yue orders the original pilot and co pilot, and they will control the plane for a forced landing.

He wants to parachute with other people. In any case, he won't control the plane to make a forced landing. That's too risky.

The pilots of these two special planes are very good at technology. Now the plane is not completely out of control. Under his control, he still maintains a certain degree of balance, so it is possible to find a place for forced landing.

Cao Yue's order was passed to caprice Lopez through the butterfly. At this time, caprice Lopez was already panicked, and she did not hear butterfly's command. Finally, butterfly ran over by herself and brought back the frightened co pilot.

At this time, the height of the plane had dropped to 3300 meters, but it was still a little early for the safe parachute jump.

Cao Yue began to release the air pressure in the cabin. What's more, the engine room pressure began to alarm, that is to say, the engine room was damaged and there was pressure leakage.Cao Yue gives butterfly an order again, asking her to order others to parachute at about 2000 meters. At that height, he will reduce the pressure to the same as the atmospheric pressure outside.

Butterfly agreed without any hesitation. Standing at the door of the engine room, through the side porthole, you can clearly see that the engine hit by the missile is smoking, and the fragments of the wing are flying.

The plane didn't explode on the spot and didn't get out of control. Butterfly was relieved.

Fortunately, Cao Yue's preventive measures played a role.

A total of three missiles were launched. If all of them were hit, the plane would explode on the spot or lose control completely.

Cao Yue manipulated the plane to climb at a large angle, and released jamming bombs to successfully avoid the attack of two missiles. This can not but be regarded as a miracle. What's more, the power of the missile that hit the plane has not been fully exerted, or the aircraft will not be able to control it.

Of course, such a miracle would not have happened if they were not attacked by shoulder mounted missiles.

The goddess of fortune still cares for them.

Soon, Cao Yue's order came again, saying that the air pressure inside and outside was almost the same, and the plane's altitude was only 2200 meters.

Butterfly immediately gives Cao Yue's order. With butterfly's order, two emergency escape hatches are opened immediately, and several of Cao Yue's entourage escape from the plane.

It's not a question of who comes first, but who jumps out first can give warning to those who are behind, and can go to the ground to meet them first.

As Cao Yue's three entourages jumped out of the cabin, four of caprice Lopez's important entourage also jumped out of the plane.

The plane has been returned to the original pilot to drive. Cao Yue, who came out of the cabin, quickly ran to the open door.

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