Ma Tenghui's eyes were cracking, and he roared at Su Fan through the gourd.

But Su Fan's face didn't change at all, and he swept out again with a volley.

"Father! Save me!"

In the air, there was the fearful voice of Ma Tenghui's elder son.

But soon this voice was completely overwhelmed by the harsh sound of swords!


A big head whirled and shot high above the sky, hitting the surface of Yangxin Gourd with a thud.

"No, Ruoer!"

There were painful tears in Ma Tenghui's eyes. He was totally unwilling to believe what he saw.

His most important eldest son was separated from him like this in an instant!

"Ma Tenghui, if you don't come out to confess your guilt, I will kill all your people one by one, and see how long you can endure!"

Su Fan sneered and threatened, the Heaven Punishment Sword in his hand exuded a chilling edge.

Since Ma Tenghui was hiding in the gourd and couldn't come out, then he let the other party know what is the end of not guilty.

At this moment, the traction glow from the mouth of the gourd dragged a group of Ma family members into the air.

Su Fan saw it and cut out again with a sword. The sword light was like a sickle for cutting wheat, and cut the horse family members together!

"Little beast, this patriarch wants to destroy your nine clans!"

Seeing another tribe dying tragically in Su Fan's hands, Ma Tenghui shouted frantically again.

"Sorry, I was born without father and mother!"

Su Fan faintly replied, his wrist flicked again, and several sword qi slipped down, killing all the hundreds of Ma family members who had drawn up.

Unsurprisingly, Ma Tenghui shouted again, but no matter how crazy he screamed, Su Fan was still not disturbed. Those of the horse family who will rise from the ground are slaughtered as animals.

Maybe it was because he felt that his words could not interfere with Su Fan, Ma Tenghui had to give up the idea of ​​taking all the Ma family away, and controlled Yangxin Gourd to leave the city directly.

He felt that Su Fan was going to punish his own crime anyway, as long as he stayed away from Brother City, then Su Fan would definitely not slaughter his people again.

But unfortunately, Ma Tenghui didn't know that this was just his wishful thinking.

Su Fan was determined to destroy the Ma Family this time. Whether Ma Tenghui left or not, he would completely wipe out the Ma Family.

As the hauling sun disappeared, the Ma family members fell to the ground one after another.

At this moment, there are still about three hundred remaining members of the Ma family. They all looked at the Yangxin Gourd that began to lift off and departed, and they all shouted in despair: "My family wait a minute, please don't abandon us!"

They thought that when Ma Tenghui heard what they said, he would drop Yangxin Gourd again.

However, the truth of the matter is that the heart-raising gourd flew higher and faster, faster and faster, and soon disappeared in the clouds.

Su Fan was about to rush to the sky to chase him. At this moment, Cao Qinglai rushed over with five hundred elites from the Brotherhood.

"Subordinates pay homage to the lord!"

When they saw Su Fan floating in the air, they first showed an expression of envy, and then they saluted Su Fanyao.

"Cao Qinglai, Ma Tenghui killed hundreds of thousands of people in the city and ran away. I am going to chase him. These horses are all accomplices. You execute them directly. In addition, all the wealth of the horses should be seized on the spot. Confiscated!"

Su Fan ordered Cao Qinglai that the Ma family had a great influence in the brother city. Since he was going to destroy the Ma family, all hopes for the Ma family's rise must be choked to death.

People, he wants to kill all! Fortune, he wants to rob him!

"Yes, please follow the command of the lord!"

Cao Qinglai is an absolute supporter of Su Fan. Facing this order from Su Fan, he didn't even think about it, so he took his command!

And this is why Su Fan asked Cao Qing to deal with the matter. Among the three principal elders, only Cao Qinglai was the one who made Su Fan the most assured.

After Su Fan gave the order, he immediately chased in the direction where Yangxin Gourd flew away.

After Su Fan left, Cao Qinglai directly ordered all exits of the Ma family to be blocked, and then asked his subordinates to rush the remaining Ma family members together and carry out a brutal slaughter and execution!

"Ah! Cao Qing, we won't let you go as a ghost!"

"Cao Qing, you and Su Fan will get retribution sooner or later!"

"It's not that you don't report, the time has not come, Cao Qing comes, you won't be happy for long!"

Before they died, the Ma family sent out a vicious curse to Cao Qinglai. In the blood of the sky, a wave of resentment surrounded the Ma family for a long time!

After the incident, Cao Qinglai ordered people to bury the bodies of the Ma family members in a hurry, and transport all the treasures in the Ma family back to the treasure house of the Brotherhood.

"Haha, the old man was worried about not having too much operating funds before, but now he has copied a Ma's family, and he has money in an instant!"

After counting all the confiscated treasures, Cao Qinglai smiled openly.

Ma Jia is a big family that has passed on for several epochs. The wealth of the family has been accumulated over the years, and it has reached a quite astonishing number.

After checking the Ma’s family, the current operating funds of the entire Brotherhood became more abundant in an instant.


The words are divided into two parts, just when Cao Qinglai led the brothers and allies and looted property in the Ma family.

In the high sky outside Brother City, Su Fan had already caught up with Yangxin Calabash.


Su Fan pierced the Heaven Punishment Sword again, and the tip of the sword pierced the surface of Yangxin Gourd. The seventy-two defensive formations were triggered, and Su Fan's Heaven Punishment Sword was instantly blocked back.

"Su Fan, even if you stabbed ten thousand swords, you can't help the patriarch!"

On the surface of Yangxin Gourd, the image of Ma Tenghui was reflected, and Su Fan saw that the other party was staring at him with hatred.

"Haha, old fellow, I was just playing with you just now, do you really think I can't break the defensive formation outside this gourd?"

Su Fan suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. He actually let Ma Tenghui leave on purpose just now.

After all, if he improves his combat power again, the internal defense barrier of Brother City may be broken by him instantly.

At that time, the energy that Su Fan exploded will definitely destroy the entire city into ruins!

But now the situation is different, they are far from Brother City.

And in this case, Su Fan can take action without any scruples!

Ma Tenghui thought that as long as he escaped from Brother City, Su Fan would have nothing to do with him.

But as everyone knows, he only needs to spend time with Su Fan in Brother City to get a chance to survive.

And now he took the initiative to run out of the city, and his only end was ten deaths and no life!

At this time, Ma Tenghui couldn't help but change his face when he heard Su Fan's words.

He thought to himself, could Su Fan really have a way to immediately cleave the surface formation group of Yangxin Gourd?

"Father, you don't want to listen to Su Fan's nonsense, Yihai'er sees that he is just being alarmist here!"

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