Urban Superboy

Chapter 390

(the seventh more)

Cao Yue ignored the old man Feng and took Wu Pang Zi up. He asked fiercely, "how did you deal with those who didn't pay back the money before?"

Wu shuddered, and finally replied cautiously: "send someone to their house to collect debts, and then go to their house to eat and drink and smash their things."

"What else?"

Wu felt that he met a psychopath today, but he couldn't beat him, and his gun was robbed. He had to give in: "there is It's binding people, or forcing their women to sleep with them like today. "

Cao Yue slapped Wu again: "this is a bit like the black she meeting. But when you talk like a babe, how can you look like a boss? "

He felt that he had lived for more than 30 years, and he had never been so cowardly and aggrieved as he is today.

In the past, he had no tears and no tears when he was injured and hospitalized with his brother and others.

"I can teach you a way to hang him up and give him no food for three days and three nights," Cao Yue pointed to old man Feng, "and then put a bowl of braised pork under his nose, or other delicious food, but just don't let him eat it to see when he can resist. Or cut off one of his hands or feet. He can't die anyway. Well, there's another way to put him in a sack and sink him into the pond, and add a few stones to the sack so that it won't float up. "

Wu shuddered and almost bit his tongue off.

This young man is really cruel. He can't dare to do this, or the people who cover him will also attack him.

Feng old man was scared of legs are soft, he cried and cried: "son in law, I was wrong, you let me off this time, I dare not bet again. Daughter, please ask your boyfriend to save me. I will change it. I will never gamble or drink any more. I will find a job and be a good person. For the sake of your mother's death, you can save dad's life. Please

Cao Yue's suggestion just now scared him to death.

If you sink the pond with sacks and stone, isn't that going to kill him directly?

Although he lives very decadent, but he does not want to die, still want to live a few years.

Cao Yue is ignore, and want to open the Feng Feng made a look, but also slightly shake his head.

Feng Feng finally realized that Cao Yue was deliberately doing it. He just wanted her father to have a long memory and teach him a good lesson, so he didn't open his mouth.

Cao Yue patted the fat man's face, and said with a smile, "old man Feng will be handed over to you. As for how you deal with him, I don't care. Today, if you are bullied by me, you can retaliate against him. As I said just now, it's OK to sink in a sack or beat him up. Anyway, he owes you money and brings you trouble. "

"Brother, no way, Mr. Feng, take it away. I won't leave him or trouble him. Brother, please," Wu pleaded and grabbed Cao Yue's arm. "Brother, please take him away. I don't dare to embarrass him. Please."

Cao Yue broke away from Wu Pang's hand and went to Fengfeng. He put his arm around her shoulder: "sister, let's go. You can take the money to pay the bill first, and pay back all the debts. The extra money is put as dowry by yourself. Don't worry about your father. This fat man will be a good host."

Feng old man burst into tears. He knelt down in front of Fengfeng and begged, "Feng, please help dad. Please ask your boyfriend to take me away from here. I promise that I will never gamble again. If you bet again, I'll be dead in front of your mother's grave. Don't worry, son-in-law. I will do what I say. I'll find a job and be a good man, so that Feng won't worry. "

Cao more ignore, holding Feng Feng's shoulder, "go, you will treat me to lunch for a while."

"Brother, please take him away. I don't dare to cheat him to gamble any more. If he dares to come again, I will let someone drive him away. No, I'm not going to open any more casinos. I'm going to have a fresh start. Big brother, I have a card with one million in it. The password is 132312. It's a little hard work for me to respect you. Please do not leave Mr. Feng here. He has an injury. Please take him to treatment

"If you don't like this, the more difficult it is for me to frown."

"Yes, yes, yes," Wu said quickly, but immediately slapped himself. "No, big brother, what I said is that you must take Mr. Feng away today. We dare not keep him here."

Said, respectfully in the hands of the bank card.

Cao Yue conveniently took over the bank card, and then chuckled mysteriously to Wu Pang: "brother fat has a plan."

Wu's companion son was sweating again and shook his head quickly: "elder brother, I don't mean that. I really want to compensate you for some hard work expenses, as well as the medical expenses and mental loss expenses of Mr. Feng."

"Don't play tricks with me, you can't play mine," Cao Yue said, throwing the bank card in his hand.The thin bank card flew up at a very fast speed and flew to the ceiling, cutting the line of the chandelier directly.

After losing its support, the large chandelier fell to the ground with a crash, splashing a pile of dust. The fragments of the chandelier also scattered all over the room, which shocked Wu Pang Tzu, old man Feng, Feng Feng, and the two men who had recovered but pretended to be dead on the ground.

Is Cao Yue's skill too terrible? With a bank card, you can break the rope of the chandelier.

Is it a legendary martial arts master?

"Since the fat brother must not leave Feng old man here, then I will not force it," Cao Yue said, and took Feng Feng's hand. "Sister, we are not welcome here. Let's go."

Feng Feng nodded obediently and let Cao take her hand.

Cao Yue didn't forget to put up the bag of money with at least two million yuan, and then rushed to Wu Pang Tzu, who stood up to see him off, with a friendly smile, "brother fat, I'll buy you a drink in two days."

Wu Pang Tzu, who thought he could breathe a sigh of relief and sent the God of plague away, heard Cao Yue say that, his legs suddenly softened, and he quickly waved his hand: "brother, I don't dare to be, I don't dare to be. Big brother is a noble man. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Go ahead with your own business and leave us alone. "

"Since fat brother doesn't give face, I'm not forced to," Cao Yue walked two steps, aiming at the gun on the table, and suddenly raised his foot. The heavy table was kicked up by him for a certain distance, and the gun on the table also flew. Cao Yue let go of Fengfeng's hand, flew up and kicked the gun.

The pistol smashed into the wall with a terrifying crash and broke into a mass of parts.

In Wu pangzi's and two other men's gaping, Cao Yue carries the money bag, takes Feng Feng's hand, and walks out of the room.

Old man Feng quickly followed, for fear of falling behind.


this is the end of today's update. Tomorrow, Monday will be another day.

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