Urban Superboy

Chapter 771

("if I meet another man who makes me love me, maybe I will go to his bed," Tong Weiwei looked at Cao Yue with a smile, "so don't be proud of the fact that I've changed from a girl to a woman today. I just don't want to give my first time to different men."

"It's like alms," Cao said with disdain. "I really miss you."

Tong Weiwei didn't think so. She squinted and asked Cao Yue, "do you think I'll be a woman with water in the future?"

"Who knows? Any slut, at the beginning, is a pure little girl, but with the growth of age, it changes. Ah, how can you pinch me! "

with that, Cao glared at Tong Weiwei angrily. The woman pinched him hard on his waist, and she twisted up a large piece of meat.

"You look like a resentful woman," Tong Weiwei had a proud smile on her face. "Do you think you have mistaken me? I thought I was pure and clean, but I didn't think I was so open-minded? "

Cao Yue did not speak, neither denied nor admitted.

"I'm just telling the truth," Tong Weiwei sighed. "I'm good at a rich family. I see more men and women. I don't believe you don't have similar views."

Cao Yue said nothing, but this time he admitted that Tong Weiwei's words were correct.

"However, I have a high vision. For so many years, you are the only one who has been in my eye. There is no one who is better than you, and it is hard to see a man who is similar to you. I don't know if there will be a better man than you

With that, Tong Weiwei sighed, "you've been in bed with a lot of women. I'm just one of you. I'm not a bed. I'm a car. The first time it was a car. It's funny. It's a deep memory. If there is a better man than you appear, then my life can have other men, can also have sex with other men. If not, you will be hanged from your tree. "

"Hello, Tong Weiwei, don't make yourself so unbearable," Cao Yue became angry again. "I'm not a tree, I'm a human being. Besides, there are more excellent men in the world than I am. If you like other men, just go to bed

"Don't you mind?" Tong Weiwei said, regardless of Cao Yue in the car, salivated to lean over, but also on his face kiss.

"No problem. The man you're sleeping with will be castrated." The more angry Cao replied.

"Cluck, cluck," Tong Weiwei laughs like a little hen who steals a fox by accident, "so you will be jealous. Hee hee, I like to see you jealous. Next time you snub me or make me angry, I will seduce other men and make you jealous

"I said," Tong Weiwei, you have become a woman from a girl, how can your thoughts be sublimated? What a beautiful iceberg beauty used to be, she didn't talk much. She never said things that were not suitable for children. Today, she has become a woman, and she doesn't want to say anything? I'm not ashamed to say anything. " Cao Yue looked down on his face.

But Tong Weiwei didn't care at all: "you are my man. In front of my own man, why do you have to put on a bad face, say what you want to say, laugh and cry if you want, why are you so tired? I've been very tired in front of others. We've all done such things. It's so boring to pretend to be cold in front of you. "

"So your cool, gorgeous and noble is a fake?" Cao Yue is a little speechless.

"Just pretending to be used to it." Tong Weiwei did not deny it.

"Well, I'm defeated by you," Cao Yue said, and he shut his mouth.

But Tong Weiwei still did not stop talking, as if there were endless words in her stomach. She kept talking to Cao Yue about the past, her thoughts, her happiness and anger, and her future thoughts.

Cao Yue doesn't interrupt, at most just a few hum, but Tong Weiwei doesn't care at all. What she said is delicious.

Really don't say, listen to Tong Weiwei said so much, Cao Yue know more about her.

"An honest girl, dare to love and hate," Cao Yue came to a new conclusion.

When the car returned to the shooting base, it was already two o'clock in the evening.

At least dozens of police and armed police were on guard at the scene of the crime and the shooting base. Cao Yue's car was stopped at a long distance.

After a brief inquiry, they were released.

Originally, the accommodation of the main actors of the crew was arranged in a small town nearby, where the living conditions were better, but today's incident happened, Cao Yue went to Dongning again, afraid of an accident. Zheng Han and others slept in the tent of the shooting base, and a large number of police protected their safety.

Wang Jianmin, the local police chief, did not leave and remained at the scene.

When Cao Yue heard about it, he came back immediately.

"Cao Da Shao, is Miss Tong's injury OK?"

"OK," Cao Yue truthfully replied, "it's just a small wound. After treatment, it should be basically OK."

"I don't know about the people around Cao Dashao. How is the interrogation going?" Wang asked carefully.

He still remembers the killer who was taken away by Cao Yue's men. If the killer can be handed over to the police, the case can be finished quickly, or it will be delayed for a long time."When you get up tomorrow morning, you will definitely have an explanation," Cao Yue believes in the interrogation methods of butterflies, monkeys and the people around them, as well as their efficiency and ability.

When he was in the hospital just now, he tried to contact butterfly, but he didn't.

There may be two things that can't be contacted: one is butterfly. They ask for useful information, and then they start to take action to arrest other criminals; another is that they are in an accident.

The possibility of the second result is very small, which is basically the first one.

The people who came to assassinate them could not have only two killers, but there must be other people to take care of them. The more convinced Cao was, the more certain he was.

As long as the captured man gives an account of the situation, butterfly and monkey will surely act immediately to hunt down or destroy those people.

The more Cao knows butterfly's temperament, if the action is very difficult, she will tell him and let him participate in the action.

If the difficulty is not big, the woman will certainly act on her own and will not let him do it. This is her pride.

Hearing Cao Yue say so, Wang Jianmin is also relieved, "I hope this serious case can be solved as soon as possible. By the way, Director Fu is here. He has just fallen asleep. Do you want to wake him up? Before he went to bed, he told him to wake him up if you came back or something important happened

Cao no longer has to go to bed this evening

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