Urban Superboy

Chapter 386

(third watch)

Fengfeng, who had the audacity to borrow 30000 yuan from Cao Yue, took a taxi and ordered the taxi driver to go to the destination.

After getting on the car, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

As soon as the phone was connected, she said, "I've brought the money. I'll be there in about half an hour. Don't make it difficult for my father."

Said, also did not wait for the other party to reply, hung up the phone.

Feng Feng's mood is very irritable, there is an indescribable anger in his heart. But in the end, she just sighed a little, closed her eyes and leaned against the back seat of the car.

The taxi took about 40 minutes to get to the place Fengfeng said.

After Feng Feng paid the fare, he got off the car with the bag.

Then take out the phone, ask each other some things, Feng Feng to the street side of a called "bright moon snooker" billiards hall walked past.

A young man with yellow hair was sitting on the service desk playing double buttons. Seeing Feng Feng coming, he immediately asked, "are you looking for someone or playing ball?"

"I go up to the fifth floor."

Yellow haired young man's face changed, "what are you doing on the fifth floor?"

"Just now your boss called and asked me to come and get someone."

"So you're the old drunkard's daughter," Huang Mao saw Feng Feng's face clearly, and he couldn't help showing a look of color fascination. "It's also pretty, hee hee."

But he did not dare to belittle Fengfeng, but led her into an elevator on the side and took her to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is another world. All the rooms have been opened. The rooms are treated with special compartments, so you can't hear the sound outside when you stand in the corridor. In the corridor, a few stout men in black stood watching the Fengfeng coming out of the elevator.

"I'm looking for Wu Guodong," Feng Feng tried to hold back his nervousness and said to the bald man in black. "I just talked to him on the phone."

"The old drunkard's daughter is so beautiful, ha ha," the bald man in black laughed. "Maybe the boss will change his mind and ask for no money. Come on, come in with me. "

Then he turned and strode forward.

Feng Feng cold face, tightly covering the bag in his hand.

After walking through a corridor and turning a corner, he led Fengfeng to a closed door with his bare head. After speaking aloud to a camera, the door opened slowly.

Inside is a big room. It should be said that it is a hall. It's smoky and the air is very bad. Fengfeng couldn't help sneezing when he walked in.

There are many tables in the hall, many men and women around the table, there are playing cards, or mahjong.

It's a casino, and it's not going to be very small.

Those gamblers who are playing ignore the Fengfeng who comes in and concentrate on playing their cards.

Feng Feng was led by his bald head. Instead of staying in the hall, he went straight through the hall, then turned a corner and stopped outside a well decorated room.

He tapped on the door and whispered, "boss, the daughter of the old drunkard has brought money to redeem someone."

"Bring her in," an impatient voice came from the room.

"Yes, boss," the bald head respectfully agreed to the voice, indicating Feng Feng to follow him in.

Feng Feng followed his bald head into the room and saw a fat man sitting on the boss's chair in front of a big table.

The fat man looked like he was in his thirties. He was very strong. He was estimated to weigh at least 200 kg. His small eyes were almost invisible. There is also a scar on the side of his left face, which is pulled to the neck position, which looks very ferocious. Wearing a thick necklace around his neck and a cigar in his mouth, it gives people the feeling of being incoherent.

After seeing Feng Feng's appearance, the fat man's small eyes widened. "Ha ha, I didn't expect the old drunkard to have such a beautiful daughter. It's a pity."

"Where's my dad? How much does he owe you? " Fengfeng ignored the banter.

"Well, don't worry about the money. Your father is OK. Let's sit down and have a cup of tea," said the fat man with a smile and stood up. "Does Miss Feng drink green tea or black tea?"

"If you don't want money, I'll go now," Feng Feng said, turning to go.

"Why is Miss Feng in such a hurry?" With incredible agility, the fat man stopped Fengfeng in front of him, and greedily gazed at the chest of Fengfeng's winter clothes. He couldn't help but move his throat.

"How much is it?" Feng Feng held the bag and took a step back, looking very unfriendly, "and my father, let me see where he is first."

Seeing Feng Feng like this, the fat man was not angry at all. He went back to the boss's chair, sat down and continued to pick up his cigar. After a graceful puff of smoke, he rang the bell on the table and said, "bring the old drunkard in, and bring the IOU he wrote just now."

Soon, two tall men came in with a skinny old man with a wound on his forehead.Seeing Fengfeng in the room, the old Toudun became very happy and stammered, "Feng, you are here Did you bring the money? "

"Dad, how much do you owe them?" Looking at his father's appearance, like being beaten, Feng Feng was angry and distressed, "did they hit you?"

"Miss Feng, you can't say that," said the fat man, as he slowly drank tea and smoked his cigar. "It was he who argued with others. As a result, there was a quarrel. Finally, he moved his hands and feet and was broken by others. We didn't hit him, and we saved him. "

"This injury is OK, just a little skin," old man Feng forced to break away from the two men who held him, and came to Fengfeng side, "do you have any money? Dad owes them a lot of money. "

"How much?"

"A lot of..." Said old man Feng, lowering his head in shame.

"Three hundred thousand," said the fat man sitting in the boss's chair. "Do you know if Miss Feng has enough money?"

"What?" Feng Feng suddenly turned pale. "Wu Guodong, you didn't say it was only 30000 on the phone. How did it suddenly become 300000?"

The fat man named Wu Guodong chuckled a few times and then explained, "just on your way, he borrowed money from us several times and tried to turn it over. As a result, he lost all his money. The sum is this number."

After hearing what Wu Guodong said, Houfeng old man was also shocked. He quickly argued: "I didn't borrow so much. I only borrowed 30000 yuan. With the 30000 yuan lost in front of me, it was only 60000. You can't be so dishonest."

Wu Guodong said contemptuously: "old drunkard, it's true that you borrowed 30000 yuan, but it's a game with leverage. One to nine, you borrow 30000 yuan, and you play leverage game. If you lose all, that is 270000 yuan. If you add 30000 yuan in front of you, it will be 300000."

Feng Feng a listen, almost did not faint, Feng old man is also shocked.

"I know you don't have so much money," Wu Guodong said thoughtfully. "I'm not in a hurry to ask Miss Feng to pay back the money. Otherwise, I'll have a dinner with Miss Feng tonight, and we'll have a good discussion."


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