Urban Superboy

Chapter 325

Cao Yue put down his glass, then looked at those who were full of fear in the box, and then showed a brilliant smile.

"I should have given you a discount today, but if you broke so many of my things, don't think about the discount. Well, you'll pay the original price of the drinks today, and then you'll settle the loss of today. I'll ask assistant Zhang to check the loss of this box and give you an estimate. You can rest assured that I am a fair and just person. I will never ask you one more yuan. Of course, you can pay in cash. If you don't have enough cash, it doesn't matter

Cao Yue's words, again let those who were beaten in the box spit blood.

It's really shameless. The skin is thicker than the wall.

He beat them up and asked them to compensate for the loss. Such a mean man dare to say that he is fair and just.

However, no one dares to stand up to speak and accuse Cao Yue of being too cheeky.

Cao Yue finished his words, and then laughed at the stunned people at the scene, reached out and took Zhang Xiaobei's hand and walked out of the box.

No one dares to stop him, and the people he meets dodges automatically as if he sees the plague God.

Seeing Cao Yue Take Zhang Xiaobei's hand out, the people in the box came alive.

"Damn it, send me to the hospital quickly," Wu Jianan scolded at the two hands around him, and Zhu Jiandong, who rushed over, kicked him. "Who is this guy? What backstage? "

"Wu Shao, I don't know who he is, let alone his background." Zhu Jiandong was in tears.

"How did you get along in Hangzhou?" Wu Jian'an was furious and kicked again. "I've been badly hurt by you today. If I've been disfigured, I won't finish with you."

"I'll make an emergency call right away," Zhu said, shaking out his mobile phone and calling 120.

After 120, he hesitated for a moment and whispered to Wu Jian'an, who was supported on the sofa, "Wu Shao, do you want to call the police?"

"Yes, of course," Wu Jian'an was very angry. "He immediately called the police and asked the police to seal up the guild hall. Isn't your father familiar with deputy director Ma of the provincial department? You call him right away. "

Wu Yonghui told his father to take his mobile phone.

Wu Yonghui heard that his baby son was beaten in Hangzhou City, and was immediately angry. He told Wu Jian'an to go to the hospital for treatment, and he would deal with the rest. Hearing that his father would help out, Wu Jianan was in a better mood.

He seldom asks for his father at ordinary times. He can do most things.

But it was in Zhonghai, where he was a local villain. Although Hangzhou is not far away from Zhonghai, the influence of the family is relatively limited, so we can only hope that his father can find a relationship, settle the matter and find a face.

Cao Yue pulls Zhang Xiaobei away from the "Xizi" box and meets Chen Yan head-on.

Seeing the two hands holding hands, Chen Yan's face was a little surprised, but immediately recovered her smile.

Zhang Xiaobei is red face, a hand from Cao Yue's palm free.

"Just now someone asked Zhang Xiaobei to sleep with him, and I beat him up," Cao Yue said to Chen Yan with a smile. "You go to deal with the aftermath of box Xizi. Don't let them slip away."

Cao Yue said, called in the distance waiting for the security team captain, let him follow Chen Yan to deal with the aftermath.

The expression on Chen Yan's face is more surprised.

She knew that the identity of the guests in box Xizi today was not simple. Although she was not very clear about how it was, she knew that those people were not ordinary people who could be provoked. Unexpectedly, Cao Yue beat them up and asked them to compensate for the loss.

She did not know whether Cao Yue was joking or deliberately testing her.

Looking at Chen Yan's hesitant appearance, Cao Yue's face sank. "Don't hurry. If they don't pay the bill and slip away, they'll deduct it from your salary."

Chen Yan made a stir and immediately agreed to take the security captain and a group of security guards to the West box.

Cao Yue also did not pay attention to, and Zhang Xiaobei together, to her general manager assistant office.

After entering Zhang Xiaobei's office, Cao Yue asked with a smile, "were you scared today?"

Facing Cao Yue's bright smile, Zhang Xiaobei blushed slightly and nodded: "yes, I was really scared at the beginning."

She was really afraid when she was entangled by Wu Jian'an and others.

She first encountered such a scene, was teased to sleep with, of course, very afraid.

After Cao Yue appeared, her fear disappeared. She knew that as her boss, Cao would solve the problem.

Later, Cao Yue started to beat people. When Cao Yue was in chaos, she was a little afraid.

But at this time, she felt less afraid than before.

When she saw that the more effortless Cao Cao beat those dandies around and in a mess, she had no fear, but a faint excitement.

Cao Yue motioned to her to hit people, she did not hesitate, picked up a wine bottle and smashed it in the past.When Wu Jian'an was beaten to the head by her, she was not only a little nervous and afraid, but also more relaxed after venting her emotions.

She was humiliated and finally smashed her head. All her inner frustrations were vented. She was no longer depressed and had a feeling of elation. It's just that she's a little worried. She's afraid that today's incident will cause trouble.

However, seeing that Cao Yue didn't take today's affairs seriously, Chen Yan had to deal with it and not let those people owe today's consumption. She already understood that Cao Yue was not afraid of those people at all.

If it was before her, encounter today's such a thing, the consequences really can't imagine.

After Cao Yue, if she is in such a big trouble, don't worry about anything. Let her feel that she has a kind of status promotion - she has become a person that others can't mess with.

Cao Yue went to Zhang Xiaobei and looked at her beautiful face. "Do you know why I asked you to hit people today?"

"You want me to be strong."

"Yes, it seems that some women's beauty and wisdom are in direct proportion," Cao Yue laughed.

Today's events will surely spread. People in the upper class will more or less know that Wu Jianan was beaten in the West Lake rhyme guild hall.

Even people like Wu Jian'an who want to provoke Zhang Xiaobei are beaten into a pig's head. Those who are far inferior to him or are similar to him must weigh carefully when they see Zhang Xiaobei, and think about whether this woman can be provoked.

After this evening's event, Zhang Xiaobei's reputation suddenly rose.

Let Chen Yan go to deal with this matter, her name must be known, as long as she is not weak.

These two women, who were mainly responsible for the affairs of the West Lake rhyme guild hall, had prestige in the upper class society. Combined with their abilities, they would certainly be able to master the affairs of the charm of the West Lake.

Cao Yue is not worried about any form of revenge from Wu Jian'an and his friends. He can deal with it freely, whether in black or white.

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