Urban Superboy

Chapter 611

Cao Yue originally thought that when he returned to Hangzhou this time, he could relax for a few days, go to class without thinking about anything, and then talk about love and love with the women, or do something about it.

In a few days, with Zheng Han, she will be brought to his relatives as a girlfriend to celebrate the birthday of grandma Xu Li.

But unexpectedly, just arrived in Hangzhou, received an accident report.

The situation is butterfly told him.

A group of members of the "Tianci mercenary regiment" suddenly left Europe for Asia. Their destination is unknown, and they are likely to come to China.

According to internal reports, the Tianci mercenary regiment should have received a huge reward, and the destination of their mission can be basically determined to be Huaxia. If there is no mistake in the interior, it should be Cao Yue.

"As far as we know, the Lee family in South Korea has been looking for opportunities for revenge, but they have not paid enough reward, so no one has taken up the task. This time, the assassin's website put up a list of 200 million US dollars, which was finally accepted. We suspect that the Li family of South Korea is the one who is on the list, and the one who receives the order is the Tianci mercenary group. "

This time, butterfly didn't like to say a word more than before. She said the situation in detail and didn't hang up immediately.

After listening to Cao Yue, he immediately knew the seriousness of the matter.

"Where are they now?" Cao asked butterfly calmly.

"We should arrive in Japan tomorrow, maybe transfer at Narita Airport in Tokyo or transfer to another traffic."

"My idea is to kill them in Japan and not allow them to set foot on the land of China," Cao Yue told butterfly his thoughts after only 10 seconds.

"I think so too," said butterfly in a calm voice. "The captain is still thinking about it. Otherwise, you will come to Yanjing immediately."

"Good," Cao agreed without any hesitation, "I'll take the nearest flight to Yanjing, and you'll meet me at the airport."

"I understand!"

after hanging up the phone, Cao Yue called Zheng Han and told him that he would go to Yanjing immediately, and said that he might not be contacted in these days.

After hearing this, Zheng Han felt very nervous. However, she surprisingly didn't ask Cao Yue what to do. She just reminded Cao Yue to pay attention to safety with a trembling voice. She waited for him to return safely, and then went to Yanjing to celebrate her grandmother's birthday.

Zheng Han's rational and sensible, let Cao Yue very pleased.

On the way to the airport, he sent a message to Zhang Xiaobei, Fengfeng, Xu Fei and Tong Weiwei, saying that he had an emergency to go out, so don't contact him for the time being. After sending a message, he turned off his mobile phone.

After arriving at the airport, it happened that a flight was going to carry out the flight mission from Xiaoshan to Yanjing. Cao Yue publicly used his concealed identity for the first time and got on the plane without buying a ticket.

When the beautiful stewardess led him to first class, she looked at him excitedly: "Sir, I saw you on TV."

"Miss, are you mistaken?" This time, Cao Yue boarded the plane and didn't register his identity information, so the stewardess didn't know about him. The more Cao didn't want to reveal his identity, he wanted to muddle through.

"I like watching historical TV dramas. I also attended the audition for the drama group of" Romance of the Tang Dynasty ", but I didn't make it," the beautiful stewardess said with regret. "I know you are Cao Yue, the male number one. Can you sign me?"

I didn't expect to be recognized by the beautiful stewardess. Cao Yue couldn't help crying and laughing, but he didn't refuse at last. He signed his name on the book handed over by the stewardess and promised her to send her a still photo of himself when it was convenient.

Along the way, the beautiful stewardess took good care of Cao Yue. In her spare time, she asked Cao Yue to help her family. She not only told Cao Yue all her information, but also invited Cao Yue to have dinner together after arriving in Yanjing.

The beautiful stewardess were so enthusiastic and active that Cao Yue couldn't help crying and laughing. In the end, he refused the other party's active invitation. He said to the stewardess that he would wait until the next time he was free. Anyway, he often went to Yanjing.

Cao Yue didn't appreciate it. The beautiful stewardess was very sorry, but she finally got Cao Yue's phone number and micro signal with her persistence and tenderness, and jotted it down happily.

"Mr. Cao, please call me and send me a message when you are free. Remember, I'll treat you to dinner when you are free. I must appreciate it." When Cao Yue got off the plane, the beautiful stewardess said goodbye to him.

The other several beautiful stewardesses were envious and envious.

They serve in the economic warehouse, and they have no chance to deal with Cao Yue, who is sitting in the first class warehouse. It's a pity.

This episode on the flight made Cao Yue in a better mood. He didn't feel disappointed even when he saw butterfly and her beautiful face which was always cold in public.

"Xiaodie, I haven't seen you for a few days. It's beautiful again," he said with a joke after he got on the bus.

Butterfly just coldly horizontal he one eye, and then said a let Cao more spit blood words: "tonight, you owe me all make up, maybe this mission we have no chance to come back alive."

"Butterfly, how can you say that?" Cao was more angry and put his hand on her leg and pinched it, "how can we be helped by the Tianci mercenary group? Why don't we keep our physical strength before the operation, and I'll stay with you for a few days after we come back"Not so good!" butterfly refused. "Just this evening, I have arranged your accommodation. I'll pay you back if you owe me. Maybe if you do well, I have enough energy and I can match you better. "

"Butterfly, how can you do this?" The more Cao couldn't laugh or cry, he saw the flattering eyes of the beautiful stewardess on the plane. He said, "how can women and women differ so much?"

Butterfly is driving a military Hummer, her driving habits and her personality are the same, very aggressive. Fortunately, Cao Yue is used to her temperament. After getting on the car, she also ties up the safety belt and grabs the roof of the car with his hands. Otherwise, she must be thrown out of the car.

Others want more than an hour's drive, butterfly only took less than half an hour to get there. I didn't know how many times I ran the red light and the police car chased after her many times. But the military license car, the traffic police also dare not to deal with, not to mention butterfly all the way to double jump.

Soon, they came to the secret base on the outskirts of the city.

Butterfly's car, without exception, was stopped by the sentry.

While the sentry was checking his ID card, Cao Yue untied his seat belt, jumped out of the car and greedily looked at the familiar scenery in front of him.

He left for a long time, and now he comes back, everything is still so familiar, even he can smell the familiar smell of gunpowder in the air, which makes his blood boil.

However, he also knows that this time he is only coming back temporarily, and he will still leave in the future.

Hidden dragon is a past tense in his life. His career as a special soldier is over.

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