Urban Superboy

Chapter 755

(the 13th watch)

"this proposal is not good," Cao Yue immediately shook his head and refused, "which girl should be chosen to be more convenient."

Look at their eyes, how can Cao Yue not know what heart these women press.

If he lay down as a model, when the victim, these women will certainly take advantage of the opportunity to practice, take advantage of him.

For the sake of embarrassment, it's better to let the girl lie down as a model.

Cao Yue thought of Xiaomei, Mo Wenlin's little secretary.

Let Xiaomei be a model. It's convenient for women to practice. It's also convenient for a man like Mo Wenlin to practice. Anyway, they must often do shady things.

When there is a secretary to do, there is nothing to do with a secretary. This is the truth that we all understand. The title of female secretary has become another meaning.

Who knows, Cao Yue just proposed to let Xiaomei be a model, and immediately met with the opposition of most people.

"Younger brother, Xiaomei is so thin and doesn't know the first aid knowledge. We are worried that she will be damaged. She does not know how to cooperate," said Tong Weiwei, the first one who objected.

Nie Qing also objected: "it's not suitable for a woman to be a model. We all know that these two protrusions are too troublesome. Especially for a plump person like Xiaobei, you may not find the connection between the two breasts. You'd better be Xiaoyue. Your body is strong, and even if we press harder, there will be no problem. "

Zhang Xiaobei, who has never said a word, did not expect Nie Qing to talk about her, and immediately blushed.

But at the same time, he was a little proud.

Whether it is Zheng Han, or Tong Weiwei, Xu Fei, and Cao Yue walk a little close to these women, plump degree is not as good as her.

Nie Qing's plumpness is almost the same as her. Fang Binbin is the only one who is fuller than her.

Breast fullness is one of the proud capital of a woman. Zhang Xiaobei wants to straighten her chest and let everyone, especially Cao Yue, see her outstanding features. However, in the face of so many people's attention, she still shrinks her chest and lowers her head and dare not say anything.

"What Nieyi said," Chen Shuang, who was originally watching the excitement, immediately echoed: "it's really inconvenient to be a model because of too many ups and downs on women's bodies. Let's not worry about crushing your bones."

"This is not good," Cao Yue quickly shook his head. "I am sure I will guide you on the edge to see if you have done something wrong, so as to correct it at any time."

Seeing everyone's refusal, Mo Wenlin raised his hand high and volunteered, "I'll be a model for you."

"No," all the women except Xiaomei objected.

"Why?" Just still quite excited Mo Wenlin, suddenly withered, "why can't I?"

"People say no is no, there is no reason," Nie Qing said strongly, "let Cao Yue be a model."

"You are not strong. We are afraid to crush you."

"And you smoke, you have bad breath."

Mo Wenlin wronged want to cry, this is discrimination, naked discrimination, too hit people.

But almost all the women objected to it. Even his secret and lover didn't seem to support it. He had to stand aside in dismay and not express his opinion.

"OK, OK, I'll be a model." Cao Yue knew that he was doomed to be raped by these women. Now he could only promise, "I'll tell you the main points first."

All the people looked at Cao Yue with their attentive eyes.

"It's easy to drown in summer, just like Tong Weiwei the day before yesterday, when she accidentally drowned and half died," seeing Tong Weiwei hear this, she showed her angry eyes, and Cao Yue quickly skipped. "How can I learn how to swim? I have already said the day before yesterday. If you still want to learn, I can continue to teach you tomorrow.

The problem now is that many people drown, and so do some good swimmers. If you drown, the first time to rescue, the drowning hope of survival is great, even no sequelae. So are other patients, like some heart diseases. I believe that many people have elderly people in their families. Learning CPR may save their families' lives. Now, let me talk about the essentials of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Cao Yue also explained the main points of cardiopulmonary resuscitation:

after finding that the patient is not breathing autonomously and has no pulse, clear the foreign body in nose and throat at the first time, open the airway, and then prepare for chest compression.

During chest compression, make sure that the patient is lying on his back on the ground. Place the palm root of one hand on the center of the patient's chest and on the lower half of the sternum, which is the middle of the connecting line between the two breasts. Place the palm root of the other hand on the first hand and keep the fingers away from the chest wall. When pressing, both elbows must be straightened, and the joint should not be bent. Press vertically and forcefully, about twice a second. The depth of pressing should be at least 3cm. After each pressing, the chest should be fully restored.

Then artificial respiration, every 30 times of pressing, do artificial respiration twice, each time blowing time should not be less than one second.

Continue in this manner until the patient returns to spontaneous heartbeat and breathing.

If one person can't support it because of physical strength, immediately change another person to press.Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is very physical.

Cao Yue said it again. Afraid that these people would not understand, he looked at the crowd and asked, "do you want me to demonstrate it again? Who's going to model? "

"I'll do it!" Chen Shuang volunteered to raise her hand.

She raised her hand, and no one else grabbed her.

So she lay down on the bed.

Cao Yue also examined her chest and mouth with a very "professional" eye, and then demonstrated the content just now under the gaze of the public.

Check her breathing and pulse, pull her head back to open the airway, and then compare her hands between her high breasts, and then start pressing.

Chen shuangchang is actually quite plump. I don't know whether it's because men massage too much, or it's born like this. When Cao Yue presses for her, his hand inevitably touches her peak, which makes her feel a little embarrassed.

Under the gaze of so many people, it must be a little embarrassed to touch sensitive parts of a woman's body.

Fortunately, there was no one to remind me of this, and everyone watched with great concentration.

After 30 times of pressing, he took artificial respiration, but Cao Yue didn't talk to Chen Shuang. He just made a demonstration of the mouth shape.

And then they ask, "do you understand?"

"Got it!" this is the voice of a woman who doesn't want Cao Yue to have mouth to mouth contact with other women.

"I don't understand. You didn't demonstrate artificial respiration well." this is Xiaomei's voice. She was watching the opera and wanted to see how Cao Yue and these women do intimate actions.

However, her opinion was ignored by everyone.

"All right, everybody can see it. Let's start practicing." Cao Yue said, let Chen Shuang get up and lie down, "who comes first."

"I'll come first," Tong Weiwei volunteered to stand out. "I was nearly drowned the day before yesterday. I need to learn. Let me demonstrate it first."

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