Urban Superboy

Chapter 334

During a cold wave, the delegation from Jiangsu and Zhejiang University, which is responsible for cultural exchanges, finally set out for South Korea.

Zhu Chaoyang, President of Jiangsu and Zhejiang University, personally served as the head of the delegation, and Wang Ligang, President of the College of humanities, served as the deputy head of the delegation. The members included 15 students and teachers including Cao Yue, Zheng Han, Xu Fei and Chen baikun.

The teachers and students selected for the exchange group are outstanding teachers and students in all aspects of Jiangsu and Zhejiang University.

The provincial TV station also sent an interview team to South Korea. Ding Jia, who was in charge of organizing the interview, was Ding Jia, who Cao Yue knew.

There are beautiful women all around. The male members of the exchange group are very excited. Cao Yue is almost the same.

However, Zheng Han is by his side. He is embarrassed to be intimate with other beauties.

When the Airbus A330, which the exchange group took, rose from Xiaoshan Airport and soared into the sky, Cao Yue and Zheng Han, who were sitting together, were talking happily.

Xu Fei and Chen baikun, sitting near them, were deeply depressed by their intimate appearance.

Xu Fei, in particular, really wants to put the water cup in his hand on Cao Yue's head.

Don't show your love in front of her. Can't you hide yourself?

Fortunately, the introduction of a staff member of the Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province interrupted the private conversation between Cao Yue and Zheng Han.

"In front of us is Seoul Incheon International Airport. Incheon Airport is not in downtown Seoul, but on an artificial island in Incheon City, Gyeonggi Province, west of Seoul. The original old airport, Jinpu International Airport, is too close to the urban area and the airport facilities are outdated, so it can not meet the requirements of international flights. Therefore, it has been changed to be used exclusively for domestic flights. In more than an hour, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of South Korea. South Korea has developed rapidly in recent years. Their urban construction is also very good. Seoul is very clean and tidy, and its traffic order is very good. It is better than Yanjing. I hope all members of the exchange delegation can have a happy and complete visit. "

As soon as the staff of the Foreign Affairs Office spoke, Chen baikun, sitting behind Cao Yue, couldn't help standing up: "in fact, there is nothing beautiful about South Korea. It can't be compared with China's vast territory and abundant resources. There are beautiful scenery everywhere. What's more, during the Han and Tang Dynasties, South Korea was just a county or governor's office in China. The name of Seoul before was Seoul, the city of Han people. The river in front of Seoul was called Hanjiang River, the river of Han family. We can't have any idea of worshiping foreign countries and admiring foreign countries. We are the best in China. "

Chen baikun had been highly respected Sinology and had a lot of research on Sinology. Of course, because he liked Zheng Han, he became more interested in Sinology after he went to university.

Most people who study Sinology are interested in Sinology because they like it. The most important reason is that the history of the Han nationality is very brilliant, and the ancient China is very powerful. Because of this sense of pride, they are interested in studying Sinology.

After studying the history of China, a sense of national superiority naturally rises from the heart, whether it is Chen baikun, Zheng Han, or Cao Yue.

In their own words, they are standard Chinese nationalists.

The Chinese nation is the best nation in the world and the greatest country in the world. This is not the theory of indignant youth, but the self-confidence and superiority brought to them by the splendid Chinese culture created by the powerful and powerful China for thousands of years.

Indeed, there are too many places for Chinese people to be proud of in ancient Chinese history. Whether it is the glory of martial arts in Han, Tang and Ming Dynasties, or the prosperity of economy and culture in Tang and Song Dynasties, many people still enjoy talking about it.

However, the successive regimes on the Korean Peninsula, which were all affiliated countries of China, had to accept the canonization of the orthodox Central Plains Dynasty, and even their sovereignty was incomplete.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, the people on that peninsula are the first-class people in China.

In the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, the brilliant emperor of Han Wu, sent a large army to destroy the Wei man Korean regime in Liaodong (now the Korean Peninsula), and set up four prefectures, Lelang, xuantu, Zhenfan and lintun. In the Tang Dynasty, Su dingfang led a 150000 army to attack Baiji in the south of Liaodong Peninsula by sea, destroying the country without any effort and establishing it in his hometown The governor's office of Xiongjin is located in sijicheng (now Fuyu County, Zhongqing South Road, South Korea).

In the third year of longshuo reign of Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty, the governor's office of jilinzhou was established in Xinluo territory. Xinluo officially became the legal local power of Tang Dynasty, and Xinluo territory was also included in the unified division of Tang Dynasty. Later, the Tang army combined with the Xinluo people to attack and destroy the Korean regime in the north of Liaodong Peninsula. From then on, the whole Liaodong Peninsula (that is, the Korean Peninsula now) was under the control of the Tang Dynasty.

Chen baikun is familiar with this period of history, so he has always looked down on the two regimes on the peninsula. Like many people, he matched the people there with sticks. In addition, seeing Cao Yue and Zheng Han look close, he was angry. After listening to the staff of the Foreign Affairs Office praising South Korea, he could not help but stand up and refute them, showing off his talent and learning.

His speech attracted a lot of applause, even Cao Yue looked at him with a new look.

Originally, Cao Yue thought that Chen baikun, the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people, should be a scholar. Unexpectedly, he looked away."But think about it. How can a friend of Zheng Han be a embroidered pillow?" He laughed in his heart.

At this time, Zhu Chaoyang, head of the delegation, stood up and said, "Chen baikun's speech is insightful. However, I think that we should not elevate others to belittle ourselves, nor should we be arrogant enough to think that China is still the central dynasty. We should admit that China is backward and imperfect. The purpose of this exchange is to recognize the reality, face up to our shortcomings, carry forward our strong points, and carry forward Sinology and Chinese culture. Of course, I look forward to your country's glory. "

Zhu Chaoyang's words won the applause of all members of the exchange group, and Chen baikun also clapped his hands desperately.

Ding Jia and her colleagues interviewed with the Group recorded the wonderful scene in the form of video.

The plane will land at Incheon International Airport soon.

Members of the embassy came to greet him. Along with him was a deputy director of the South Korean Ministry of culture, sports and tourism, Park Chung Tai, and a vice president of Seoul University.

After some greetings, all the people got on the car arranged by the South Korean side and went to the city.

Park Zhengtai and Zhu Chaoyang are sitting together. They have a pleasant conversation through translation. Of course, what they talk about is only some words on the scene.

Chatting, suddenly park Zhengtai said: "I heard that your country is submitting the report of the Dragon Boat Festival World Heritage Application to the United Nations. Hehe, our Dragon Boat Festival in Jiangling has been successfully applied for world heritage for many years. I think it is unnecessary for your government to apply for the world intangible cultural heritage in the form of the Dragon Boat Festival, because we already have the Dragon Boat Festival in Jiangling. "

Although Park Zhengtai said it was very relaxed, those who understood the meaning of his words knew that this was a kind of naked provocation.

In recent years, cultural disputes between South Korea and China have been on the rise.

The most famous one is the dispute over the ownership of the Dragon Boat Festival, which contains a strong cultural atmosphere. South Korea applied for the intangible cultural heritage project related to the Dragon Boat Festival before China, which led to a dispute between the cultural circles of the two countries.

What's more, South Korean people also want to take away the invention right of Chinese characters. They also believe that Li Shizhen, a famous doctor in the Ming Dynasty, is Korean. The copyright of compendium of Materia Medica should belong to South Korea, and the copyright of intangible cultural heritage such as movable type printing, papermaking and Fengshui should also belong to them.

These intangible cultural heritages, which are universally recognized as China's intangible cultural heritage, will certainly not be tolerated by South Korean people.

As a result, cultural disputes have continued.

Everyone knows that this so-called cultural exchange is a cultural contest and dispute between the two countries. However, no one expected that as soon as the Chinese delegation arrived in South Korea, South Korean officials raised such a very sharp and sensitive issue.

The group translator hesitated and did not know how to translate the problem.

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