Urban Superboy

Chapter 724

Finally, Nie Qing was drunk.

Cao Yue didn't drink, not because he didn't want to drink with Nie Qing, but because he knew that he couldn't drink under the current situation.

Alcohol and smoke, will anesthetize nerves, weaken a person's judgment, under special circumstances, the smell of wine and smoke will bring great trouble.

For special soldiers like them, drinking and smoking are taboos. Few people will be infected with these bad habits. They are more unlikely to touch these things when they are performing tasks or in critical situations. At most, they can play with them when they are celebrating.

Two days ago, he made a great stir in Yanjing. No one knows whether those people will take revenge. He can't be careless. He must keep sober, or there may be trouble.

He has to keep his spirit at the top.

In many novels, the urban special forces always talk about cigarettes and drink a few bottles of liquor easily. That's just a way of pretending to force them. Real special forces soldiers can't indulge themselves in this way when they have a mission or deep crisis.

Otherwise, capsizing in the gutter is a high probability event.

Cao Yue believes that some people have noticed that he and Nie Qing have come out for dinner today. Some people are watching them. How could he not be vigilant?

Therefore, when he clinks a cup with Nie Qing, he uses his own dexterity to pour out all the wine in the cup.

Nie Qing emotional excitement, drink more, attention also decreased, and did not find his small movements.

Nie Qing's wine is still good. After drinking too much, he didn't do too much. He didn't take off his clothes and take off his skirt. He held the people on the edge of the room and touched them. He just fell asleep on the dining table, which made Cao more and more disappointed.

Seeing Nie Qing like this, Cao Yue only shakes his head and laughs bitterly.

"Aunt, let's go back!" he patted Nie Qing on the shoulder, but Nie Qing did not respond.

In fact, he would like to know what happened between Nie Qing and this man before, but he still didn't know, otherwise he would be more blocked in his heart.

Some of the dishes that have not been finished and taste good, Cao Yue asked the waiter to make a bag. Nie Qing didn't eat too much food in the evening. After a while, she could warm up and let her eat.

After settling the account, Cao Yue helped Nie Qing with one hand and left the hotel with the other hand and got on the car.

After helping Nie Qing to lie down in the back seat, Cao Yue also took a taxi and drove to Nie Qing's residence.

To his surprise, not far from the hotel, the car he was driving was stopped by the police.

It was a drunk driver.

Nie Qing drank too much wine, and there was a smell of wine in the car. When he was stopped by the police and Cao Yue opened the window, the police smelled a strong smell of wine.

The policeman saluted Cao Yue and said, "Sir, please show me your driver's license and driving license. Besides, you are suspected of drunk driving. Please get out of the car to cooperate with our inspection."

"What do you mean?" Cao Yue looks a little unfriendly. Nie Qing has a special license plate.

In other words, this is the license plate of the privileged class. Under normal circumstances, the police will not stop them.

Today, the police stopped their car and suspected that they were suspected of drunk driving. Cao Yue suddenly thought that someone might take the opportunity to make trouble for them.

He didn't want to be superior to the ordinary people with his own privileges, but he also did not want to be harassed by the police because some people "looked after him".

"Sir, please cooperate with our inspection, or we will take enforcement measures." The police saluted again.

Cao Yue took aim not far from his eyes, several cameras were all facing them, and he understood more clearly what was going on.

After a sneer, he handed his driving license and driving license from Nie Qing's bag to the police.

The policeman looked at the driver's license and then looked at the driver's license. He jerked involuntarily at the corners of his mouth, which was a little embarrassed. However, he insisted on asking Cao Yue to get out of the car and cooperate with them in the inspection.

"Blow a breath," another policeman on the side took an alcohol measuring instrument and asked Cao Yue to blow.

Cao more and more stare, a face nervous two policemen, also didn't say what, very cooperate ground blow gas.

Several cameras immediately surrounded, as well as the law enforcement recorder of the traffic police system, aimed at the police and the blowing Cao Yue.

The instrument showed that the alcohol content of Cao Yue's gas was zero.

The result made the two policemen look at each other in awe, and surprised several reporters who were going to interview.

"Sir, please follow us to the hospital for blood test. The results of the breath test may not be accurate," the police still did not let Cao Yue go. After saluting him, he motioned to get on the police car and take blood for alcohol test in the hospital.

"Do you want to make trouble for me, or do you suspect that I drink and drive?" Cao Yue's cold eyes fixed on the two policemen in front of him, "this is the detection equipment you provided. Now the test result is that the alcohol value is zero, that is, I did not drink. But you don't believe the test results provided by your own equipment. If you want to let me, who didn't drink a drop of wine, go to the hospital to take blood for alcohol test. Who asked you to do this? It is suspected that there is something wrong with the instrument. Why not correct it and then come out to enforce the law? Where is your professionalism? ""We smell alcohol on you!" the policeman who stopped the car argued stiffly.

, "I can smell that you have a woman's perfume. Can you think you raped?"


"If you happen to fart and it stinks, can I say you ate shit?"


"My friend is drunk, I sent her home, I did not drink a drop of wine, your instrument test results are the same, if you entangle again, is deliberately difficult." Cao Yue said, and then coldly stare at the two policemen around him, "I remember your police number, will complain to your superior. You will soon know what the price of revenge will be at the behest of others. "

Cao Yue said, but also ignored the frightened two policemen, Gu walked back to the car and drove away.

The police did not dare to stop him and watched him drive away.

After Cao Yue drove away, the policeman who had just stopped the car, dodged the camera, reporters and his colleagues, went to a quiet place, took out his mobile phone and made a phone call.

He said that he was suspected of drinking alcohol in the hospital. He had no way to bring alcohol to the hospital

"How could it be? How can his blood alcohol concentration be zero when he drinks a bottle of 53 degree liquor

"Maybe he didn't drink. Although there was alcohol in the car, his breath didn't smell when he spoke. Judging from our experience, he didn't drink."

"That's his luck."

"Captain, that He said that he would complain to us. He seems to know that we deliberately make trouble for him and ask you to... "

"I see," the phone hung up immediately.

At this time, Cao Yue has already driven the car, returned to Nie Qing's residence.

Nie Qing is still drunk, sleep very dead, Cao Yue called a few also did not wake her up.

He had to pick up Nie Qing and go upstairs.

Nie Qing struggled in the car for several times, and her clothes were not in order. When Cao hugged her, her clothes were crowded together and her chest opened. The more Cao lowered her head a little, he could see the rolling mountains and gullies.

Seeing Nie Qing's attractive appearance, Cao Yue's anger just now disappeared, instead of his body's "anger"

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