Valkyrie Destruction System

Chapter 1595: Humoxian's decision

"Road King, you can go!"

Su Fan looked down at Lu Ruocheng and said with a smile: "Don't keep kneeling on the ground, I tell you, if this person kneels for a long time, he will be servile. You must know that you are a king, how can you keep bowing to me? ?"

After speaking, Su Fan and the brothers all laughed.

Then, he took away the Destruction Sword Soul that had been threatening Lu Ruocheng’s life, and said loudly to everyone in the Brotherhood: "Brothers, it’s time to enter the town to divide the money. By the way, don’t forget to thank Lu King for his hospitality. Without him, we wouldn't be able to earn this money!"

"Thank you for the gift from King Lu!"

"Lord of the road, don't worry, we will definitely make the best use of the money!"

"Lord Road, don't keep kneeling, you are our great benefactor!"

Everyone in the Brotherhood League followed Su Fan towards the town. When passing by Lu Ruocheng, everyone did not forget to laugh at him.

And when Bei Chenhao saw this scene, he also showed an expression of convincing.

He looked at Su Fan's back and sighed: "I thought that after 30,000 years, I would still be able to lead the Beichen clan to plot the world again, but I didn't expect that this world would have such an amazing figure as Su Fan!"

"It seems that the era that belongs to me is finally over!"

At this time, the small group that followed Bei Chenhao came over.

"Old ancestor, how are you talking with the leader of Nasu? Is he willing to help the Beichen clan to regain all the northern territory?"

In the team, a weakly crowned teenager with a white face, with a hopeful expression, asked Bei Chenhao.

This boy was named Beichen Muyun, the youngest son of the current emperor of the Beichen royal family.

Beichen Muyun's cultivation base is very weak, only at the level of the Soul Emperor.

If this kind of cultivation is placed in the dynasty, it would be considered a genius.

However, in this enchanting Jiuhuan Mountain, Beichen Muyun can only become the last existence.

And if it wasn't for Bei Chenhao to bring him over in the space saintly artifact.

This Beichen Muyun probably didn't even pass the first mountain change.

Looking at Bei Chen Mu Yun’s clear eyes, Bei Chenhao sighed in his heart, but smiled on his face: "Don’t worry, my ancestor has already got on the line with Su League leader this time, and my ancestor can see it too. He didn't mean to refuse us. I believe that after we enter the town, and then contact him more, he is definitely willing to send troops to help our Beichen clan!"

After finishing speaking, Bei Chenhao couldn't help but laughed. He now claims to be an ancestor, and he has become more and more fluent.

Although he has lived in the jiyuan coffin for 30,000 years, in fact, Bei Chenhao is not very old, only in his early 200s.

And this age, if placed in the current era, would definitely be called an extremely outstanding genius on the Soul Heaven Continent.

After all, even the so-called Holy Lord Ye Feiyang was not as young as Bei Chenhao when he became the Holy King of the Nine Tribulations.

"Really? Great!"

After Beichen Muyun heard the white lies of his ancestors, he couldn’t be more excited: “Then let’s go to town now. If this matter can be negotiated, then not only Beijiang, we may still have a chance to enter the middle region. !"

"Well, little prince, let's go to town now!"

Bei Chenhao smiled bitterly, and probably only a teenager like Beichen Muyun could speak such innocent words.

Ask Su Fan for help?

How could it be possible, if the other party had more courage, he could almost swallow the entire Beichen clan.

This is simply looking for a tiger's skin.

Of course, Bei Chenhao didn't want to see Beichen Muyun's disappointed expression.

Although he understands that Su Fan is very dangerous, he still intends to discuss this issue with Su Fan after entering Qunying Town.

See if it is possible to get a little material help from the opponent without affecting the Beichen family's dominant position.

As long as Su Fan does not send anyone to intervene, there is still room for negotiation on everything.

After that, the group of Bei Chenhao also walked towards Qunying Town.

At this moment, only Lu Ruocheng and Wen Taiming were left on the road leading to Qunying Town.

Wen Taiming had already stood up.

He came to Lu Ruocheng and said cautiously: "Master Lu, don't kneel here, they are all gone!"

However, Lu Ruocheng seemed to have heard nothing, and still knelt there motionless.

"My lord... it's time to go and pull!"

Wen Taiming saw it and thought he was speaking too quietly, so he raised the volume again.


Unexpectedly, a burst of energy burst from Lu Ruocheng's body, and Wen Taiming was directly lifted away!

"It's all you trash, which made me ashamed. I really want to slap you to death!"

Lu Ruocheng stood up angrily and took a fierce look at Wen Taiming.

He really wanted to end Wen Taiming's life directly, but if he did so, it would be the same as the 10 million sacred crystals he had spent, which had been lost.

Of course, as a king, Lu Ruocheng does not lack these tens of millions of holy crystals.

What he lacks now is face, because his face is basically wiped out by Su Fan.

Wen Taiming's ten million is his last little face.

Therefore, even though he wanted to kill Wen Taiming, he had to consider his ridiculous dignity.

"Su Fan, I will definitely kill you!"

Lu Ruocheng looked up to the sky and screamed loudly, so that everyone in Qunying Town could hear clearly.

At this moment, the Brotherhood and a group of people, led by Su Fan, found a fairly spacious open space in the town, and stopped temporarily.

At this moment, they heard the roar from Lu Ruocheng in the distance.

"This man is so courageous, he even dared to threaten to kill our lord!"

"Haha, but he was kneeling on the ground just now begging the lord for mercy!"

"Poor fellow, I'm afraid he won't be able to stand up straight from now on!"


The cultivators of the Brotherhood all laughed, and Jia Wuzeng led a few people to distribute money among the crowd.

Just now, from those more than 100 demigods, hundreds of millions of holy crystals were obtained.

Su Fan still gave himself a big head of this money, and all the rest was distributed to the monks below.

"Leader Su!"

At this moment, Hu Mozhen passed through the crowd and squeezed to Su Fan's side, and solemnly said: "I have decided. I will always follow you in the next trip."

"Ha ha!"

Su Fan smiled and was not surprised, because he had expected Hu Moxun to make such a choice.

Of course, Humokong's choice has nothing to do with money.

Although Humochan had allocated ten million sacred crystals this time, what he wanted more was the recognition of the world!

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