Urban Superboy

Chapter 2033

On the way of escorting the last group of passengers evacuated from the plane to the assembly site, Cao Yue received the news from butterfly again.

The two small helicopters driven by our rescuers from Stockholm will soon arrive at their destination, which is less than 50 kilometers away from the accident.

It's 50 kilometers. It's ten minutes at most. Cao Yue is a little relieved.

He didn't walk with the people who were finally rescued, let alone the request of the two beautiful flight attendants on the special plane that he could help them walk. He ran away without any gentlemanly manner.

Cao Yue returned to butterfly as quickly as possible and discussed with butterfly about the possible armed helicopter response.

The rescuers were armed and had infantry guns to deal with helicopters. However, the range and altitude of infantry guns were lower, and the precision was not comparable to shoulder mounted missiles.

But in any case, infantry artillery is a very effective weapon against helicopters. If it is not for armed helicopters to fight, there will be no pressure at all.

Cao Yue asked butterfly to urge the rescue workers to arrive here as quickly as possible and be ready for battle.

Cao Yue and his entourage are armed, but they are short-range weapons.

Caprice Lopez's entourage also carried weapons, but the most powerful weapons were two miniature submachine guns.

Miniature submachine guns, pistols and army spikes can't deal with helicopters at all.

Therefore, he is very eager for his own rescue to arrive as soon as possible. At the same time, he also hopes that Christopher can arrive here very late due to the lack of accurate positioning and other reasons.

If they have time to get out of here in a rescue helicopter and return to Ruidian, then there is no need to worry.

Although Neville and ridden are close neighbors, armed helicopters can't swing across the border. It's invasion.

That is to say, as long as he escapes to the territory of ridden, Christopher will not be able to set up a plane to chase him, or he may be shot down by ridian's air defense forces, or at least he will be intercepted.

Contrary to Cao Yue's indulgence, Christopher hopes to arrive at the scene as soon as possible and eliminate Cao Yue and caprice Lopez, who are still alive. In order to achieve this goal, shortly after departure, he forced the pilot of one of the armed helicopters to give him control of the plane and let him fly it.

After the fleet flew out of Oslo, Christopher, through Joseph, took over the control of an armed helicopter.

He has a variety of aircraft license, has served in the air force, is an excellent fighter pilot, his domestic service of any aircraft he will fly. This is also the capital that he wants to drive the plane to kill Cao Yue and caprice Lopez himself.

We didn't get fighters, but armed helicopters were a good result.

Against low altitude targets, or helicopters, and ground targets, armed helicopters are more effective than fighter aircraft.

After taking advantage of his royal status and Joseph's help, he seized the right to fly the armed helicopter. Christopher ordered the captain to inform the other two planes to speed up the journey and find the survivors in the shortest time. He told the other crew members and his entourage that the special plane of caprice Lopez was likely attacked by unidentified armed elements and must be rescued quickly.

If the rescue operation lags behind, before they are looking for survivors, a forced landing plane explodes, or the survivors are killed or captured by unidentified armed elements, it is a great crime.

Christopher also ordered another armed helicopter to launch an attack as soon as possible if unidentified armed elements are found, so as to prevent the lives of caprice Lopez and her entourage from being threatened.

Most of Christopher's entourage remained on the original transport helicopter, with only two of his most loyal escorts.

Three planes were dispatched, two armed helicopters escorted a transport helicopter to the crash site.

Another rescue force, officially arranged, is not ready.

However, no one expected that the three helicopters were targeted by a group of real "unidentified armed elements" just after they left Oslo.

In one of the mountains where the helicopter route must pass, several people who got on and off the other small helicopter before they arrived were already lurking here, quietly waiting for Christopher's plane to come.

The three members also carry shoulder mounted anti-aircraft missiles that helicopter pilots talk about, but the missiles they are carrying are western products, a French made anti-aircraft missile that has begun to be phased out.

Two shoulder mounted air defense missile launchers were immediately set up and began to be debugged.

The maximum range of this kind of missile is 5000 meters, and the maximum shooting height is 3200 meters. It is out of reach for fighter planes or civil aircraft flying at high altitude. However, it is also a sharp weapon for aircraft taking off or landing. Shoulder mounted defense missile is the killer of helicopters. It is a handy weapon to deal with helicopters flying at a height of only one or two kilometers.This group of unidentified personnel who arrived by helicopter were ready to fight immediately after lurking in a dense forest land.

Although northern Europe is not open, it is sparsely populated, and the weather is beginning to enter a cold state. People can not be seen in large areas, especially those far away from roads and railways. As a result, these unidentified armed elements did not encounter any trouble.

After they had done a good job of lurking and adjusting the firing status of shoulder mounted air defense missiles, several black spots appeared in their field of vision. Through high-power telescopes, it was clearly seen that three helicopters were coming in this direction quickly.

"Get ready to shoot," ordered a masked man in black calmly. "Shoot down the middle transport helicopter."

The two armed helicopters escorting them were not provoked. They only dealt with the transport helicopter which had no protection capability.

We've got the black gear. The two men in the black suit are ready.

Aim, shoot, all in one go.

As two shoulder mounted missiles came to the direction of the aircraft group, the enemy or foe early warning system escorting Christopher's two armed helicopters immediately issued an attack warning. The armed helicopter reminded the transport helicopter in the middle to move quickly and avoid, and at the same time, it had flown far away at high speed to widen the distance. However, the two missiles did not pursue the escaping armed helicopter, but flew directly to the transport helicopter in the middle.

"Boom", a huge explosion sound, transport helicopter was hit by missiles, instant was blown into pieces.

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